Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Thu, 00:07: RT @RideSacRT: No service on Thursday, November 25, 2021 includes: ❌ No Causeway Connection bus service ❌ No Elk Grove bus service ❌ No Fo…
  • Thu, 00:07: RT @RideSacRT: The day after Thanksgiving, Friday, November 26, there is no service on Causeway Connection or Elk Grove ​Commuter buses. El…
  • Thu, 00:07: RT @UFCW8: #UnionMade in America #Thanksgiving When you buy #union, you're supporting good jobs in American communities, jobs that provide…
  • Thu, 00:07: RT @CAgovernor: Celebrate safer this holiday season — get vaccinated. All Californians 5+ are eligible — find a free walk-in clinic today.…
  • Thu, 00:08: RT @nowthisnews: A jury handed down a guilty verdict Wednesday for all three white men involved in the killing of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery…
  • Thu, 00:08: RT @nowthisnews: They’ve all been found guilty of felony murder, along with other charges, and face life in prison. All three have also bee…
  • Thu, 00:08: RT @nowthisnews: The video of the shooting of Arbery while he was jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, in 2020 caused national outrage.
  • Thu, 00:08: RT @tribelaw: Ahmaud Arbery can now Rest In Peace and in Power.
  • Thu, 00:08: RT @girlsreallyrule: Ahmaud Arbery lived from May 8, 1994, to February 23, 2020. His murderers were convicted on November 24, 2021. May he…
  • Thu, 00:08: RT @thehill: Ahmaud Arbery's mother on guilty verdict: "He will now rest in peace" https://t.co/XvF51WgNwT https://t.co/QcjyKMIxlk
  • Thu, 00:10: RT @ProFootballTalk: J.J. Watt will cover the funeral expenses of those killed in the Waukesha Christmas parade. https://t.co/vI6tiP0agY
  • Thu, 00:10: RT @sfchronicle: BREAKING: The jury in the trial of the three white men charged in Ahmaud Arbery’s slaying reached a verdict Wednesday afte…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @sfchronicle: UPDATE: Greg McMichael, the man who pursued Ahmaud Arbery with his son, has been convicted of murder. The conviction carr…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @latimes: Breaking: Three men were found guilty of felony murder in the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, whose killing helped fuel natio…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @latimes: Gregory McMichael, 65, his son, Travis McMichael, 35, & their neighbor, William “Roddie” Bryan Jr., 52, chased down Arbery in…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @latimes: They were also convicted of aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit a felony. The murder convic…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @latimes: The jury had to grapple with key questions: Why did the three men pursue Arbery as he ran through their predominantly white ne…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @latimes: It took jurors — 11 of them white and one Black in a county that is 27% Black — less than two days to reach their decision as…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @ABC7: Gusty and dry Santa Ana winds will bring increased risk of wildfires to Southern California and possible public safety power shut…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @NBCLA: Officials say a Florida man affiliated with the far-right Oath Keepers militia group has been arrested on charges related to sto…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @MattHaneySF: "Anyone who shops or stays downtown can ride Muni, BART, Caltrain, bikeshare, or the ferry for free." There, I fixed it.
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @MattHaneySF: I understand the goal is to get people to shop downtown & downtown is struggling. But the short term & long term support &…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @MattHaneySF: We proposed free Muni, vetoed. We want high speed rail, full restoration of Muni service, late night BART, citywide protec…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @MattHaneySF: Look around the world at thriving downtowns. Places you want to go shop, walk, sit, eat, enjoy, stay in hotels. These down…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @MattHaneySF: Of course, some people need to drive into downtown for a variety of reasons. The issue is whether or not people who ride t…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @SFBART: After days long search to nail this long-accepted origin story of the BART logo and falling short, we called up Mike Healy, aka…
  • Thu, 00:11: RT @SFBART: Healy says the "ba" BART logo was around long before the system -- and the Transbay Tube -- was opened. Per Healy, the "ba" w…
  • Thu, 00:12: RT @SFBART: Per reporting from @peterhartlaub, BART did not have an official logo until after 1970 -- two years before BART opened service.…
  • Thu, 00:12: RT @SFBART: The "ba" logo was around before 1970. First photo -- in a more Jetsons-like typography -- was from 1965. Second photo is from…
  • Thu, 00:12: RT @SFBART: You can arguably see the two circles overlap motif in the very early correspondence in our BARTD era We found this letterhead…
Tags: #49ers, #packers, #random49ers, #sfgiants, #snf, #thanksgiving, #union, #unionmade, #wallpaperwednesday, twitter

  • My tweets

    Thu, 12:41: RT @ MirannLolani: Okay it’s a new day, I’m back. KINGS IN 7. 👑 Thu, 12:41: RT @ thatl0calguy: Kings in 7. Thu, 12:44: RT…

  • My tweets

    Thu, 10:35: RT @ samwlodawski: Finally, the woman who’s lies led to the death of Emmett Till, died. Normally, I feel bad when people die I…

  • My tweets

    Tue, 12:28: RT @ Scott_Wiener: 🧵We’re rolling out our state budget ask to avoid the fiscal cliff for CA transit systems: $5B over 5 years.…

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