- Fri, 13:08: RT @oXxRowanxXo: No. Governor Cuomo should definitely NOT resign until FULL independent investigation is completed. You guys have done thi…
- Fri, 13:08: RT @Kris_Sacrebleu: I haven’t commented a lot on the Andrew Cuomo subject because I didn’t know enough about it at the time, and, I still h…
- Fri, 13:08: RT @politvidchannel: Al Franken should have been senator Al Franken right now. no one should lose their livelihood over an unproven allega…
- Fri, 13:08: RT @davidmweissman: I get it. I’m new here because when I think that Dems holding our own accountable would raise the bar for Republicans,…
- Fri, 13:09: RT @sloyoroll01973: Are they shittin' me right now? The investigation isn't even finished. See this is how we lost Al Franken with holier t…
- Fri, 13:09: RT @AJDelgado13: Were Democrats hit on the head too many times? Al Franken... Katie Hill... You almost got rid of Joe Biden, even... Get…
- Fri, 13:09: RT @MusicWriter561: I'll get shit for this but why is Nadler telling Andrew Cuomo to resign? I don't like way Cuomo acted, but compared to…
- Fri, 13:09: RT @sawyervanhorn17: I am getting major Al Franken vibes from all this. The former guy had like 27 allegations. And ya know the bus tape or…
- Fri, 13:10: RT @RKJ65: Has anyone ever considered that maybe Al Franken doesn't want his case to be used as a straw man every time a Democrat is accuse…
- Fri, 13:10: RT @SDSunchaser: I agree. Let’s do the investigation first. It’s only fair. Don’t resign, Gov. Cuomo. We don’t need another Al Franken even…
- Fri, 13:10: RT @TrentCapelli: Oh the hypocritical responses from conservatives when you ask for people like Piers Morgan, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Tu…
- Fri, 13:11: RT @JCrongeyer: Of course the hit job on @NYGovCuomo is political. Trump needs a Governor there to pardon him. Republican hit piece worked…
- Fri, 13:11: RT @Amy_Siskind: Unpopular, or perhaps popular opinion among NY Democrats on Cuomo: I completely trust AG James to do a thorough investiga…
- Fri, 13:11: RT @Amy_Siskind: All these elected Dems had their shots. This doesn't impact them one bit! What is the rush on this? Due process? The GOP…
- Fri, 13:11: RT @Amy_Siskind: And for the record, I did not vote for him in the 2018 primary - I voted for Nixon, and would not vote for him if he survi…
- Fri, 13:12: RT @JoyAnnReid: Whitmer suggests double standard for Dem, GOP politicians on misconduct allegations https://t.co/Apx9JretOm via @politico
- Fri, 13:13: RT @sable227: @Kris_Sacrebleu I also think Al Franken was done dirty. That being said, there is a pattern which isn’t good. But I also wond…
- Fri, 13:13: RT @CharlesMBlow: There is growing asymmetry in the way Dems and Repubs respond to scandal: Dems, pursuing moral clarity and consistency, r…
- Fri, 13:13: RT @kylegriffin1: Gov. Cuomo: "I'm not going to resign."
- Fri, 13:13: RT @AliAdair22: @kylegriffin1 What happened to waiting for the investigation? Al Franken all over again.
- Fri, 13:13: RT @GottaWakeUpPlz: Al Franken was twice the Senator as any of the GOP cowards, liars, insurrectionists and seditionists. We got screwed…
- Fri, 13:14: RT @LovesPearlJam: Was politicians calling on trump to resign over all the sexual accusations? Good grief, look how Al Franken was treated.…
- Fri, 13:15: RT @GottaWakeUpPlz: Al Franken was moving upward in the Democratic party. I saw him as a presidential or VP contender. Beware of Trojan h…
- Fri, 14:30: RT @DanRather: If “Thank Trump” is trending on Twitter and he’s not there to see it, does it make a sound?
- Fri, 14:30: RT @BrianKarem: If you want to Thank Trump for anything POSITIVE, you can thank him for: 1. Losing a reelection. 2. Losing the GOP majority…
- Fri, 14:30: RT @ReallyAmerican1: Thank Trump for 500k dead. That's on him.
- Fri, 14:30: RT @maddenifico: Thank Trump? For what exactly? An intentional act of genocide? At what point does this Norman Vincent Peale "power of po…
- Fri, 14:30: RT @mmpadellan: Thank trump??? Pfft. F*ck trump.
- Fri, 14:31: RT @oXxRowanxXo: Sean Hannity says Biden should thank Trump. For what? 500K+ covid deaths? For downplaying a pandemic? For causing an ins…
- Fri, 14:31: RT @grantstern: Thank Trump for: - Republicans losing the House and Senate and White House in just four years for the first time since the…
- Fri, 14:31: RT @ChristopherHahn: The only thing Biden should Thank Trump for is the clear contrast. Biden is a compassionate leader who is getting t…
- Fri, 14:31: RT @StandForBetter: 📺Flashback Video Damn straight @chipfranklin we are glad to have President Biden! We can be thankful for Pfizer & Bide…
- Fri, 14:31: RT @ChrisJZullo: Don’t even try to tell me that with Donald Trump as president all Americans wold have been able to get a COVID vaccine by…
- Fri, 14:31: RT @santiagomayer_: Thank Trump? For what? 550,000 deaths?
- Fri, 14:31: RT @JRehling: New Zealand: 5 deaths per million people Australia: 35 deaths per million people United States: 1,63…
- Fri, 14:32: RT @johnlundin: I can’t believe we watched 4 years of our country being taken apart piece by piece. And just 50 days to rebuild it. Don't T…
- Fri, 14:32: RT @JRehling: Trump: The pandemic will be over on Easter 2020. Biden: The pandemic will be over on Fourth of July 2021. Hannity: Thank Trum…
- Fri, 14:32: RT @labyrinthweaver: I Thank Trump for calling Brad Raffensperger and leaving a perfect phone call record to help Trump's criminal persecut…
- Fri, 14:32: RT @bryanbehar: Hannity says Biden needs to thank Trump for the vaccine. Should he also thank him for Covid denial, maskless behavior, supe…
- Fri, 14:32: RT @AuthorKimberley: I want to thank Trump for being so awful, he lost in 2020.
- Fri, 14:32: RT @JakeLobin: Are we supposed to thank Trump for saying "it is what it is"? Are we supposed to thank Trump for being a racist birther? A…
- Fri, 14:32: RT @PattyArquette: Thank Trump for spurring on a angry mob who attacked our capitol. Smeared feces around and killed and injured cops.
- Fri, 14:32: RT @AmyAThatcher: Thank Trump? I'll thank him for cheating on his taxes because that's what's going to put his fucking ass in prison.
- Fri, 14:32: RT @DeanObeidallah: UNREAL: Republicans actually want President Biden to personally thank Trump for his work on Covid. First, Trump lied to…
- Fri, 14:33: RT @svdate: This is one thing Democrats can actually thank Trump for. https://t.co/y9QIOlpKty
- Fri, 14:33: RT @BlackKnight10k: When will President Biden thank Trump for giving Democrats the House, the Senate, and the Presidency? This guy has some…
- Fri, 14:33: RT @ReneeAlida: I don't Thank Trump for ANYTHING I do Thank God he's out of office.
- Fri, 14:33: RT @SteveRustad1: 4 American deaths in Benghazi. GOP outrage. 16 investigations. COVID deaths? 529,000. No GOP outrage, no investigati…
- Fri, 14:33: RT @BettyBowers: Thank Trump for being such a failure as both a human being and a president that he lost the House, Senate, and the Preside…
- Fri, 14:34: RT @grantstern: Gee, Brian Kilmeade found a really great way to Thank Trump by excusing him for the preventable #Covid19 deaths of half a m…
- Fri, 14:34: RT @stevesilberman: If you still don't have access to a vaccine, thank Trump, whose officials lobbied intensely to deny states funding for…
- Fri, 14:34: RT @sdr_medco: Thank Trump ? Fu*k Trump & lock his as* up!!
- Fri, 14:34: RT @ConcerndBassist: I'll "thank Trump" for staying the fuck out of our lives from now on. https://t.co/A6C3ZfPxU7
- Fri, 14:34: RT @ImSpeaking13: Thank Trump for leaving the United States like this https://t.co/jOemka8B9J
- Fri, 14:34: RT @StompTheGOP: Thank trump for what? Half a million dead Americans? Babies in cages? Weakening America, making us a mockery around the wo…
- Fri, 14:34: RT @chipfranklin: The only people who should thank Trump? Putin and funeral directors. https://t.co/SnlKFiUwmK
- Fri, 14:34: RT @tonyposnanski: Thank Trump is trending but I don’t think a racist birther fuckface deserves to be thanked for murdering over a half mil…
- Fri, 14:35: RT @reesetheone1: Donald Trump didn't thank Obama for a sub 5% unemployment economy when he took office so Biden shouldn't thank Trump Fo…
- Fri, 14:53: #AsISeeThings,#californians who #standwithGavinNewsom consider #BrianSicknick a true martyr and patriot,while #QAnons and #MAGAts trying to recall the governor view #DomesticTerrorists like #AshliBabbitt in high regard.#Istandwithgavinnewsom #WearAMask #NeverForgetJanuary6th
- Fri, 15:29: RT @LaraConnie: I stand with @GavinNewsom I voted for him and will vote against the recall if it comes to that! https://t.co/fZjFY9c478
- Fri, 15:29: RT @thatgrlrobbie: @BernieSanders @GavinNewsom I oppose the recall and stand with @GavinNewsom .
- Fri, 15:30: RT @DavisDemocrat: @sdut I Stand with Governor Gavin Newsom
- Fri, 15:30: RT @rjsanchez77: I stand with @GavinNewsom love our Governor! https://t.co/RbdgxPkDRZ
- Fri, 15:30: RT @TheSveed: Sadly I am familiar with some of them here in L.A., and they are the same ones that repeatedly broke the state/county rules d…
- Fri, 15:30: RT @DaveKeepsItReal: I actually agree with @BernieSanders. I STAND WITH GAVIN. #Newsom https://t.co/ktN8GL6EIY
- Fri, 15:30: RT @SacTownBarnbaum: @BernieSanders @GavinNewsom I stand with @SenSanders, and as a Californian, I move to OPPOSE the recall of Governor @G…
- Fri, 15:31: RT @ChristineMarya: we support @GavinNewsom stand with you! Tell us what you need. America will not tolerate Repugnican BS about COVID. A p…
- Fri, 15:40: RT @BlackKnight10k: Dementia Joe's in such bad shape that he's been in office for 2 whole months and completely forgot to go golfing. I'm w…
- Fri, 16:32: #gavinnewsomismygovernor and I am fighting tooth and nail to ensure the potential second #cagov recall of my lifetime ultimately falls short.Because #cagqp governors are always a #cureworsethanthedisease. #istandwithgavinnewsom #fighttherecall #WearAMask #californiaismyhome
- Fri, 16:36: RT @RepBera: I applaud the Biden Admin’s commitment to working with allies and partners in advancing our shared interests in the Indo-Pacif…
- Fri, 16:36: RT @RepBera: $1,400 relief checks will be getting to Americans starting this weekend! #AmericanRescuePlan
- Fri, 16:38: RT @3loudosboys: Exactly. #cagqp voters are so short sited and I’ll informed. Every catastrophic decision in CA is at the hands of a gqp re…
- Fri, 16:38: RT @DoctorRobin: @davincidiva @GavinNewsom Only an idiot would want to recall him, He has done a fantastic job on saving thousands of lives…
- Fri, 16:38: RT @dazzzlng: @DoctorRobin @davincidiva @GavinNewsom I agree. We are in the middle of a pandemic and they want to waste money and time on a…
- Fri, 16:38: RT @DoctorRobin: @dazzzlng @davincidiva @GavinNewsom I think most of these recall people are from out of state.
- Fri, 16:38: RT @caviabella2: @DoctorRobin @davincidiva @GavinNewsom The guy who tried to get me to sign the recall petition came up to me without a mas…
- Fri, 16:38: RT @DoctorRobin: @caviabella2 @davincidiva @GavinNewsom Smart Move! Thank-you! 😷
- Fri, 16:39: RT @suzmatic: @DoctorRobin @davincidiva @GavinNewsom I agree! They need to stop with this nonsense already.
- Fri, 16:39: RT @DoctorRobin: @davincidiva @dazzzlng @GavinNewsom Primarily anti-masker Californians, not the smartest in the pack!
- Fri, 16:39: RT @oski1977: Seems to me that the last recall was driven by the #CAGQP unhappy about power shortages driven by their investments in #Enron…
- Fri, 16:57: RT @PalmerReport: The people who think marijuana will kill you are the same people who think you don’t need a mask in a pandemic
- Fri, 17:26: RT @UFCW8: Labor Movement Fighting Anti-Asian Racism in All Forms The anti-Asian racism has skyrocketed during the coronavirus pandemic is…
- Fri, 17:26: RT @UFCW8: Does Eliminating Existing Sick Leave Benefits Jeopardize Public Safety? #RiteAid has chosen to eliminate existing sick leave be…
- Fri, 17:27: RT @PattyArquette: America when you get those checks, remember not 1 Republican voted for you to get them. Not one.
- Fri, 17:27: RT @CREWcrew: Big news: a judge just ruled that ICE cannot destroy records of sexual abuse and assault of detainees. We won!
- Fri, 17:27: RT @Vote_CNP: Does anyone have tips for how Californians not yet able to get vaccinated under the tier system can get #vaccinated in ways t…
- Fri, 17:27: RT @Vote_CNP: Our home, now and forever! #CaliforniaProud #CAProud https://t.co/q372mEdfpc
- Fri, 17:28: RT @CALFIRECZU: What it’s like driving through a wildfire at night #CZULightingComplex https://t.co/LdkZBBp1Eb
- Fri, 17:28: RT @Vote_CNP: We will never have enough water, so we need to learn to conserve it. Consider replacing your lawn with California native pla…
- Fri, 17:28: RT @3vrlasting4ngel: Muy basado
- Fri, 17:28: RT @Syzzix: @Vote_CNP leveraging an independence movement, even one that is an extreme longshot, is absolutely the right way for progressiv…
- Fri, 17:28: RT @zen4ever2us: Some people didn’t even get acknowledged so being erased isn’t even an option. Jeez. 🙄
- Fri, 17:28: RT @calclimateag: Investments in #HealthySoils are necessary for a #resilient & vibrant #California #agriculture sector - @climatecampaign…
- Fri, 17:28: RT @Vote_CNP: #BelieveSurvivors regardless of which team the powerful person abusing their power happens to be on. #MeToo is about stopping…
- Fri, 17:28: RT @benigma2017: We couldn't even get $2k checks but Cigna and Aetna are getting $40k for 6 months of giving people less than nothing.
- Fri, 17:28: RT @oni_blackstock: So the highest proportions (& absolute numbers) of ppl who who would decline a #COVID19 vaccine are *not* Black & Latin…
- Fri, 17:28: RT @abc7newsbayarea: State Farm to refund $400 million to California customers. Here's how much you can get https://t.co/DLVv1Kr9QQ
- Fri, 17:28: RT @Gritty20202: Imagine how much less police abuse there would be if settlements came out of their pensions.
- Fri, 17:28: RT @FarmwrkrJustice: The #California Senate Committee on Governmental Organization passed a bill to recognize Aug. 9 as #FarmworkerDay. Mar…
- Fri, 17:28: RT @nathanfletcher: We have now offered a 1st dose vaccine to all our teachers and school staff in SD County. This has us on path to comple…
- Fri, 17:28: RT @GavinNewsom: One year ago we made the tough choice to issue a stay at home order. We know this year hasn’t been easy. But hope is here…
- Fri, 17:29: RT @funder: At this point, NOT charging the former guy in Georgia would be criminal.
- Fri, 17:29: RT @EdanClay: If Gov. Cuomo is found to have done what he's accused of, then he needs to be gone. But if he's removed before he's investiga…
- Fri, 17:29: RT @RBReich: I’m tired of hearing about “personal freedom” to get others sick. What about the need for collective freedom from Covid?
- Fri, 17:29: RT @grantstern: Joe Biden is redeeming the Rose Garden today by restoring facts and decency to the space. #FridayFeeling
- Fri, 17:29: RT @bryanbehar: I’m old school. I remember when “cancel culture” was just called “stop being a dickhead.”
- Fri, 18:30: As of this moment,I'm at the midpoint of my #covid19vaccinations:I received the first half of my #modernavaccine 2 weeks ago and will be due for the second half 2 weeks from now.#VaccinesWork #VaccinesSaveLives #WearAMask #cancelnewsnation #idontwantcovid19 #istandwithgavinnewsom
- Fri, 18:32: RT @KatyVotingBlue: Cynthia Nixon? Why does America think TV stars are qualified to run governments? They are Actors. The more they ca…
- Fri, 18:32: RT @shannonrwatts: Thanks to science, Pfizer and President Biden, I’m not single but in two weeks I’ll be 97 percent ready to mingle. https…
- Fri, 18:33: RT @HuffmanForNC: I love this winning @potus. I won't get tired of it. Thanks President Joe Biden.
- Fri, 18:33: RT @johnpavlovitz: If the other guy and his cadre of ghouls are still in office, nothing would be showing up in anyone's direct deposit. T…
- Fri, 18:33: RT @SocialistBoomer: It takes an honest leftist to say “Thanks President Biden” when he does something good like sign this bill. I care a…
- Fri, 18:33: RT @JoeBiden: 85% of American households will get direct checks from the American Rescue Plan. For so many Americans, that means they can…
- Fri, 18:33: RT @POTUS: The American Rescue Plan’s $1,400 checks will start going out as early as this weekend. Here’s how folks plan to use theirs: htt…
- Fri, 21:56: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: George Floyd’s family settled a lawsuit against Minneapolis for $27 million over his death in police custody. I…
- Fri, 21:56: RT @StarTribune: Read the Minneapolis City Council motion on the record $27 million settlement with the family of #GeorgeFloyd. https://t.c…
- Fri, 21:56: RT @AP: "This makes a statement that George Floyd deserved better than what we witnessed on May 25, 2020." Floyd family attorney Ben Crump…
- Fri, 21:56: RT @CBSNews: Ben Crump, attorney for George Floyd’s family: "It is my great honor to announce George Floyd's family, our legal team and the…
- Fri, 21:56: RT @AJEnglish: In July, George Floyd’s family sued Minneapolis & the four officers charged in his death. The suit alleged officers violate…
- Fri, 21:56: RT @CBCAlerts: Minneapolis agrees to pay $27M to settle civil lawsuit from George Floyd's family over the Black man's death. Floyd died las…
- Fri, 21:56: RT @MPRnews: BREAKING: The Minneapolis City Council has unanimously agreed to a $27 million civil settlement with the family of George Floy…
- Fri, 21:56: RT @TwitterMoments: Minnesota Judge Peter Cahill has reinstated the third-degree murder charge against Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapoli…
- Fri, 21:57: RT @RideSacRT: Safely #SupportLocal businesses while also participating in a scavenger hunt for a chance to win lucky prizes! Experience @D…
- Fri, 21:57: RT @RideSacRT: Today's #FeaturedRoute is Route 26! Route 26 travels from Watt & Elverta to the University/65th St light rail station. Stops…
- Fri, 21:57: RT @RepEdCase: Really excited to join with my colleagues @RepDonYoung, @RepBera, @RepSteveChabot, @RepSherman and @RepWagner in the 117th C…
- Fri, 21:59: RT @AdamParkhomenko: The most fucked up thing about this story is it won’t be a story by Monday.
- Fri, 21:59: RT @donwinslow: The entire family is corrupt. Dog Rescue Charity Linked To Lara Trump Funneling Money Into Donald Trump’s Pocket https:/…
- Fri, 21:59: RT @RepSwalwell: Let’s just say the quiet part out loud: there is no dumber man in America than this loser.
- Fri, 21:59: RT @robreiner: Ron Johnson said that he was not scared during the Jan.6 insurrection because all the seditionists were white. But he said…
- Fri, 21:59: RT @TeaPainUSA: The U.S. vaccinated 3 million of our brothers and sisters today. President Biden is literally healin’ our nation.
- Fri, 22:01: RT @GavinNewsom: CA has been leading the way on environmental policy -- moving markets and creating new standards for how we attack the cli…
- Fri, 22:01: RT @CAPublicHealth: Today, 2 million doses of the #COVID19 vaccine have been administered to #California’s hardest-hit communities. With th…
- Fri, 22:01: RT @ToddGloria: Rising vaccinations and declining COVID-19 infection rates indicate that San Diego will move from the purple to red tier on…
- Fri, 22:02: RT @Jscott1145: Would UBI work? Universal basic income
- Fri, 22:02: RT @theparktoday: As pretty as a postcard: Mt. Shasta today via AlertWildfire. Learn more at https://t.co/S4vcuY3Nkj and https://t.co/UTp8U…
- Fri, 22:02: RT @alexfordowney: I hope you'll read this @PeteButtigieg. In CA we're struggling to fight not only against a freeway expansion that would…
- Fri, 22:16: RT @ladygingermint: @garysteveneaton Aww, is he spoiling all your fun? Too bad! You fucking tRump worshippers go around spreading your kkk…
- Fri, 22:17: RT @ladygingermint: @garysteveneaton Quit your own bitchin' and take your well-deserved punishment like a man! #IStandWithGavinNewsom
- Fri, 22:17: RT @4seasonspix: @Kevin_Faulconer #IStandWithGovNewsom #IStandWithGavinNewsom #IStandWithCalifornia #EraseGOP #CancelGOP #VoteBlue2022
- Fri, 22:19: RT @janbthomas: #FightTheRecall. Residents of California are being gravely cheated by the Newsom recall. Lengthening the period of signat…
- Fri, 22:19: RT @janbthomas: #RecallGavinNewsom Don't recall Gavin Newsom. Don't let Trump get control of California.
- Fri, 22:40: RT @Sactown_Kings6: @upser001 @GavinNewsom yea good luck with that 😂 #Newsom2022
- Fri, 22:41: RT @BleedingMarine: Biden direct deposit and hard checks are on the way. Don’t forget to thank Uncle Joe #MAGA nation. https://t.co/LVNAuY4…
- Fri, 22:41: RT @AP: Federal officials say processing the new round of stimulus payments has already begun. The aim is to have the first payments start…
- Fri, 22:41: RT @labyrinthweaver: The Direct Deposit you are getting is from the Democrats. No republican's sensibility was harmed in the making of this…
- Fri, 22:41: RT @nytimes: Stimulus payments will begin arriving in bank accounts by direct deposit this weekend, the Treasury Department said on Friday.…
- Fri, 22:49: RT @kylegriffin1: Jen Psaki: Americans with direct deposit can expect to see relief checks in their bank accounts "as early as this weekend…
- Fri, 22:50: RT @EdanClay: Hey, if you voted for a Republican for Senate or the House, you'll be returning the $1400 Direct Deposit / Stimulus Check or…
- Fri, 22:55: First,it was the #smearstory accusing local #riteaid locations(not the one where I work)of dumping #COVID19vaccines.Now it seems that FOX40 parent Nexstar is sinking to Shitclair's level as News Nation is more #reichwing than they're claiming.#balancedmyass #bringbackwgnamerica