- Mon, 21:19: RT @ABC10: Veterans will be honored all around the area today, Southwest introduces another non-stop flight to Hawaii, and an East Sacramen…
- Mon, 21:20: RT @joncoopertweets: Taking a break from the darkness that is Trump, I want to share this pic that I took today of a beautiful buck. 🦌 http…
- Mon, 21:20: RT @kylegriffin1: This is the tweet that Trump deleted after Sean Spicer was voted off Dancing with the Stars. https://t.co/g1mhzz3F5N
- Mon, 21:20: RT @RevDrBarber: Nikki Haley can’t criticize Tillerson or Kelly. She got out & left the country to the wiles of Trump. Haley is no moderate…
- Mon, 21:20: RT @page88: .@JoyceWhiteVance goes through the cards in the hand of Trump’s defenders — and it’s a whole lot of nothing. Why All of Dona…
- Mon, 21:20: RT @matthewjdowd: Let me give President trump credit: he has helped show America exactly who Nikki haley, Paul Ryan, John Cornyn, Lindsey g…
- Mon, 21:20: RT @GeorgeTakei: It’s Veterans Day, and it’s worth noting that our Commander-in-Chief claimed bone spurs to avoid the draft and illegally d…
- Mon, 21:20: RT @funder: BREAKING: Protesters chant “lock him up” and “traitor” outside of Trump’s Veteran’s Day speech. It’s loud. Real loud.
- Mon, 21:20: RT @HillaryClinton: Members of our armed forces sacrifice time with their families, their safety, and sometimes even their lives to serve t…
- Mon, 21:20: RT @CIAspygirl: It has notes of corruption, hints of sociopathic lying, robust racism & finishes with a pronounced quid pro quo. https://t.…
- Mon, 21:20: RT @jimsciutto: The stark headline of the @NikkiHaley story is not that she’s angling for Pence’s job or that Trump likes the book, it’s th…
- Mon, 21:20: RT @Lawrence: The Trump family has no veterans. They are not principled pacifists. They just firmly believe military service is for lose…
- Mon, 21:21: RT @RWPUSA: Excellent idea. Subpoena Ivanka for testimony under oath about Trump finances, foreign emoluments, financial conflicts of inter…
- Mon, 21:21: RT @DanRather: I think of all of those who stood a watch, who returned home with stories too harrowing to tell, and those who didn’t come b…
- Mon, 21:21: RT @RepAdamSchiff: Far from transparent, Trump has engaged in unprecedented obstruction. He‘s blocking more than a dozen witnesses from t…
- Mon, 21:21: RT @tomperriello: Good journalist should ask every Republican in Congress this question on Veterans Day: “If a US President admitted to st…
- Mon, 21:21: RT @AdamParkhomenko: this ad is absolutely devastating for Senate Republicans https://t.co/QgA4Jt7CW8
- Mon, 21:21: RT @kylegriffin1: Trump just claimed on Twitter, without evidence, that deposition transcripts have been doctored. To my knowledge, not one…
- Mon, 21:22: RT @ElaineLuriaVA: .@realDonaldTrump didn’t uphold his oath, but I intend to uphold mine. Serving in Congress and 20 years in the Navy, I…
- Mon, 21:22: RT @RepAdamSchiff: Laura Cooper's testimony reveals how Trump froze Congressionally-approved aid to Ukraine. Cooper raised concerns about t…
- Mon, 21:22: RT @Weinsteinlaw: Never forget that @NikkiHaley was willing to sell out the country in exchange for this tweet. https://t.co/TX3zgOgo47
- Mon, 21:22: RT @tedlieu: Impeachment is a grave power & must always be our last option. What @realDonaldTrump is saying here is that he has the perfect…
- Mon, 21:22: RT @SenDuckworth: Today on #VeteransDay, I'm taking a moment to pause and honor Veterans like my buddies who refused to leave me behind on…
- Mon, 21:22: RT @TheRickWilson: She should have https://t.co/X5Msj8QD3g
- Mon, 21:22: RT @MollyJongFast: You guys, I think Donnie junior is having some problems with his magical mystery tour. https://t.co/z8ksdnsNuv
- Mon, 21:22: RT @NormOrnstein: William Barr is a traitor to every value Americans hold dear. He should not be allowed to have a law license. He should…
- Mon, 21:23: RT @BarbMcQuade: This detail about the Ukraine scandal does not get enough attention: “Five officials who dealt with Ukraine have resigned…
- Mon, 21:23: RT @nowthisnews: These Berliners sent Trump a 2.7-ton piece of the Berlin Wall in protest of his own proposed wall at the U.S.-Mexico borde…
- Mon, 21:23: RT @ananavarro: Disagree with him all you want. Support him or don’t. But after 4 years of Trump rallies, watching this @JoeBiden townhall…
- Mon, 21:23: RT @djbenharvey: Trash trucks literally surrounding Madison Square park to protect Trump from boo-ing https://t.co/oEq13oYwd9
- Mon, 21:24: RT @brianklaas: This is just the stupidest, most vapid argument imaginable—and if you believe it, I’m sorry to say that you are an idiot. I…
- Mon, 21:24: RT @Lawrence: No Trump has ever served in the military. https://t.co/yFZiQmP84J
- Mon, 21:24: RT @tedlieu: Why does @realDonaldTrump feel compelled to lie about the transcripts, which were all reviewed by the witnesses? Because they…
- Mon, 21:24: RT @SethAbramson: BREAKING: https://t.co/vHBBnnA3rm
- Mon, 21:24: RT @funder: So many whistles being blown at NYC protest against Trump. Not joking. And it’s loud.
- Mon, 21:24: RT @kylegriffin1: From the pool report re: Trump's Veterans Day speech in NYC: "In the windows of one of the glass office towers looming ab…
- Mon, 21:24: RT @robertjdenault: REMINDER: Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump and Jared Kushner all had transactions at Deutsche Bank flagged for money laund…
- Mon, 21:24: RT @RepAdamSchiff: In honor of Veterans Day, here's the story of Navy veteran J.R. Starr, who contacted my office for help with the Departm…
- Mon, 21:24: RT @B52Malmet: ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS. Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, CSPAN. Many outlets putting up the impeachment inquiry live for all to see. We’ll…
- Mon, 21:24: RT @tedlieu: I served on active duty to defend the Constitution, including the right to Freedom of Speech. UCLA is a public university in m…
- Mon, 21:24: RT @maddow: "Nine Russian business people who gave money to the Conservative Party are named in a secret intelligence report on the threats…
- Mon, 21:24: RT @MollyJongFast: Every single interview he does can be summed up “Donald trump Jr complains...” https://t.co/TN8c18BWMr
- Mon, 21:24: RT @MichaelJElston: PBS has decided NOT to replay the daytime impeachment hearings during prime time, to the dismay of Bill Moyers and othe…
- Mon, 21:24: RT @kylegriffin1: Rex Tillerson pushes back: "Ambassador Haley was rarely a participant in my many meetings and is not in a position to kno…
- Mon, 21:24: RT @FrankFigliuzzi1: Thanks for defending us-Iraq veteran: We defended American democracy. Now we're asking Congress to do the same. #Veter…
- Mon, 21:25: RT @AmyMcGrathKY: Mitch McConnell is so detached from the people of Kentucky that it's front page news when he so much as visits. Tell us…
- Mon, 21:25: RT @tribelaw: Even this is unacceptably punitive and retaliatory. It remains intimidating to other potential witnesses. It could even chill…
- Mon, 21:27: RT @McFaul: By freezing military assistance? To a country at war? And you really believe that Trump cares about corruption in Ukraine? C’mo…
- Mon, 21:27: RT @BarackObama: This Veterans Day, here’s a moving portrait of the extraordinary resilience of my friend Cory Remsburg, an Army Ranger I’v…
- Mon, 21:27: RT @NewYorkStateAG: BREAKING: A judge has dismissed President Trump’s lawsuit against me over the TRUST Act. The TRUST Act, a law allowing…
- Mon, 21:27: RT @matthewjdowd: I have said this before and it bears repeating, President Trump doesn’t cause people to lose their character, he reveals…
- Mon, 21:27: RT @votevets: Just a reminder on Veterans Day: We are still blocked by Donald Trump. https://t.co/91vQDmW6Mj
- Mon, 21:27: RT @maggieNYT: Incredibly loud protests outside the Trump speech along Fifth Avenue, with whistles, chants of "Lock him up!"
- Mon, 21:27: RT @joncoopertweets: The most famous definition of "chutzpah" is when a man kills both his parents and begs the court for mercy because he'…
- Mon, 21:27: RT @Alyssa_Milano: WE SHOULD ALL BE SCREAMING ABOUT THIS. https://t.co/f69FN7aI4U
- Mon, 21:27: RT @BillClinton: Every American who has ever put on this nation’s uniform in war or in peace has assumed risks and made sacrifices on our c…
- Mon, 21:27: RT @BrianKarem: What if your name is Khizr Muazzam Khan or Ghazala Khan? @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/WCfhasAl00
- Mon, 21:27: RT @kylegriffin1: New: A federal judge has decided that Trump can't sue New York state officials in a Washington, D.C., court at this time…
- Mon, 21:27: RT @davidaxelrod: In a deeply polarized country, @realDonaldTrump and the @GOP figure they don’t have to disprove the allegations about him…
- Mon, 21:27: RT @ewarren: All three of my brothers served in the military, so I know the responsibility we have to our veterans, and the unique burdens…
- Mon, 21:28: RT @AndrewFeinberg: WRONG. @realDonaldTrump did not sign the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act into law, @BillClinton d…
- Mon, 21:28: RT @RonWyden: We are 358 days away from the 2020 election and Mitch McConnell has yet to take any concrete steps to protect our federal ele…
- Mon, 21:28: RT @mmpadellan: Liddle' Donald trump Jr. walked offstage in search of a safe space after being heckled at book event — by CONSERVATIVES. I…
- Mon, 21:28: RT @ProudResister: Patriotic protestors chanting “Lock Him Up” outside of the NYC #VeteransDay event that Donald Trump spoke at. God bless…
- Mon, 21:28: RT @brycetache: I really don’t care what Trump tweets. But tonight he called Democrats “angry and dishonest people who hate themselves, a…
- Mon, 21:28: RT @AmyMcGrathKY: To better honor veterans and the sacrifices we have made, we must work harder to treat each other as fellow Americans—who…
- Mon, 21:28: RT @maddow: https://t.co/m6gtmNoxUn
- Mon, 21:28: RT @waltshaub: Let's imagine the world's worst guy has it in for you. Let's imagine you rob a bank, and he tells the cops after learning of…
- Mon, 21:32: RT @McFaul: Does anyone seriously believe that Trump cares one iota about corruption in Ukraine? If so, send me some data to support that h…
- Mon, 21:32: RT @CREWcrew: Remember when Trump had the terrible idea to hold the G-7 at Doral? That still needs to be investigated. https://t.co/l8dAg…
- Mon, 21:32: RT @washingtonpost: With cheers and catcalls, Trump’s public appearances become a referendum on impeachment https://t.co/qAwjx9gmV2
- Mon, 21:33: RT @PeteButtigieg: I appreciate this reporter’s swift and honest correction of a misquote on my views of the Obama presidency. From health…
- Mon, 21:33: RT @farhip: “Name a time when conservatives have disrupted even the furthest leftist on a college campus,” Trump Jr. said to the crowd. “It…
- Mon, 21:33: RT @neeratanden: I’m deleting a tweet on @PeteButtigieg because he was inaccurately quoted. @PeteButtigieg did not say Obama in the quote.…
- Mon, 21:33: RT @Susan_Hennessey: What a hideously unethical person. Simply shameful of Fox News to allow this to occur on their air. https://t.co/lPkIc…
- Mon, 21:33: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Witnesses review & have to formally sign off on the accuracy of their testimony before transcripts are released. @Barb…
- Mon, 21:33: RT @farhip: Records president has not released (a partial list): --Tax records. --Draft board records. --Medical records. --Passport appli…
- Mon, 21:33: RT @AshaRangappa_: "The judge in Monday's decision, Carl Nichols, is a Trump appointee to the federal bench in Washington." 😂🤣😂 https://t.c…
- Mon, 21:33: RT @justinamash: Think Congress can’t get much done? Republicans and Democrats are working together right now to reauthorize Patriot Act pr…
- Mon, 21:34: RT @PreetBharara: “Jesus warned us — watch out for the lawyers.” — future Senate impeachment juror @MarshaBlackburn https://t.co/5oo5g6A2…
- Mon, 21:34: RT @MollyJongFast: This is oddly satisfying https://t.co/qgNzk2egcI
- Mon, 21:34: RT @davidfrum: Trump retweets Bill O'Reilly, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld like a frightened toddler clutching his superhero dolls when t…
- Mon, 21:34: RT @Redistrict: When President Trump took office in January 2017, there were 241 Republicans in the House. Since then, 101 have either be…
- Mon, 21:34: RT @AaronBlake: The president's top aide and his Secretary of State thought he was such a danger that they felt the need to recruit other p…
- Mon, 21:34: RT @banikarim: i can’t get past how weird it is that don jr is taking his girlfriend along on his book tour just so she can defend him when…
- Mon, 21:34: RT @AshaRangappa_: 25 of the 56 signatories of the Declaration of Independence were lawyers. 32 of the 55 framers of the Constitution were…
- Mon, 21:34: RT @shannonrwatts: Just when you think this whole situation can’t get any dumber, a sitting US Senator from Tennessee weighs in. https://t.…
- Mon, 21:35: RT @MarkHertling: Bold move. As a veteran, is it okay to be offended by this effort + the fact the date of Veterans Day is wrong + this oc…
- Mon, 21:35: RT @Fahrenthold: $2M in damages. Last week, a NY judge ordered President @realdonaldtrump to pay $2 million in damages, because the preside…
- Mon, 21:36: RT @davidschneider: Labour must reciprocate. They should stand down for Caroline Lucas. Also in LibDem marginals like Richmond against Go…
- Mon, 21:36: RT @DrPhillipLee: “Parts of England are drifting away from a political tradition that once represented them as a matter of instinct, but th…
- Mon, 21:36: RT @IanCLucas: Stinks to high heaven. https://t.co/dWkvHSP0tv
- Mon, 21:37: RT @joswinson: The Conservative Party are the Brexit Party now. https://t.co/ijpWUUMDvh
- Mon, 21:37: RT @DeborahMeaden: If this is true it stinks. Is it? https://t.co/iMlkVubePN
- Mon, 21:37: RT @MatthewGreen02: Former Conservative Minister Nick Boles @NickBoles, announces he's voting @LibDems saying: 'I will vote for Jo Swinson’…
- Mon, 21:37: RT @NickBoles: Don’t settle for the appalling choice between Johnson and Corbyn. Use your vote to start something new. https://t.co/LPwjBR…
- Mon, 21:37: RT @BethRigby: This an excoriating attack on @BorisJohnson from ex-Tory MP who briefly worked for PM as his CoS at City Hall. Boles says ca…
- Mon, 21:37: RT @remain_central: Remain parties ahead compared to 2017. Help #StopBrexit: Campaign #Remain. Vote tactical. https://t.co/wHLD3Zk1Zk
- Mon, 21:37: RT @ElectionMapsUK: Current Polling Compared to This Time in the 2017 Campaign: CON: 38.5% (-8.6) LAB: 28.4% (-0.1) LDM: 15.9% (+6.5) BXP:…
- Mon, 21:37: RT @remain_central: Johnson vs Corbyn an ‘appalling choice', says ex-Tory MP. Nick Boles said he would be voting for the Lib Dems & #Remai…
- Mon, 21:37: RT @SamGyimah: Farage’s move today, confirms @LibDems, not Labour are the real threat to the Tories. So, if you want to stop the Tories, v…
- Mon, 21:37: RT @SamGyimah: Nigel Farage has achieved his life ambition...he now owns the @Conservatives https://t.co/SchHt6lLdF
- Mon, 21:37: RT @cliodiaspora: Today, in an article in The Times, @michaelgove argues that maintaining freedom of movement would be 'extreme, dangerous…
- Mon, 21:37: RT @cliodiaspora: Every single point made in the short extract I shared is a lie: 🛑FoM is *not* 'unlimited and uncontrolled immigration' 🛑k…
- Mon, 21:37: RT @mrjamesob: Strip away the nonsense about trade, sovereignty, fish and blue passports and all that’s left, all that’s ever left, is raci…
- Mon, 21:38: RT @NickBoles: The conversion of the Conservative Party into a pale imitation of the Brexit Party continues. The moderate liberal voters wh…
- Mon, 21:38: RT @remain_central: Now the Brexit Party has effectively taken over the Conservative party. They’ve stitched up a dodgy deal. But the Tor…
- Mon, 21:38: RT @remain_central: He’s right. Support the #RemainAlliance. Campaign to #Remain. Then vote tactical if needed. https://t.co/NGgY9u96nI
- Mon, 21:38: RT @BBCPolitics: Former Conservative MP Nick Boles condemns "appalling choice" voters face between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn https:/…
- Mon, 21:38: RT @Anna_Soubry: It’s official the #Conservative Party just became the #BrexitParty. #OneNation Conservatives will now lend their votes to…
- Mon, 21:38: RT @BBCPolitics: “I suspect there are many traditional Tory voters... that are appalled to find that their party has effectively become the…
- Mon, 21:38: RT @remain_central: Nick Boles: Appalling Choice election must start the process of building something new. Neither Labour nor the Conserv…
- Mon, 21:38: RT @miketmullaney: Ken Clarke, Matthew Parris, Stephen Dorrell Nick Boles. Roll call of East Mids moderate former Tory MPs now backing @jo…
- Mon, 21:39: RT @GavinNewsom: CA is home to more than 1.7 million veterans. Today, we thank them for their selfless service to protect our freedoms and…
- Mon, 21:39: RT @CAgovernor: “More than 1.7 million veterans now live in CA – the most of any state in the union. Today, we pay tribute to them, we than…
- Mon, 21:39: RT @JenSiebelNewsom: Today we honor all those who have put on a uniform and protected our great country. I want to especially recognize the…
- Mon, 21:40: RT @CalEndow: The Veterans who we honor today are as diverse as the country they serve. Undocumented Veterans House-less Veterans LGBTQ Ve…
- Mon, 21:41: RT @SenDuckworth: Today, a group of Veterans was forced to celebrate #VeteransDay in Mexico because our nation's government deported them,…
- Mon, 21:41: RT @jahimes: “Insidious”, that’s how Ambassador Sondland describes the President’s extortion of a foreign country. Make sure you read the t…
- Mon, 21:41: RT @KamalaHarris: Active shooter drills are traumatizing a generation of American children. https://t.co/9GxO9WetjW
- Mon, 21:41: RT @tedlieu: There are various reasons that cause a Member of Congress such as Peter King to retire. One of them is that he has a kick ass…
- Mon, 21:41: RT @shelbygrad: Alan Hagman was an amazing @latimes colleague. He also shot a photo that captures about as perfectly as anything the futili…
- Mon, 21:41: RT @DanCALmatters: On this Veterans Day, I salute my wife, Lt. Col. Doris Winter (USAF, Retired), who devoted 20 years of her life to servi…
- Mon, 21:41: RT @James_HamNBCS: MRI confirms De'Aaron Fox suffered a left ankle sprain at the end of practice. He will be reevaluated in 3-4 weeks.
- Mon, 21:41: RT @SacRepublicFC: Help us wish club president @bgumpert a very happy birthday! 🥳 https://t.co/iIBTEKl4qa
- Mon, 21:41: RT @SacPolice: 🇺🇸Thank you. Today and everyday ... #VeteransDay #veteransday2019 #sacpd https://t.co/HkTBaxqagq
- Mon, 21:41: RT @JuddApatow: Hey @DonaldJTrumpJr - we don’t have A religion. Our entire country is based on that fact. It’s why the country was create…
- Mon, 21:41: RT @GeorgeTakei: Sending healing vibes, and all my best hopes for a full recovery, to President Jimmy Carter, who is undergoing brain surge…
- Mon, 21:41: RT @Alyssa_Milano: Biden was great tonight. I have some issues with him, I do, but I can’t deny that his empathy is what makes him an impac…
- Mon, 21:42: RT @BASportsGuy: The 49ers turned it over 3 times, allowed 5 sacks and dropped a zillion passes, still could’ve beaten Russell Wilson with…
- Mon, 21:42: RT @NinersNation: 49ers DC Robert Saleh getting his pre-game stadium stair run in. https://t.co/oHa1kCerqH
- Mon, 21:43: RT @RideSacRT: Fare-free transit for youth isn't just for school days! With holiday breaks right around the corner, students can take advan…
- Mon, 21:43: RT @UFCW8: From all of us in our union family. Happy #VeteransDay. We thank all our #veterans, past and present, from all branches, for eve…
- Mon, 21:43: RT @UFCW8: Shop at #RiteAid? Workers need YOUR support. Worker healthcare plans are at risk-- please sign the petition and #SupportRiteAidW…