- Mon, 23:59: RT @Vote_CNP: This doesn't have to be either/or. The US/Russia can both be dangerous rampaging war mad empires at the same time. What Bid…
- Mon, 23:59: RT @Vote_CNP: The world we think we live on is already gone. The world we will see in our lifetimes absent dramatic action immediately will…
- Mon, 23:59: RT @Vote_CNP: The problem is that they own both the parties that run DC.
- Mon, 23:59: RT @NatashaBertrand: AP journalists say they were being hunted down by Russia in Mariupol. "They had a list of names, including ours, and t…
- Tue, 00:00: RT @Vote_CNP: Know your medium...
- Tue, 00:00: RT @Vote_CNP: Right this is the sort of stuff that happens when you systemically under fund education for a few decades & it will be hel…
- Tue, 00:00: RT @gbrockell: Not only an enslaver, but a founder of the American Colonization Society, which wanted Black people born in the US to be sen…
- Tue, 00:00: RT @gbrockell: I don’t have a SoundCloud but I wrote more about it here: https://t.co/omyZy5IAwo
- Tue, 00:00: RT @Vote_CNP: The politics of controlling women's bodies is one of the great tragedies of our era. Women have never enjoyed equality in Am…
- Tue, 00:00: RT @karenkho: a reminder again: if you want spring stuff like bikes, ebikes, roller blades/skates, and related items, it's better to order…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @Vote_CNP: The world we think we live on is already gone. If we want to avoid a "hell on earth" world in our lifetimes we must take tran…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @Vote_CNP: 🤩
- Tue, 00:01: RT @youknowkempa: This is a lie. The anti-homeless mimosa brunch being put on by John and his hateful allies this Saturday has been reloca…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @AlisonB916: Los Angeles didn’t report COVID cases today—probably technical problems. Cuba had 786 cases and 0 deaths.
- Tue, 00:01: RT @CelovskyDanny: What a really good simple idea. Want trees for profit? Grow them yourself and then harvest them. Leave the rest of…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: This is what it is like to deal with a student loan servicer. I'm sharing my experience because I think people should know wh…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: It's hard to trust a system where one mistake or bad customer service by these servicers can drastically affect your budget,…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: On Dec. 15, 2021 I tried to call my loan servicer customer service # to ask questions I could not find answers to on any of t…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: Dec. 15, I called and stayed on hold for 1.5 hours, eventually gave up, and pressed 1 to "hold my place in line for a call ba…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: One week later I realized I never got a call back. I checked my servicer's twitter mentions and saw tons of angry tweets by p…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: Jan. 3, 2022 the student loan repayment freeze was extended to May 2022. Figured I would still keep trying to contact them so…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: Jan. 18, 2022 I emailed them again asking the same questions and more. Note that the only way to email is through a portal on…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: Jan. 19, 2022 they responded to my email from Dec. 15, 2021 and did not answer those questions, but rather explained to me wh…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: Never got a response to the Jan. 18 email. 9/13
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: Feb. 23, 2022 I got a notice that my servicer would no longer service my loans and that I would receive a message from a new…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: Feb. 28, 2022 I called the U.S. Department of Education Ombudsman Group to ask what to do after receiving no answers from my…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: March 21, 2022 and I am waiting to hear from my new servicer. The repayment freeze should be extended because 1) there's a lo…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @WeissAng: We should cancel student debt. If we don't do that, then we at least should completely redo the current loan repayment system…
- Tue, 00:01: RT @AlisonB916: Tenants in California seeking rent relief must apply by March 31.
- Tue, 00:01: RT @AlisonB916: To find the program for your city/county, go to the link below. Unfortunately a lot of the programs are out of money. But c…
- Tue, 00:02: RT @BarryHunt008: BA2 is here. It’s reported to be 40% more contagious than BA1, arguably the most contagious virus in modern human history…
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: For international comrades on the banning of parties in Ukraine. Thread
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: Unfortunately, the war intensifies authoritarian and nationalist tendencies in Ukraine. But while this move needs to be crit…
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: Left parties that are not pro-Russian have not been banned.
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: At the same time,all these parties are fragments of the Communist party of Soviet Union,and after the collapse of the USSR t…
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: For the past seven years, they have had no political influence and no threat to the government. It is not clear why they wer…
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: At the same time, the list of banned parties is larger than the ones you mentioned. It also includes some of the more influe…
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: Another interesting point: among the banned parties is the OPZZh, the largest pro-Russian party in Ukraine. One of its leade…
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: But many members of the party have condemned Russia's aggression and refused to cooperate with Russians in the occupied citi…
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: Our organization Sotsialnyi Rukh is preparing a statement in this regard
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: Racist election campaign of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine Natalia Vitrenko https://t.co/efszBwMFDv
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: Statement of Sotsialnyi Rukh https://t.co/UH2cg1ZPwl
- Tue, 00:02: RT @ahatanhel: https://t.co/mbvaPJTQQE
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: BREAKING: Five people are on the roof of the Raytheon facility in Cambridge, MA. Raytheon's parking garage has also bee…
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: LIVE UPDATE: The 5 people on the roof have locked to each other. We are not going anywhere.
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: https://t.co/ZMgoyBlwja
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: https://t.co/W9nznV2PKz
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: https://t.co/qcaO9XSx8x
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: https://t.co/Qjn9P5t1yY
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: police are on the roof; our friends are still chanting https://t.co/tv56885DG3
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: https://t.co/Z3HVm9OOP6
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: Police are in three different huddles. Raytheon employees are in another huddle. We are telling them all to quit their…
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: Local bakery @iggysbakery just brought protesters breakfast. Thank you!! Cambridge hates Raytheon!
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: Cambridge police are beginning to try to extract our friends, and are blocking what they're doing, after one friend sai…
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: At least 20 officers and a dog on the roof. Tax dollars, baby!!
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: They are still trying to extract our friends. They've set up curtains (including our banner) to block all lines of sigh…
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: Our friends have been removed from the roof and arrested. We love them.
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: You can donate to our partner organization's (@fangcollective) bail fund to help out friends get out asap: https://t.co…
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: URGENT: Our friends are being denied their rights and being intimidated in jail. Please call the Cambridge police at 61…
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: we are on our way to get our sweet friends out of jail
- Tue, 00:03: RT @resist_abolish: at the cambridge police station holy shit https://t.co/k4Tqx98baN
- Tue, 00:03: RT @RonPlacone: Super interesting chat w/ @SabbySabs2 today on all things Higher Ed! Check it>>> https://t.co/7QwUkZIylm https://t.co/kV1Ze…
- Tue, 00:03: RT @AnarkoRefusenik: When I moved from Turkey to the US, I was shocked at the similarities. Culturally and politically. If you think there’…
- Tue, 00:03: RT @Vote_CNP: How is America working for you? #FreeTheBear #VoteCNP
- Tue, 00:03: RT @Vote_CNP: Love it. What are ways you have responded to ignorant people getting mad that you are still working hard to protect your fri…
- Tue, 00:03: RT @Vote_CNP: We need to boycott Texas until they stop hunting trans kids. Texas is a dystopian nightmare for poor folks anyway, but now t…
- Tue, 00:04: RT @leucinedreams: If Mr. Лавров is listening, may I make a request that they obliterate student loans as a first target?
- Tue, 00:04: RT @caity4council: I love knocking on doors during golden poppy season! What a beautiful day. https://t.co/Y4EkQT1ViE
- Tue, 00:04: RT @DeificDragon: @RonFilipkowski As a Texan: THERE'S NO SOUTHERN BORDER CRISIS. NONE. NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT.
- Tue, 00:04: RT @SamanthaCorbin: One of my team members was just chased up K street by someone clearly having a mental health crisis. It’s 11:30 am on a…
- Tue, 00:04: RT @LauraMiers: Those of us who were personally disabled by Covid or have loved ones who died or were disabled by Covid are all aware the w…
- Tue, 00:04: RT @Vote_CNP: Once the far-right starts policing gender… no one is safe. #BoycottTexas #BoycottIdaho
- Tue, 00:04: RT @newsroomkimarie: Well, it happened. Tried to take my daughter out in a public place with our KN95 masks on. She’s 3. She’s unvaccinated…
- Tue, 00:04: RT @Vote_CNP: Never forget.
- Tue, 00:04: RT @RebeccaforWA: The fact that there are tent cities in 2022 on top of old tent cities from 1932 indicates the problem is systemic and can…
- Tue, 00:04: RT @VyvyMets: It doesn't matter how little you care about protecting immunocompromised people. If you don't mask in indoor public places, y…
- Tue, 00:04: RT @Vote_CNP: What a strange reality we live in. #MaskUp because the life you save might be your own!
- Tue, 00:04: RT @BNODesk: UK reports 226,524 new coronavirus cases for a 3-day period, up 32% from last week. Number in hospital up 22%, reaching 14,948
- Tue, 00:04: RT @mdotacevedo: https://t.co/O1PeGvg6dq
- Tue, 00:04: RT @mdotacevedo: putting this story here for no reason at all https://t.co/dcXx4bmFeX
- Tue, 00:04: RT @Vote_CNP: Right, no nation born out of war, slavery, and genocide should celebrate its founders. The number of good enslavers is exact…
- Tue, 00:04: RT @wa_climate: A must-watch from @bradpettitt asking WA Parliament WHY there is silence on climate action in the face of major #climate ev…
- Tue, 00:05: RT @AmirAminiMD: Karl Marx was a German philosopher and economist. If you’re looking for a dangerous Russian-born philosopher who inspire…
- Tue, 00:05: RT @misskatiecharm: The cheapest fucking single room hovel on the west coast costs $1500 a month - and landlords demand you make 3x the ren…
- Tue, 00:05: RT @Vote_CNP: Walmart doesn't just have inexpensive goods, it also creates huge amounts of poverty for its workers!
- Tue, 00:05: RT @DrAlakbarov: Have you been vaccinated for COVID-19?
- Tue, 00:05: RT @IAPonomarenko: Imagine a thunderstorm coming closer to the place you are in right now. Loud thunder keeps roaring, on and on, for hours…
- Tue, 00:05: RT @Vazquez4CA52: We should have more public defender's on judicial benches, from the #SCOTUS to our federal district, state, and local cou…
- Tue, 00:05: RT @RealEdDept: Student loans should be understood as class warfare, a theft from future generations to line the pockets of the oligarchy t…
- Tue, 00:05: RT @RealEdDept: Student loan interest and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will continue to accumulate with mathematical certainty, but o…
- Tue, 00:05: RT @RealEdDept: To adapt to the coming severe climate change, we need a #GreenNewDeal to transform the USA. If this generation's educated m…
- Tue, 00:05: RT @RealEdDept: We are in student loan purgatory: every few months the student loan pause is extended but millions of Americans still have…
- Tue, 00:05: RT @tankiebot69420: It is Monday March 21, 2022, 21:30:01. The leading cause of bankruptcy in the US is still medical debt.
- Tue, 00:05: RT @JuliaDavisNews: Russian state TV Just Declared War on… Arnold Schwarzenegger: “ARNIE, YOU ARE A PREDATOR AND AN ENEMY.” https://t.co/A…
- Tue, 00:06: RT @Vote_CNP: How is America working for you?
- Tue, 00:06: RT @MeetJess: UK reports 226,524 new coronavirus cases for a 3-day period, up 32% from last week. Number in hospital up 22%, reaching 14,94…
- Tue, 00:06: RT @kayrosef: US sanctions are killing 175 newborns in Afghanistan every single day. And we have the nerve to pretend we care about human…
- Tue, 00:06: RT @kayrosef: Source: https://t.co/qVfkBTQEiT
- Tue, 00:06: RT @LibertyorNOTA22: Which is your preferred method of voting? Feel free to tweet us why!
- Tue, 00:06: RT @RioSlade: So many people are treating war like it's a team sport. War, much like political action, has become a spectator sport betwee…
- Tue, 00:06: RT @RioSlade: One of the things I truly liked about Star Trek Next Generation is how Picard routinely pushed back on fear based escalation.…
- Tue, 00:06: RT @RioSlade: And I think about how the US and NATO are never ones to ask these questions. China has. But NATO will take a goddam sneeze…
- Tue, 00:06: RT @RioSlade: The US and NATO are not good faith actors. They are not humanitarian organizations. They just consume and destroy while the…
- Tue, 00:06: RT @SholaMos1: Damn! Jamaica not mincing words “We see no reason to celebrate 70 years of the ascension of your grandmother to the British…
- Tue, 00:06: RT @NathanMackBrown: Shouldn’t nurses have their student debt eliminated after all this COVID hell they went through?
- Tue, 00:06: RT @Vote_CNP: This wave is going to be bad.
- Tue, 00:06: RT @Vote_CNP: We love to see the nation state in action. #FreeTheBear https://t.co/s9k7JPG1Rh
- Tue, 00:06: RT @RiggedTrueCrime: https://t.co/TbV6tosEiV
- Tue, 00:06: RT @Vote_CNP: An interesting show about what we must avoid as we negotiate the challenges ahead. Also, a good message on forming local sup…
- Tue, 00:06: RT @PeterGleick: Let me be the first to wish all of you Happy World Water Day. March 22nd. May your water always be pure, abundant, and flo…
- Tue, 00:07: RT @Vote_CNP: The mood.
- Tue, 00:07: RT @Vote_CNP: #MaskUp. Now is the time.
- Tue, 00:07: RT @AbiluTangwa: Deforestation is a threat to all forms of life. Ecocide is evil as it threatens the sustainable of our only habitable plan…
- Tue, 00:07: RT @butchanarchy: I see your “trans people don’t need to experience gender dysphoria in order to be trans” and raise you “you don’t need to…
- Tue, 00:07: RT @butchanarchy: Had a conversation with my mom the other day about how she felt about her short hair as it grew out after chemo and witho…
- Tue, 00:07: RT @butchanarchy: And you bet your ass that I will be bringing it up the next time she tries to make a crack about my hair/tattoos/clothes/…
- Tue, 00:07: RT @butchanarchy: Cis people feel aspects of gender dysphoria (even if at a lesser degree or intensity or frequency than many trans folks f…
- Tue, 00:07: RT @butchanarchy: The only significant difference between the gender dysphoria trans people feel and the gender dysphoria cis people feel i…
- Tue, 00:07: RT @butchanarchy: Cis people don’t need to do complicated thought experiments to understand trans people. All they need to do is just think…
- Tue, 00:07: RT @StrikeDebt: We are calling on the Biden administration to erase all federal student loan debt. Every dime.
- Tue, 00:07: RT @SamanthaCorbin: I hate war porn
- Tue, 00:07: RT @Vote_CNP: @Angel23Grey @hominigritz This doesn't have to be either/or. The US/Russia can both be dangerous rampaging war mad empires a…
- Tue, 00:07: RT @TheUSASingers: Gym Jordan sniffs sweaty singlets.
- Tue, 00:07: RT @GavinNewsom: Fighting crime means taking on illegal guns. Glad to stand with @RobBonta in this race.
- Tue, 00:07: RT @AngelaBelcamino: RETWEET if you loathe Jim Jordan cuz I want to follow you.
- Tue, 00:10: RT @Telegraph: 🔴 Vladimir Putin has been accused of “abducting and deporting” thousands of civilians from the besieged city of Mariupol. I…
- Tue, 00:10: RT @Telegraph: 🇺🇦 Ukrainian authorities alleged Russian forces had rounded up several thousand residents from the shattered port before sen…
- Tue, 00:10: RT @Telegraph: On Sunday night, Moscow gave Ukraine a deadline to surrender Mariupol as gun battles raged in the city centre. 🗣️The Russi…
- Tue, 00:10: RT @Telegraph: But on Sunday night Ukraine’s deputy prime minister Iryna Vereschuk said there was no question of surrendering Mariupol, the…
- Tue, 00:11: RT @Telegraph: 📺 Russian state media broadcast clips of hundreds of Ukrainians whom it said had been rescued and evacuated from Mariupol to…
- Tue, 00:11: RT @Telegraph: It came as Boris Johnson spoke on Sunday night with Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, to ask for “an assessment o…
- Tue, 00:11: RT @SusanaMounts: @Telegraph @ARobhere13 Putin always has wanted to take Ukraine and the world back to the days of Stalin, the Soviet Union…
- Tue, 00:11: RT @James_HamNBA: Good news for Kings, no structural damage to Domantas Sabonis’ knee. https://t.co/udUedFnF2G
- Tue, 00:11: RT @TimMaxwell22: It’s tanking time
- Tue, 00:12: RT @FCartoscelli3: That sound you just heard was the entire city of Sacramento collectively exhaling.
- Tue, 00:12: RT @StocktonKings: .@dameology is in the building 👑🙌 https://t.co/xDUn1a7ls9
- Tue, 00:12: RT @SFGiants: Photo Day 2022 🟠⚫️ https://t.co/SYSiWuijPn
- Tue, 00:12: RT @mattboyd48: Let’s Go! So grateful. Back in Black and Orange!
- Tue, 00:12: RT @NBCSGiants: "It's definitely weird without him." The Giants are still getting used to life at spring training without Buster Posey (vi…
- Tue, 00:12: RT @espn: Jamal Crawford shared a "Goodbye to the game" message on Twitter early Monday morning. A certified bucket on the court 😤 @JCross…
- Tue, 00:12: RT @Rendon63rd: @SenToniAtkins Congratulations @SenToniAtkins! So glad to have you as a partner in the fight for a better California.
- Tue, 00:13: RT @LorenaSGonzalez: Latinas are 20% of California’s population. Yet, we are severely unrepresented in government, law, business Ed’s & med…
- Tue, 00:13: RT @sfchronicle: While Garoppolo sits and waits, he comes to life daily on the iPad screen of a fledging professional artist in Portugal. V…
- Tue, 00:13: RT @latimes: A judge has ruled that former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and several other officials must testify in a civil trial over lead-co…
- Tue, 00:13: RT @latimes: Make this right, Oscars. https://t.co/8gRxgoZwUR
- Tue, 00:13: RT @SFBART: 🚨 Red line service between Richmond and Millbrae will be restored Tuesday!🚨 Red (Richmond-Millbrae) and Orange (Richmond-Berry…
- Tue, 00:13: RT @SFBART: Why 5-car trains? Train service through the area is currently drawing power from redundant substations in the system. The powe…
- Tue, 00:13: RT @SFBART: Crews are reconfiguring trains this evening with the goal of full Red line service when we open Tuesday morning. In the event…
- Tue, 00:13: RT @SFBART: BART will continue to run 5-car trains on both the Red and Orange lines while crews repair and ultimately replace the power cab…
- Tue, 00:13: RT @Caltrain: Lots of fun news this week! We wanted to thank you, the riders, for your patience as we continue prepping for the Electrifica…
- Tue, 00:13: RT @Caltrain: Offer applies to Day Pass, One-Way, Zone Upgrades. Good for Eligible Discounts on Youth and Seniors. *Excludes GoPass. Mor…
- Tue, 00:13: RT @rideact: @thewongmann Hi @thewongmann. On Twitter, Tempo did receive less votes. We host these polls on Twitter, Instagram, and Faceboo…
- Tue, 00:14: RT @Caltrain: The feedback we have received on this thread has been amazing. We appreciate those of you who have participated and the feedb…
- Tue, 00:14: RT @RapSheet: That’s an interesting one.
- Tue, 00:14: RT @MySportsUpdate: The #Giants are signing former #49ers and #Bills RB Matt Breida, per @JFowlerESPN. Follows Joe Schoen and Brian Daboll…
- Tue, 00:14: RT @ProFootballTalk: The 49ers are looking to move Jimmy Garoppolo. Where will he go and what will they get for him? https://t.co/lpUJjpiRK7
- Tue, 00:14: RT @NFL_DovKleiman: The #49ers have a trade offer worth two 2nd round draft picks for Jimmy Garoppolo but apparently John Lynch is looking…
- Tue, 00:14: RT @MikeGarafolo: DL Arden Key is headed for a visit with the #Lions today, source says. Coming off 6.5 sacks with the #49ers this past sea…