Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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Christmas shopping

Yesterday,I actually managed to get my Christmas shopping done.At 9:15,I left the house.Fifteen minutes later,I hopped onto a city bus and began the long journey to Sacramento's premier shopping destination(where I had done my Christmas shopping the past 3 years),the Arden Fair Mall.But first,I had to make a pit stop.At about 10:55,I got off the bus across from a Walgreens(^^;;) about a half-mile away.I bought a couple of gift-bags to store my dad's and my sister's presents.Afterwords,I decided to check if a nearby(about another quarter mile walk)comic shop called Empire Comics.In past visits to that comic shop,they've had a good selection of anime novelties,but their inconsistent operating hours(i.e.,not opening until noon or later)leave a lot to be desired.And yesterday was no exception:the sign said "will return at 2."When I complained to a couple owners of adjacent storefronts,they actually agreed.At 11:35,I boarded another bus and then arrived at Arden Fair about 10 minutes later.I spent about 3½ hours looking for my dad's and sister's gifts,but it wasn't until I entered the Virgin Megastore when I found what I was looking for.When browsing in the anime video section,I stumbled into the first 2 Magic Knight Rayearth videos.Not only were they subbed,they were priced the same as the dubbed:$25 a piece.And unlike Viz(2 episodes a tape for most titles)Anime Works packs 4 episodes a tape for both dubbed and subbed versions.I decided to take a chance on them.At 3:30,I was done and ready to go home.The next #23 bus was 5 minutes away supposedly,but RT's buses are rarely on time;and thanks to heavy holiday traffic,there was no exception:The bus I boarded was 15-20 minutes late and it would run about a half-hour behind schedule when it arrived at the Sunrise Mall but transfer point(not far from my house)at about 5pm.I got home 15 minutes later.And the management of the Rite Aid where I work got desperate in my absence(on my lone day off of the week,no less),because I got a phone message asking if was able to come in from 5-10pm.And it wasn't until 5:20pm when I played the message!o_O Considering that I've been grinched A LOT this past month(i.e.,schedule cuts that have dented my checking account),it was a miricale I got ANY X-mas shopping done.Well,the next three days(which I work all 3)are going to be nightmarish;and I gotta get eat and get ready for work(tonight:5-10:30pm--;;;).BTW,I gave my new digital camera(which I got in October for a mere $60) a test drive.That's all for now.

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