Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Sun, 00:39: RT @Vote_CNP: As the #ClimateCrisis causes historically rapid & dangerous temperature changes, particularly in the far north, we can expect…
  • Sun, 00:39: RT @DanPriceSeattle: It's not just that Jeff Bezos pays $0 in taxes despite being worth $194 billion. He pays his workers so little that t…
  • Sun, 00:39: RT @LEMonman223: Privatization Works! 🙄🙄🙄
  • Sun, 00:39: RT @RealSteveCox: This is how it works: 1: Government institutes/enforces policies designed to oppress the majority to benefit the wealthy.…
  • Sun, 00:39: RT @muadhrezi: Student loan debt cancellation would be a huge boon for us all. For those with debt, the impact is clear. But even those wit…
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @coaimpaul: When Portugal decriminalised the use of all drugs in 2001, overdoses went from 350 a year to about 50 a year now. HIV infect…
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @KateCagle: Update: “they lied to me” Vietnam veteran Robert says @LASDHQ deputies dropped him off at the VA and left Wednesday. He sl…
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @Vote_CNP: This is partially a result of the #ClimateCrisis. We are going have some serious water supply problems, & sadly, terrible fi…
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @Vote_CNP: The periphery of the US system of control is starting to unravel. If it's that bad now, how will it be after the next big hu…
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @deviIette: SI NO TIENES LUZ EN PUERTO RICO PLS RT
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @Vote_CNP: Let's end this media narrative about how Joe Biden is something other than a huge disappointment to anyone who isn't Red MAGA…
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @KTLA: California has for several months recorded one of the lowest coronavirus infection rates in the country https://t.co/SJvZkiLBhZ
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @KTLA: Beginning Friday through June 17, residents who get vaccinated at Los Angeles County sites will have an opportunity to win a pair…
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @GavinNewsom: Get vaccinated by 6/15. Get tacos. Get queso. Get discounts. https://t.co/4wRHcSS9qu
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @GavinNewsom: TODAY’S $50,000 #VaxFTW WINNERS are from: Los Angeles Santa Clara Monterey Sacramento Alameda San Francisco Fresno San Die…
  • Sun, 00:40: RT @CaHSRA: 🚨 California and the Federal Government reach agreement—nearly $1 billion in funding returned to the high-speed rail project. 🚄…
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @CAgovernor: 📣 California is set to fully reopen on June 15 & pulling out all the stops to get more Californians vaccinated. 🎉 Check out…
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @LondonBreed: I'm proud to announce that today San Francisco became the first major American city with 80% of our eligible residents hav…
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @GavinNewsom: 🚨TACO-BOUT-A-DEAL🚨 @tacobell is giving away FREE DORITOS LOCOS TACOS on 6/15 for all vaccinated Californians! @ChipotleT
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @GavinNewsom: NEW: For the first time in over a year, CA’s #COVID19 hospitalizations have dipped UNDER 1,000 -- a massive feat for a pop…
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @GavinNewsom: Tune in to see if you’ve won $50,000!
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @CAgovernor: TUNE IN: With a #VaxFTW winner from last week, Governor Newsom will draw the next 15 winners of the $50K Fridays cash prize…
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @GavinNewsom: ❤️🧡💛💚💙
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @latimes: Long Beach replaces rainbow lifeguard tower, a symbol of pride, burned in suspected arson https://t.co/mjCeBAecwG
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @bradybuzz: "It is insulting to read his decision where he called the kind of weapon that killed my son akin to a pocket knife," -@ca_br
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @GavinNewsom: Weapons of war don’t belong on our streets. CA’s assault weapon ban has saved countless lives — we will do everything in…
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @GavinNewsom: Congrats Tony! We will be announcing more winners TOMORROW! Get vaxed, get cash. #VaxFTW
  • Sun, 00:41: RT @CAgovernor: California's 4.1 million small businesses are the lifeblood of our state. We continue to lead the nation in job creation, o…
  • Sun, 00:42: RT @PhilArballo: Devin Nunes is one of the worst House members in the entire country. Retweet if you agree.
  • Sun, 00:42: RT @NunesAlt: Remember that time @DevinNunes used $15k in campaign cash to buy Celtics tickets and suffered no consequences for it? As lo…
  • Sun, 00:42: RT @CREWcrew: Trump's DOJ tried to unmask a Twitter account mocking Devin Nunes. Think about that. https://t.co/KCvDWGWEGU
  • Sun, 00:42: RT @FearlessPAC: Retweet if you think an actual Cow would be a better Congressman than Devin Nunes. 🐮
  • Sun, 00:42: RT @Mosely4Congress: When most folks think of California Republicans, they think of Devin Nunes or Kevin McCarthy. I get that. But let’s no…
  • Sun, 00:42: RT @TheRickyDavila: Steven Mnuchin funneled $500B of PPP Covid relief loans, gave millions to himself, Kushner, Devin Nunes, Betsy DeVos, J…
  • Sun, 00:43: RT @TheUSASingers: I always forget about Devin Nunes until I see his name trending and then I’m reminded of what a pathetic cringeworthy tr…
  • Sun, 00:43: RT @CREWcrew: We can't believe we have to investigate the Department of Justice’s attempt to unmask a parody account mocking Devin Nunes, b…
  • Sun, 00:43: RT @PhilArballo: If you agree with me, help me send Devin Nunes home. Chip in $10 here. https://t.co/QusFwNqsU9
  • Sun, 00:43: RT @FearlessPAC: We need 18 more followers to hit our daily goal. Who’s going to join our mooooovement to replace Devin Nunes? 🐮
  • Sun, 00:43: RT @PhilArballo: We cannot lose our House majority to the GQP. Raise your hand if you’re ready to stop them.
  • Sun, 00:43: RT @PhilArballo: I’m Phil Arballo, and I’m running for Congress to keep our House majority. Donate here to support my campaign. https://t.…
  • Sun, 00:43: RT @cmclymer: Your friendly reminder that Tulsi Gabbard is anti-trans.
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @SethAbramson: (🆚) UPDATE: I've now added a significant update (including new photographs) to the BREAKING NEWS from last night about Do…
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @TheRickyDavila: I hope the new video of dangerous conspiracy theorist insurrectionist Alex Jones confessing to receiving orders from Ag…
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @Judson4Congress: The United States Senate was NOT created to ENHANCE Democracy for the many - it was created to protect the Inherited w…
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @joncoopertweets: Why has Alex Jones not been arrested?
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @TheUSASingers: Dear @FBI, Here’s a cool video of Alex Jones confessing that the 1/6 insurrection was a premeditated domestic terrorist…
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @ReallyAmerican1: Alex Jones belongs behind bars.
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @lindyli: People who deny that Sandy Hook happened, like Alex Jones or Marjorie Taylor Greene, should be banned from Twitter and ejected…
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @davidmweissman: Alex Jones is a domestic terrorist, full stop.
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @PalmerReport: Why hasn’t Alex Jones been arrested yet? No jury would convict him at this stage of the process. The Feds have to flip hi…
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @girlsreallyrule: Right-wing radio host Alex Jones is facing online calls for his arrest after social media users resurfaced the conspir…
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @vegix: Shouldn't Alex Jones be prosecuted for his role in the January 6th terrorist attack?
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @RzstProgramming: Lauren Boebert, who tweeted the location of Nancy Pelosi and gave Capitol tours prior to J6, is a huge fan of Alex Jon…
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @davidmweissman: Imagine being on the right and defending Alex Jones. Fool once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @BleedingMarine: Alex Jones and Joe Rogan trending. They must have both done something tremendously beneficial to humankind. Oh no, it’s…
  • Sun, 00:45: RT @osullivanauthor: Alex Jones is a disgrace of a human. Info Wars helped push the bullshit conspiracy theories that are everywhere these…
  • Sun, 00:46: RT @AlexandraChalup: Alex Jones is a Kremlin operative. From hundreds of appearances on Russian networks to running his own disinformation…
  • Sun, 00:46: RT @MeidasTouch: Trump appears unable to open his eyes or form a coherent sentence during the embarrassing Mike Lindell 'Frank' event. Sad.…
  • Sun, 00:46: RT @TeaPainUSA: This was easily the size of a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute band concert. https://t.co/mups0aEph9
  • Sun, 00:46: RT @davenewworld_2: Trump supporters in Wisconsin walk out on Mike Lindell in the middle of his rant https://t.co/mzumYocZtS
Tags: #49ers, #afootballlife, #climatecrisis, #covid19, #featuredroute, #padres, #resilientsf, #sfgiants, #vaxftw, twitter

  • My tweets

    Thu, 12:41: RT @ MirannLolani: Okay it’s a new day, I’m back. KINGS IN 7. 👑 Thu, 12:41: RT @ thatl0calguy: Kings in 7. Thu, 12:44: RT…

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    Thu, 10:35: RT @ samwlodawski: Finally, the woman who’s lies led to the death of Emmett Till, died. Normally, I feel bad when people die I…

  • My tweets

    Tue, 12:28: RT @ Scott_Wiener: 🧵We’re rolling out our state budget ask to avoid the fiscal cliff for CA transit systems: $5B over 5 years.…

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