Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Sun, 22:45: RT @DrCSWilliam: Make an appointment to give blood or platelets as soon as possible by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting https:…
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @DrCSWilliam: The lack of blood poses a risk to patients around the United States in need of blood transfusions Type O-positive blood,…
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @Vote_CNP: Imagine all the tons of CO2 used to create all the products that are then destroyed because that’s cheaper than storing them.…
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @LeafLee6: I have never lived in a democracy I have always lived in the USA
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @Vote_CNP: How is America working for you?
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @denise_dewald: Previewing sleep clinic charts and seeing what people are going through with Covid is really hair raising. This is not a…
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @JeremyWard33: This is some excellent mf news ✊ https://t.co/CuIgib2u0q
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @Vote_CNP: How is America working for you? And an even better question… is it worth the 30% of your paycheck they take to fund their wa…
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @MathanCalifas: When the Democrats tell you they care about democracy and voting rights, they are lying. https://t.co/Um44Mm8GOz
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @TheMcKenziest: Covid causes changes to the brain and at least temporary inflammation to parts of it. None of us should ever have to "l…
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @Vote_CNP: There is no way forward with them.
  • Sun, 22:45: RT @Vote_CNP: Children may die... but that's a sacrifice the ruling class are willing to make to keep profits up!
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @laurenancona: “I don’t know any autistic people…” yes, you do I promise you do.
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @laurenancona: as of last month, CDC says 1:43 people and that still WAY low
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @laurenancona: you know how I know? • autism is diagnosed in 1 woman for every four men • there is no unbiased research indicating a r…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @laurenancona: (apologies for leaning so hard on gender binary to make that point)
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @laurenancona: part of the problem is the way autism in women is represented in media https://t.co/TyXATLHTjR
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @laurenancona: and all of the above doesn’t account for men and non-binary people that are also not textbook presentations of autism, du…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @laurenancona: *3:10 people that are sufficiently othered for their sensory experiences & information processing by social bigotry to qu…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @laurenancona: <whispering> autism isn’t real [ this is a test to see if you’re still reading 😈 ]
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @laurenancona: I haven’t even gotten to the white supremacy part yet! all of this rolls up to the idea that there is one “correct” neur…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @laurenancona: Don’t take my word for it https://t.co/h847XwENQ9
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @Vote_CNP: The reason we need a housing first approach is not just because shelters can be dangerous, it is also because we need solutio…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @deviIette: Anyways if you’re still vacationing to Hawaii, Puerto Rico or anywhere else in the global south during this ongoing pandemic…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @Vote_CNP: If you are ever the first person to like a comment from this account... I'll probably notice some typo your like makes me not…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @Vote_CNP: Picking between Coke and Diet Coke every two years and pretending that is democracy... is going about as well as one would ex…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @Vote_CNP: Opening schools during the #Omicron #Covid variant wave was an obvious/terrible mistake that sadly many children will pay for…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @scapelliti: If you’re a candidate for public office, make sure you know the vendors you hire and carefully read their contracts. Many…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @MathanCalifas: A friend who works as a union organizer for hospital support staff says 1/3 of the people cleaning the local hospital ar…
  • Sun, 22:46: RT @MathanCalifas: This is in rural Northern California. We are all fucked.
Tags: #49ers, #cli, #climatecrisis, #covid, #cowboys, #dallascow, #dontlookup, #facts, #fttb, #goniners, #nfl, #nflplayoffs, #omicron, #sfgiants, #superwildcard, #votec, twitter

  • My tweets

    Thu, 12:41: RT @ MirannLolani: Okay it’s a new day, I’m back. KINGS IN 7. 👑 Thu, 12:41: RT @ thatl0calguy: Kings in 7. Thu, 12:44: RT…

  • My tweets

    Thu, 10:35: RT @ samwlodawski: Finally, the woman who’s lies led to the death of Emmett Till, died. Normally, I feel bad when people die I…

  • My tweets

    Tue, 12:28: RT @ Scott_Wiener: 🧵We’re rolling out our state budget ask to avoid the fiscal cliff for CA transit systems: $5B over 5 years.…

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