- Fri, 00:59: RT @OSf49ers: The GMFB crew says #49ers QB Jimmy Garoppolo will make a name for himself during the playoffs. Great to see more positive t…
- Fri, 00:59: RT @NinersNation: NFL executive’s around the league were surveyed, and voted John Lynch as Executive of the Year, and Nick Bosa for Rookie…
- Fri, 00:59: RT @AroundTheNFL: Injuries: Richard Sherman not listed on 49ers injury report ahead of Saturday's game vs. Rams https://t.co/qQZobJ66Gr ht…
- Fri, 00:59: RT @NinersNation: 49ers injury news: Kwon Alexander told KB there’s a “high chance” he comes back for the playoffs -Richard Sherman and K’W…
- Fri, 01:01: RT @Maggie29047241: @SkyNews The PM is a joke, making his own rules. I detest this man so much.
- Fri, 01:02: RT @HouseJudiciary: Rep. Swalwell: “This is a crime spree in progress. But we know how to stop it. Courage.” #DefendOurDemocracy https://t.…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @RWPUSA: BREAKING NEWS: @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell has scheduled a full impeachment trial, with witnesses, to take place immediately…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @davidaxelrod: There was no conceivable political advantage for the 30 or so newly-elected Ds from districts @realDonaldTrump carried in…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @RepSwalwell: Jonathan, the last crook you defended in a senate impeachment trial was found guilty on multiple counts of corruption and…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @NicolleDWallace: Wow. No words. https://t.co/e3FhkBtL6h
- Fri, 01:02: RT @glennkirschner2: McConnell is saying the Constitution states that Articles of Impeachment must be referred to the Senate IMMEDIATELY? T…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @RepAdamSchiff: Tonight, the House voted to impeach the President of the United States. We all feel the weight of history in this momen…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @jaketapper: "Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. If thou afflict them... I will surely hear their cry; And my wrath sh…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @jahimes: The senators who never gave Merrick Garland a vote and who’ve been cranking through the confirmation of unqualified judges can…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @Lawrence: And on the 1,063rd day of his presidency, Donald Trump was impeached.
- Fri, 01:02: RT @AshaRangappa_: No, it means that after reviewing the evidence, you could not make the most basic thumbs up/thumbs down vote based on a…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @RepAdamSchiff: An important—and alarming—story you may have missed: At the urging of the Trump Admin, a federal court struck down part…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @samstein: You just don't meet too many people in life who consciously pick fights with widows by suggesting their husband is in hell
- Fri, 01:02: RT @DavidJollyFL: House would be wise to delay transmittal of articles to Senate. But make it a substantive issue for all of history. Hold…
- Fri, 01:02: RT @gtconway3d: Okay, you want a hashtag, you got it. #IMPOTUS https://t.co/qn37dJ02Xm
- Fri, 01:03: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Next time Trump says “do nothing Democrats” tweet this picture of all the bills House Democrats have passed & sent to…
- Fri, 01:03: RT @PreetBharara: I can’t wait to see @TulsiGabbard at tonight’s debate vote Not Present
- Fri, 01:03: RT @RepValDemings: No matter what anyone says, writes, or tweets in the days and years to come, nothing will change the fact that tonight t…
- Fri, 01:03: RT @SpeakerPelosi: When our Founders wrote the Constitution, they suspected we might one day have a rogue president. I doubt they thought w…
- Fri, 01:03: RT @RepSlotkin: Standing with my friend @RepDebDingell tonight. Mr. President, shame on you. Going after Rep. John Dingell, a WWII vet an…
- Fri, 01:03: RT @mccaffreyr3: Trump clearly a fellow of the most base instincts. In my experience over the past 50 years, I have never witnessed a more…
- Fri, 01:03: RT @mitchellreports: The picture says it all https://t.co/dRxalX17wh
- Fri, 01:03: RT @TeaPainUSA: Mark this down. Mark Meadows sudden "retirement" is 100% linked to his ties to Colludy Rudy's henchman, Lev Parnas.
- Fri, 01:03: RT @ColMorrisDavis: There were 228 votes in the House to impeach Bill Clinton. There were 230 votes in the House to impeach @realDonaldTru…
- Fri, 01:03: RT @JeffFlake: One day in the not too distant future, Republicans will wake up and say, "We did this for this man?" https://t.co/R9Fl9E2BF5
- Fri, 01:04: RT @RepSwalwell: Just a reminder it was in 2016 that @GOPLeader McCarthy said Putin pays Trump.
- Fri, 01:04: RT @alfranken: Listening to Mitch McConnell talk about the decline of bipartisanship is like listening to Jeffrey Dahmer complain about the…
- Fri, 01:04: RT @gtconway3d: wait I thought we were keeping him out of this https://t.co/NXLfPNAniC
- Fri, 01:04: RT @joncoopertweets: Minutes after the House voted to impeach Donald Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dropped a bombshell: She won’t send…
- Fri, 01:04: RT @robreiner: Republicans are seeing what a real leader looks like. And they’d be wise not to mess with Speaker Pelosi. She will insure a…
- Fri, 01:04: RT @AmyMcGrathKY: Mitch McConnell just indicated he is going to renege on his Constitutional duty. I put my life on the line for the Const…
- Fri, 01:04: RT @BarbMcQuade: Trump mocks @RepDebDingell and her late husband @JohnDingell because she voted to impeach even after Trump permitted state…
- Fri, 01:04: RT @RepJeffries: This from the guy who stole a Supreme Court seat from @BarackObama. Spare us the fake outrage. The President abused his…
- Fri, 01:04: RT @ProudResister: Mitch McConnell held Merrick Garland's Supreme Court nomination for 293 days. So please @SpeakerPelosi hold the article…
- Fri, 01:04: RT @SpeakerPelosi: BREAKING NEWS: the House just passed a #USMCA that has been transformed by House Democrats' changes for hard-working Ame…
- Fri, 01:04: RT @gtconway3d: I agree that the president deserves a full and fair trial with lots of live witnesses who have relevant testimony https://t…
- Fri, 01:05: RT @MollyJongFast: This should be cut into an ad and aired every single day in important swing state Michigan until the 2020 election. http…
- Fri, 01:05: RT @SenSchumer: Today on the Senate floor, Sen. McConnell complained about the impeachment process and made partisan accusations. But in h…
- Fri, 01:05: RT @MollyJongFast: Nothing says winning like having the most prominent members of your party retire one by one. https://t.co/j1A6tSGnLe
- Fri, 01:05: RT @SpeakerPelosi: Last night, the House of Representatives took a historic vote to #DefendOurDemocracy from the President’s abuses of his…
- Fri, 01:05: RT @YAppelbaum: "To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Reme…
- Fri, 01:05: RT @TeamPelosi: #IStandWithDingell https://t.co/xPZ4fDnGF3
- Fri, 01:05: RT @ericswalwell: Who even says something like this? What a lowlife. @JohnDingell was a veteran, a dedicated public servant, and a true pat…
- Fri, 01:05: RT @funder: Speaker Pelosi just said our Founders suspected there’d be a rogue president, but not a rogue president and a rogue leader in t…
- Fri, 01:05: RT @glennkirschner2: Isn’t it ironic - McConnell is complaining about a delay in referring the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate when h…
- Fri, 01:05: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Billy Graham's Magazine: "The president...attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass &…
- Fri, 01:05: RT @gtconway3d: Transcript of Majority Leader Hoyer’s floor speech yesterday. Magnificent. https://t.co/cjiQGfq9XY
- Fri, 01:05: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: This, from a man who knows all about Constitutional extortion. https://t.co/7rzbh8A3W7
- Fri, 01:05: RT @matthewamiller: Klobuchar is the Goldilocks candidate in a lot of ways. Not too hot, not too cold. Not too young, not too old. Not too…
- Fri, 01:06: RT @Acosta: Christianity Today: "The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to hara…
- Fri, 01:06: RT @QasimRashid: Wow. This is powerful. Christianity Today called for Bill Clinton's impeachment in 1999, writing, "The President's failur…
- Fri, 01:06: RT @axios: NEW: An editorial published by Christianity Today, a magazine founded by the late Rev. Billy Graham, calls for Trump's removal f…
- Fri, 01:08: RT @funder: Speaker Pelosi is holding on to the articles of impeachment until she gets Moscow Mitch to guarantee a fair trial. Awesome. No…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @JoaquinCastrotx: I voted to impeach Donald Trump for abusing his office and obstructing Congress.
- Fri, 01:09: RT @GeorgeTakei: Nancy Pelosi may thwart Mitch McConnell’s plan to fix the trial for Trump. She’s considering withholding the Articles of I…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @mmpadellan: REMINDER: Impeachment is NOT a magic wand. trump will STILL be there tomorrow. We STILL need to beat him in 2020. Don't g…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @DanRather: I knew John Dingell No matter your politics, he was a patriot. I will leave it at that.
- Fri, 01:09: RT @BetteMidler: No, the #Senate will probably not vote to remove #Trump from office as a result of his #impeachment, but the stains will n…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @funder: Mark Meadows is “retiring.” Or as I like to put it, he’s resigning in disgrace. Bon voyage you fricking traitor. #RemoveTrump
- Fri, 01:09: RT @TheRickWilson: Bye, Felicia. https://t.co/KcyKqA7PfC
- Fri, 01:09: RT @Amy_Siskind: GOP leaders who "retired," rather than stand up to a tyrant: * Paul Ryan * Jason Chaffetz * Trey Gowdy * Bob Goodlatte *…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @mmpadellan: Karma fans EVERYWHERE would love to see Speaker Nancy Pelosi "Merrick Garland" the impeachment of Donald trump. I have NO…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @AngrierWHStaff: Mark Meadows won’t be running for re-election, and is planning to join Trump in some capacity. Not many people are du…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @JohnWDean: And where is that clause of the Constitution Mitch? Is that the Merrill Garland clause? Why don’t you busy yourself with th…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @McFaul: Honest question. In what parts of America is this water shortage occurring? New York? DC? Where is he getting this impressio…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @tribelaw: I can save POTUS lawyers a lot of time: there are no legal options, but the House won’t hold the articles indefinitely. Just…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @TeaPainUSA: Mitch McConnell just called for Trump's acquittal without a trial and without hearin' from a single witness or readin' a si…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @ericswalwell: “Do-nothing Republicans” in the Senate. https://t.co/hTwjR5kOXn
- Fri, 01:09: RT @RWPUSA: Finally. Evangelical Christians are rejecting the immorality of Donald Trump. This is it. He's finished. https://t.co/zkmce9U…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @MikeLarsenOH: Things that set me apart from @Jim_Jordan: 1. I own and wear a suit jacket. 2. I have an inside voice. 3. Basic human de…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @tedlieu: Dear my friend @RepDebDingell: 3 facts will not change. -John was a giant of Congress who made America better -Your voice & co…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @AmyMcGrathKY: 10 years ago today, I married my best friend. Surrounded by our friends and family, we danced to "Come Fly With Me" by Fr…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @Strandjunker: Raise your hand if you want Nancy Pelosi to hold the articles of impeachment until #MoscowMitchMcTraitor agrees to a real…
- Fri, 01:09: RT @JMcNChicago: Rep. Adam Schiff Is Coming After Mike Pence Next https://t.co/Yn80WtRTAA
- Fri, 01:09: RT @Alyssa_Milano: I think it is awful that @CoryBooker is not going to be on that debate stage tonight.
- Fri, 01:09: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: How must it feel to sell one's soul? https://t.co/WLXBhRroVp
- Fri, 01:09: RT @TheRickWilson: Son, I suspect you're in for an ass-whupping, both in the polls, and here on the Twitter machine. https://t.co/8vzwxsPAKp
- Fri, 01:14: RT @KamalaHarris: The House has voted to impeach Trump. I commend Speaker Pelosi and those who voted to put our Constitution above politic…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @KamalaHarris: When recognizing the immensity of what the House did today, we must commend the Democrats from competitive districts who…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @JoeBiden: President Trump abused his power, violated his oath of office, and betrayed our nation. This is a solemn moment for our count…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @cindymccain: I’m terribly sorry. Please know I am thinking about you. https://t.co/fjONsh7izR
- Fri, 01:14: RT @jonallendc: Unprecedented: Trump now holds the record for most votes ever acquired on an article of impeachment at 230. He's also No. 2…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @KamalaHarris: Trump has committed impeachable acts in plain sight. He extorted a foreign government for political gain. It is Congress’…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @KamalaHarris: I may not be on that debate stage tonight, but our campaign shaped perceptions of what is possible. Never forget that. ht…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @Pappiness: Dear Speaker Pelosi, Mitch McConnell held Merrick Garland's Supreme Court nomination for 293 days. Feel free to hold the A…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @maggieNYT: POTUS lawyers are looking at various options for proceeding if House doesn't send articles of impeachment to the Senate. POT…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @jimsciutto: “Is the president’s case so weak that none of the president’s men can defend him under oath?” - @SenSchumer
- Fri, 01:14: RT @TheRickWilson: 1/ A note on the Dingell situation. John Dingell was politically nothing like me, or I him. We probably didn't share…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @matthewamiller: Thank you, President Trump for making it ok again to say Merry Christmas and may you burn in hell.
- Fri, 01:14: RT @washingtonpost: Opinion: Why doesn’t McConnell want witnesses at Trump’s trial? Because he’s guilty. https://t.co/zTPGTR21jL
- Fri, 01:14: RT @gtconway3d: They are choosing to be moral. We should hope that’s never irrelevant. https://t.co/U68zkCgOUl
- Fri, 01:14: RT @DavidCornDC: The whole point of having a frickin' republic with three branches of government is that the president is not a supreme lea…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @gtconway3d: No court is ever going to enjoin the House to send managers over to the Senate to exhibit articles of impeachment. https://…
- Fri, 01:14: RT @gtconway3d: IMPOTUS (IMpeached President Of The United States) @realDonaldTrump is accusing @SpeakerPelosi of political malpractice. I…
- Fri, 01:15: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Whatever else is happening tonight, @amyklobuchar is showing us she can be presidential and bring people together. She…
- Fri, 01:15: RT @jkbjournalist: Pelosi doesn’t strike me as being afraid of anything. https://t.co/xdCe6gFcMR
- Fri, 01:15: RT @DavidCornDC: Months ago, Van Drew endorsed Cory Booker. Now he gives "undying support" to Trump. Thanks for playing, Jeff. https://t.co…
- Fri, 01:15: RT @DavidJollyFL: So McConnell's argument is the House impeachment action yesterday is invalid because it was 'predetermined'. So he promis…
- Fri, 01:15: RT @JoshuaPotash: Protesters just flooded Mitch McConnell’s office. Thank you for taking the fight to him! https://t.co/LEhCEvPbuI
- Fri, 01:15: RT @JillWineBanks: Tonight's debate is why I am a Democrat & why we will win in 2020. All the candidates were superb. Any will be 100 times…
- Fri, 01:15: RT @NicolleDWallace: Trump solicited foreign interference- planned to hold up military aid until he got it - and Dems are yelling at each o…
- Fri, 01:15: RT @SpockResists: Top evangelical magazine calls for Trump’s removal https://t.co/4DnQZNhI1P
- Fri, 01:16: RT @Vote_CNP: Interesting news... https://t.co/CGYzEHFfaL
- Fri, 01:17: RT @RepKatiePorter: You might have missed it yesterday, but an appeals court issued a new decision regarding the Affordable Care Act. I wan…
- Fri, 01:17: RT @CAgovernor: California has the nation’s largest drop in uninsured individuals! California’s uninsured rate decreased from 17.2% in 2…
- Fri, 01:17: RT @CAgovernor: TODAY: Governor @GavinNewsom visits a fifty-five unit apartment complex that offers homeless veterans and low-income famili…
- Fri, 01:17: RT @CAgovernor: Live now! https://t.co/xAoGB8pcfT
- Fri, 01:17: RT @CBSNews: .@GavinNewsom tells @chueyburns why candidates' views on impeachment matter to voters, even if they don't name it as a top iss…
- Fri, 01:17: RT @CBSNews: California Gov. @GavinNewsom on tonight's #DemDebate in Los Angeles: "We go through this process every election where people s…
- Fri, 01:18: RT @snb19692: .@mikegalsworthy and I got together to send you a Christmas message and give you info about future plans. But most importantl…
- Fri, 01:18: RT @MakeVotesMatter: Three-quarters of Labour members want the party to back Proportional Representation, finds polling for #MakeVotesMatte…
- Fri, 01:18: RT @euromove: We're European because we believe in free movement, international solidarity, equal rights and opportunities for all Tell us…
- Fri, 01:18: RT @AuroraBlogspot: This Saturday #FBPE-tweeps are having a Follow-Back-Party from 14-16h UTC/15-17h CET. Let's show the world that we keep…
- Fri, 01:19: RT @NFL: Orlando, can you smell what @gkittle46 is cooking!? @49ers | #GoNiners | #ProBowl https://t.co/XHRPljxqtb
- Fri, 01:19: RT @Rob_Lowder: #49ers status report for #LARvsSF: Out: DE Dee Ford (quadricep, hamstring) S Jaquiski Tartt (ribs) DT Jullian Taylor (elbo…
- Fri, 01:19: RT @LombardiHimself: If Mike Person can’t play at right guard against the Rams, Shanahan said that the 49ers would most likely go with Dan…
- Fri, 01:19: RT @MaioccoNBCS: #49ers injury report vs. #LARams OUT DE Dee Ford (quadricep, hamstring) S Jaquiski Tartt (ribs) DT Jullian Taylor (elbow)…
- Fri, 01:19: RT @SFGiants: C-3PO: The possibility of successfully getting this Funko Pop is approximately three thousand seven hundred and twenty to one…
- Fri, 01:19: RT @sportslarryknbr: Souza is way more realistic for the #SFGiants’ than Castellanos. This is so typical of the Giants, tell everybody tha…
- Fri, 01:20: RT @RideSacRT: We are so proud of newly promoted Captain Justin Risley! Thank you to your service at SacRT and helping keep our riders safe…
- Fri, 01:21: RT @felipepotes83: Rite Aid $RAD up 22% premarket on Q3 beat; non-GAAP EPS guidance raised EPS $0.54 vs Exp. $0.07 Revenue $5.46B vs Exp.…
- Fri, 01:21: RT @brucejapsen: Rite Aid CEO: Turnaround ‘Will Take Some Time’ https://t.co/F4IdANeW6k
- Fri, 01:21: RT @UFCW8: Union Plus Scholarships: Helping Union Families With the Cost of College Since 1991, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awa…