Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Sun, 23:38: RT @CascadiaDept: Man announces he'll quit drinking alcohol by 2050 We are so excited for his progress. "It's not realistic to transitio…
  • Sun, 23:38: RT @brianschatz: This infrastructure bill is way way better than the Trump one. Because it’s actually happening and not just a punchline on…
  • Sun, 23:38: RT @kylegriffin1: President Biden: "Finally, Infrastructure Week!"
  • Sun, 23:38: RT @clairecmc: And with last night’s vote this is going to continue to grow. Big Time. https://t.co/sP1X3cAICs
  • Sun, 23:38: RT @Amy_Siskind: Bring the Senate back @SenSchumer! WORK! Carve the filibuster like McConnell has done, and passing voting rights legisla…
  • Sun, 23:38: RT @Amy_Siskind: * pass
  • Sun, 23:38: RT @RBReich: So let me get this straight: When Democrats win there’s voter fraud, but when Republicans there’s no voter fraud?
  • Sun, 23:38: RT @TheUSASingers: Republicans have no clue what socialism is, but they sure as fuck know what fascism is.
  • Sun, 23:38: RT @shannonrwatts: If you’re a white male reporter, you have an obligation to make sure you’re not only quoting white men in your articles.…
  • Sun, 23:38: RT @mmpadellan: After all of the time the media and right wing spent trying to bury President Biden under a mountain of doom and gloom, we…
  • Mon, 00:21: RT @johnmyers: My expectations are that the CA redistricting commission has a lot of work ahead of it. So I’m taking off a few hours to att…
  • Mon, 00:21: RT @CAL_FIRE: Daylight saving time ended! When setting your clocks back also take the opportunity to check your smoke alarms. https://t.co/
  • Mon, 00:21: RT @NWSLosAngeles: Welcome to Standard Time! If you're sleeping hope you're enjoying your extra hour. We get to enjoy an extra hour of work…
  • Mon, 00:21: RT @LAist: Starting tomorrow, businesses including restaurants, gyms, beauty salons and more will require proof of vaccination. https://t.c…
  • Mon, 00:21: RT @lapublichealth: COVID-19 Daily Update: November 7, 2021 New Cases: 1,153 (1,502,676 to date) New Deaths: 10 (26,750 to date) Current Ho…
  • Mon, 00:22: RT @KNX1070: Starting Monday, anyone going to a shopping mall, theater, gym, or nail salon in Los Angeles must verify they are vaccinated.…
Tags: #vaxxholes, #yimby, twitter

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