I could look for a Nichol Hawking one,but I wouldn't want to relive my experience watching the dreadful anime he's from...
What?!An alternate LJ avatar for yours truly?
I could look for a Nichol Hawking one,but I wouldn't want to relive my experience watching the dreadful anime he's from...
This LJ only dies when LJ does,for future reference...
In addition to receiving a Blu-ray player for Christmas,I finally located and brought in my DVD collection this past summer;and yes I've watched…
Fear and loathing in the People's Republic of America,part 1 of ∞
Just over 2 months in,my political bitterness and wariness knows no limits;and again,I had the heart to actually get out and vote for Hillary.I wish…
Proud to be Californian?Definitely.American?Not so certain right now...
As you can tell,I did indeed stay loyal to my partisan affiliation on Election Day;and while I was mostly on target with the state and local races,I…
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