- Sun, 00:12: RT @funder: How quickly can we get this to 1,000 retweets? #AmericansWantWitnesses
- Sun, 00:12: RT @davidaxelrod: I’ve heard some Rs say they find @RepAdamSchiff “irritating.” I suspect it is because he has made the case so powerfully.
- Sun, 00:12: RT @SpeakerPelosi: Thank you, Chairman. #DefendOurDemocracy
- Sun, 00:12: RT @SenSchumer: President Trump’s lawyers did something they didn’t intend: They made a really compelling case for why the Senate should c…
- Sun, 00:12: RT @Lawrence: Quick! Get the kids in front of the TV so when they grow up they can say they saw @RepAdamSchiff prosecuting the President in…
- Sun, 00:12: RT @DanRather: I don’t know folks. I think it is entirely plausible that President Trump would confuse Bangladesh for Ukraine.
- Sun, 00:12: RT @DanRather: Here's a test for Republican senators. If you think it is unfair to suggest the President gleefully seeks scorched-earth ret…
- Sun, 00:12: RT @neal_katyal: Amazing that Trump lawyer Seukulow starts w/complaint Mueller cost $34mil& holds up Vol 1 of Report concluding Trump didn…
- Sun, 00:12: RT @Alyssa_Milano: Mitch McConnell is trying to cover for the most corrupt president in history. Pass it on.
- Sun, 00:12: RT @maddow: Striking moment in the tape. President Trump asks how long Ukraine would last in its war w/Russia. - "Without us?" - "Not lo…
- Sun, 00:12: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Is anyone buying “Trump didn’t go to meet with Zelensky because he had to stay home to manage hurricane response”?
- Sun, 00:12: RT @SenSchumer: President Trump’s lawyers talked about the judicial right of cross-examination. You know what would allow for an appropria…
- Sun, 00:12: RT @gtconway3d: Again with “liddle’” with the meaningless apostrophe. Talk about dumb as a rock.
- Sun, 00:12: RT @rolandscahill: Bloomberg should air Adam Schiff’s closing statement during the Super Bowl
- Sun, 00:12: RT @McFaul: Mr. @SecPompeo , please provide evidence to support your contention that @NPRKelly confused Bangladesh with Ukraine. Otherwise,…
- Sun, 00:13: RT @MichaelSteele: Your lack of maturity is astounding. And people think THIS is leadership; THIS is how the “Leader of the Free World” beh…
- Sun, 00:13: RT @tedlieu: I dare any @GOP elected official to call up a foreign government and ask for help against a re-election opponent. Let’s be v…
- Sun, 00:13: RT @joelockhart: Does anyone in America have more misplaced arrogance than Mike Pompeo
- Sun, 00:13: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Why do Sekulow & Purpura keep acting like Democrats hid part of the impeachment witnesses testimony? It was live on na…
- Sun, 00:13: RT @ShannonFreshour: My opponent Republican Jim Jordan would be very upset if you all stepped up to retweet this and help build our campaig…
- Sun, 00:13: RT @joncoopertweets: 🚨 RED ALERT: A massive protest is planned in support of Trump’s removal next Wednesday, January 29th at 12 noon in the…
- Sun, 00:13: RT @robreiner: There is no question. The single most Criminally Corrupt POTUS in US History has Violated his Oath of Office. 53 Morally Ban…
- Sun, 00:13: RT @tribelaw: No, everyone does NOT do this. And No, we WON’T “get over it.” If we do, then we’re lost. https://t.co/V1veTDMl5r
- Sun, 00:13: RT @CIAspygirl: I started a sign up sheet: I’ll pack Lindsey’s things on Monday. Who wants Tuesday?
- Sun, 00:13: RT @funder: If you’re a GOP Senator with fake outrage at Schiff for repeating what a Trump associate said, but you’re not mad about Trump’s…
- Sun, 00:15: RT @QasimRashid: People will die from 45’s new policy rolling back clean water standards. My GOP Rep refuses to stand up to 45. I’m runnin…
- Sun, 00:19: RT @RepAdamSchiff: After listening to the President’s lawyers opening arguments, I have three observations: They don’t contest the facts o…
- Sun, 00:19: RT @RepAdamSchiff: Donald Trump must be convicted and removed from office. Because he will always choose his own personal interest over ou…
- Sun, 00:19: RT @SenGillibrand: To my Republican colleagues who've complained that there's no new evidence in this impeachment trial: You voted more tha…
- Sun, 00:19: RT @jpitney: Adam Schiff did not lose any Republican senators tonight. They were never going to change their minds, and he knew it. His goa…
- Sun, 00:19: RT @jonfavs: Just wondering: do Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have any outrage to spare about the Secretary of State screaming obsceniti…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @NPRKelly: Here is our full interview with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. It's worth a listen. https://t.co/3BQh3Q7lWV
- Sun, 00:20: RT @PreetBharara: Anyone blindly supporting this President can just fully shut up about “decorum”
- Sun, 00:20: RT @GenMhayden: For the record when I was in government I dealt with Mary Louise Kelly@NPRKelly a fair bit. I found her to be a real prof…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @JRubinBlogger: Thank God I was alive to hear Adam Schiff speak these past few days.
- Sun, 00:20: RT @joshscampbell: Signing off and headed overseas for military duty. See you later in the spring. Take care of one another and talk soon,…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: I honest to God still can't believe that this is coming from the president of the United States. Removed or not, this…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @DanRather: In substance and delivery Schiff was by any standard, outstanding.
- Sun, 00:20: RT @PreetBharara: Did the President lose Senator @lisamurkowski with this?
- Sun, 00:20: RT @lourdesgnavarro: Wow. @NPR's @NPRKelly just now on @npratc says @SecPompeo was furious about being questioned about Ukraine in her inte…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @ElieNYC: Susan Collins yelled out "not true"? @SenSusanCollins... WHO PASSED A DAMN NOTE TO THE CHIEF JUSTICE BECAUSE SHE WAS UPSET ABO…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @DavidJollyFL: I think the take away from the 'heads on a pike' episode tonight is that GOP Senators are nowhere near prepared for the r…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @justinamash: The House managers were outstanding in their opening arguments, presenting the case with vigor and precision. We are bles…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @RadioFreeTom: Schiff is preemptively stripping the bark off Dershowitz and Ken Starr, and it is glorious
- Sun, 00:20: RT @JuddLegum: A few days ago Trump said he didn't know Lev Parnas and now there is a 90 MINUTE TAPE of Trump talking with Parnas over dinn…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @davidfrum: "The reason I'm about to do a cowardly contemptible thing is that I am so offended at Adam Schiff for predicting that I woul…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @neal_katyal: Very significant move just now by @RepAdamSchiff to say executive privilege determination should be made by Chief Justice.…
- Sun, 00:20: RT @JRubinBlogger: the contrast in lawyering skill and intellectual honesty is already embarrassing
- Sun, 00:20: RT @RepSwalwell: Then prove you’re not. Period.
- Sun, 00:20: RT @SenWarren: If President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong, he should release all of the documents & stop blocking witnesses from testi…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @funder: BOOM: #AmericansWantWitnesses is now trending #1! Let’s keep it going!
- Sun, 00:22: RT @tedlieu: I don’t know if @realDonaldTrump is actually a grifter. But he sure acts like one.
- Sun, 00:22: RT @renato_mariotti: What would Trump have to do for Senate Republicans to vote to remove him from office? I genuinely have no idea.
- Sun, 00:22: RT @matthewamiller: Pat Philbin is a good lawyer who had a good reputation before joining the White House, but this is a dishonorable, not…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @andylassner: Dear @realDonaldTrump, I think @LindseyGrahamSC, @EliseStefanik, @mattgaetz, @Jim_Jordan, @RepMarkMeadows and @DevinNunes…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: It's an outrage Trump won't let us see the faces of Senators as they hear @RepAdamSchiff's closing. It's another way T…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @mccaffreyr3: In 50 years of experience in the military, business, and Federal service I have never encountered a more abusive and foul…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @AriMelber: The best argument against Trump on obstruction may be: Nixon tried to hide 18 minutes of evidence — Trump tried to hide ALL…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @JohnBrennan: I have been interviewed many times by @NPRKelly. She is a tough, knowledgeable, & honest reporter with deep experience on…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @funder: Marie Yovanovitch must be allowed to testify. Raise your hand if you agree. #AmericansWantWitnesses
- Sun, 00:22: RT @RepValDemings: As @RepAdamSchiff said last night, whenever you hear the President’s lawyers attacking us instead of defending the presi…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @SenKamalaHarris: Today made it clear that President Trump’s defense counsel don’t think they have a case on the merits—so they’re relyi…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @EvanMcMullin: This is not a partisan impeachment. It’s a partisan cover-up for a president who is clearly guilty as charged.
- Sun, 00:22: RT @maddow: “Do you think Americans care about Ukraine???”. Worth noting that beleaguered Ukraine is about to get a much-needed show of U…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @RepSpeier: Truly what kind of a country are we when a US Senator takes cheap shots at a Purple Heart recipient who has dedicated his li…
- Sun, 00:22: RT @SRuhle: Show of hands.... “Do you think Americans care about Ukraine?”
- Sun, 00:22: RT @joncoopertweets: #AmericansWantWitnesses — raise your hand if you agree! 👋
- Sun, 00:23: RT @tribelaw: “One Democratic Senate staffer mourned the apathy. ‘Our phones aren’t ringing,’ he told me. ‘Nobody cares. It’s the saddest t…
- Sun, 00:23: RT @RNicholasBurns: This man occupies the office of Lincoln, FDR, Eisenhower, Reagan. Is this behavior really acceptable to the American p…
- Sun, 00:23: RT @BarbMcQuade: The truth will come out one day, with or without more witnesses at impeachment trial. Senators who reject witnesses and vo…
- Sun, 00:23: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Have you called your Senators? 202-224-3121 gets you to the switchboard. If you think this is pointless, it’s not. It’…
- Sun, 00:23: RT @PalmerReport: One time I wanted to fire an employee. But instead of just firing her, or instructing her immediate supervisor to fire he…
- Sun, 00:23: RT @BarbMcQuade: Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States ...
- Sun, 00:27: RT @mmpadellan: Not ALL Americans are stupid. Whether you're a DEM, GOP, or IND, we ALL know what a cover-up looks like. We ALL know what…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @waltshaub: Cipollone just claimed that impeaching a president is election interference. This is the central theme of the Trump presiden…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @mmpadellan: Today, GOP Senators disgraced themselves yet AGAIN, during the most serious trial this decade, with: - fidget spinners - Bo…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @RepValDemings: This morning we delivered 28,578 pages of evidence to the Senate. https://t.co/ZCIkMNVTQ8
- Sun, 00:27: RT @mmpadellan: Preview of GOP defense of trump: Joe Biden Hunter Biden President Obama It was a perfect call DEMs just hate trump Ukraine…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @HoneyChile15: Lindsey Graham Could Lose His Senate Seat In 2020, After Democratic Challenger @harrisonjaime Has Nearly Tied Him…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @ChrisMurphyCT: These guys think the law doesn’t apply to them. These guys think they are immune from oversight. These guys think th…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @itsJeffTiedrich: look: if "take her out. okay? do it" meant "fire her," then why did Trump say it to Rudy's hired goons Lev and Igor? d…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @glennkirschner2: Someone needs to ask Trump: you say you don’t know Lev Parnas yet on a recording he is virtually briefing you on Ambas…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @BarbMcQuade: As a matter of trial presentation, House Managers effectively played clips of witness testimony. Trump lawyers are instead…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @DavidJollyFL: Cipollone suggests Dems real motivation is to have Trunp disqualified from the 2020 ballot. As a reminder, the GOP under…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @BarbMcQuade: Philbin now accusing Schiff of lying about contact with whistleblower. Not relevant to Trump’s misconduct. This would neve…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @BarbMcQuade: Cipollone is done now. His theme seemed to be that Dems are hiding the facts. This opens the door for Dems to renew demand…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @AngrierWHStaff: This. Precisely this. The GOP is being advised that, if they block witnesses, voters will forget about their coverup…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @TeaPainUSA: Until now, Republicans could distance themselves from Trump by claimin’ he has a different style or “he’s just bein’ Trump”…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @glennkirschner2: If Republicans vote to acquit Trump it will signal the END of their oversight powers (Trump can ignore ALL congression…
- Sun, 00:27: RT @SethAbramson: Wait... they have 24 hours to work with, and they're giving up after 150 minutes?
- Sun, 00:28: RT @BarbMcQuade: This statement from Pompeo is worth a read. Is this the person who represents us in the world’s most sensitive and delica…
- Sun, 00:28: RT @mmpadellan: "Because right matters. And the truth matters. Otherwise we are lost." Nobody does a better job of closing hearings than R…
- Sun, 00:28: RT @josephabondy: Given its importance to our national interest, we provided the entire 4/30/18 recording of the .@realDonaldTrump and Lev…
- Sun, 00:28: RT @DanRather: Cynicism and apathy are toxic to democracy. If you are feeling despondent, seek action. And one of the most effective action…
- Sun, 00:28: RT @SenSchumer: That's the biggest takeaway I have from today. President Trump's lawyers may not have really intended it, but they made ou…
- Sun, 00:28: RT @BarbMcQuade: Nixon impeachment inspired me and others to become prosecutors to protect against abuse of power. A new generation of idea…
- Sun, 00:28: RT @SenSchumer: The American people want the truth. Four Republican votes. That’s all we need for a fair trial with witnesses and documen…
- Sun, 00:30: RT @mikegalsworthy: Labour Party sees surge in membership amid leadership race. "We've been phoning them and the overwhelming majority hav…
- Sun, 00:30: RT @annettedittert: Standing ovations for @DominicGrieve1 at #GrassrootsForEurope. Looks like the Remainers won’t go away. https://t.co/b6O…
- Sun, 00:30: RT @remain_central: Theresa May: “We risk ending up with no Brexit at all” A growing majority in the country: “Sounds good” #StopBrexit…
- Sun, 00:30: RT @RSherman_25: “Minor setback for major comeback! That’s my favorite.”-Kendrick
- Sun, 00:30: RT @brgridiron: One of the game’s best comeback stories. ⬜️ Ruptured Achilles in 2017 ⬜️ SEA misses playoffs, let him walk ⬜️ Reps himself…
- Sun, 00:31: RT @LombardiHimself: Steve Young on 49ers: "Owner, general manager and coach are all partners, which is awesome. And all of ‘em are partner…
- Sun, 00:31: RT @NBCS49ers: Jimmy G's impact on the 49ers goes beyond the numbers 💪 https://t.co/ioYHXSwSuc https://t.co/hgIAAmcW6S
- Sun, 00:31: RT @NBCSWarriors: Steve Kerr puts his support behind the 49ers in Super Bowl LIV ✊ https://t.co/Pgwq5EQ1Gv https://t.co/iBzn9bFvQg
- Sun, 00:31: RT @NBCS49ers: Jed York and the 49ers are taking their entire staff, interns included, to Miami for Super Bowl week (via @BairNBCS) https:/…
- Sun, 00:31: RT @40NinerFaithful: Who remembers the logo athletic jackets? @49ers https://t.co/EBiPZRaCJr
- Sun, 00:31: RT @DaltonJ_Johnson: Joey Bart (14), Marco Luciano (35), Heliot Ramos (65), Hunter Bishop (71) and Seth Corry (98) The Giants have 5 pros…
- Sun, 00:31: RT @SFGiantsFans: 5 future #SFGiants on @MLBPipeline Top 100 Prospects list. # 99: Seth Corry, LHP # 71: Hunter Bishop, OF # 65: Heliot…
- Sun, 00:31: RT @BenKaspick: Joey Bart is No. 14 on @MLBPipeline's Top 100 prospects list. The five #SFGiants on the list: No. 14: Joey Bart No. 35 Mar…
- Sun, 00:31: RT @MLBPipeline: If you thought it was unfair that the #SFGiants had a star behind the plate for so long in Buster Posey, we've got bad new…
- Sun, 00:31: RT @LoganWebb1053: Seth should be higher than this! They’ll realize it one day🤪
- Sun, 00:32: RT @UFCW8: Submit your Cal Sick Leave online! #UFCW8 Members can find the balance of their Sick Leave bank hours on the Trust Fund Office…
- Sun, 00:32: RT @RideSacRT: Gold Line Construction Reminder! Crews are busy working on planned Gold Line track tie replacement this weekend. A bus bridg…
- Sun, 00:32: RT @RideSacRT: REMINDER: If you are taking the Gold Line today, January 25, track maintenance is underway between 29th St and Power Inn Sta…
- Sun, 00:42: RT @TheSFNiners: .@RSherman_25 got the entire squad customized @beatsbydre headphones for their business trip to Miami 🏝 [ @RSherman_25 ]…
- Sun, 00:42: RT @510uBeezys: The Niners having 2 head coaches game-planing for this super bowl is such an advantage. #GoNiners #NinerGang https://t.co/2…
- Sun, 00:42: RT @Eric_Branch: The story of #49ers RG Mike Person, 31, who took a painful path to the NFL's biggest game: He was released by three Super…
- Sun, 00:42: RT @MaioccoNBCS: #49ers coach Kyle Shanahan alerted the side judge that a penalty could be coming in the NFC Championship. He might get a f…
- Sun, 00:42: RT @49ersBreezie: Thank you @NFLonFOX for recognizing real. Let’s go Niners Faithful. Share the news #GoNiners S/o to Jimmy Garoppolo #49er…