Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Sun, 00:02: RT @kylegriffin1: Some professional news: I've accepted a promotion at MSNBC to be a senior producer on The Last Word. I've been incredibly…
  • Sun, 00:02: RT @NatashaBertrand: BREAKING: House Oversight is investigating whether US military expenditures have been propping up Trump Turnberry. A p…
  • Sun, 00:02: RT @waltshaub: This is a dangerous theory that has no place in a free country. It is an assertion that only the executive branch can decide…
  • Sun, 00:02: RT @waltshaub: In January 2017 I warned America about the danger of Trump refusing to divest his assets. Tonight—as with every night for th…
  • Sun, 00:02: RT @RepAdamSchiff: If you believe the DOD just randomly decided to start spending nights at a luxury golf course in Scotland, well, Donald…
  • Sun, 00:02: RT @JoshRudes: .@washingtonpost has been "reliably told" that Trump is intentionally withholding a White House visit and US military aid "i…
  • Sun, 00:02: RT @matthewamiller: This is unreal. And quite telling that despite first becoming aware there were questions about this in April, there isn…
  • Sun, 00:02: RT @NatashaBertrand: BREAK: THE AIR FORCE has just confirmed to us that seven C-17 crew members stayed at Turnberry in March. Air Force ops…
  • Sun, 00:02: RT @Mimirocah1: This is like an old mob racket - they used it in santitation business among others. Mob Presidency. https://t.co/ZQRecDk02G
  • Sun, 00:02: RT @JohnWDean: Expect impeachment proceedings to become more focused. House must make his fitness for office a 2020 campaign issue! Other t…
  • Sun, 00:03: RT @davidfrum: There is always, always, always a tweet https://t.co/6PyiGNf7xc
  • Sun, 00:03: RT @MalcolmNance: PerDiem for Glasgow is $160 per night for lodging and $85 for meals and incedental expenses. There is no way Trump charg…
  • Sun, 00:03: RT @kylegriffin1: According to the pool report, Trump has arrived at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, VA. This is Trump's 228th day a…
  • Sun, 00:03: RT @TheRickWilson: My, what a low bar you have. What happens when Americans start doubting if they can trust the info and warnings of NOAA…
  • Sun, 00:03: RT @MalcolmNance: Local hotels around Preswick in high season price from $74-128. Trump Turnberrys cheapest room is $286 and 30 Miles away.…
  • Sun, 00:05: RT @kylegriffin1: Trump aides are concerned about his mental state, BI reports. "His mood changes from one minute to the next based on som…
  • Sun, 00:05: RT @MonicaMedinaDC: As a former @NOAA leader I can say two things with certainty. No NOAA Administrator I worked for would have done this.…
  • Sun, 00:05: RT @CNNPR: CNN proudly stands with @washingtonpost and its reporters. Continuing attacks on the media and the First Amendment are wrong.
  • Sun, 00:05: RT @brianstelter: Trump's new tweet saying two WaPo reporters "shouldn't even be allowed on the grounds of the White House" is notable beca…
  • Sun, 00:05: RT @tedlieu: Having served on active duty as a JAG, I know that federal gift regulations can be complicated. But one thing is crystal clear…
  • Sun, 00:05: RT @kylegriffin1: The Navy has been forced to stand down on construction projects meant to fix "life safety violations" and fire risks at d…
  • Sun, 00:05: RT @SethAbramson: SPOILER: No, a random 30 year-old with no special talents cannot bring peace to the Middle East https://t.co/kkT2uCKd6c
  • Sun, 00:05: RT @DavidCornDC: It ain’t over. https://t.co/uMoDHMQb7W
  • Sun, 00:05: RT @davidfrum: The president tweeting cat videos is actually less nuts than the president tweeting details of supposedly secret negotiation…
  • Sun, 00:05: RT @funder: BREAKING: House Judiciary Cmte panel will release draft resolution to define the impeachment probe into Donald Trump on Monday…
  • Sun, 00:06: RT @robreiner: The Impeachment process is about to begin. The articles drawn up will be voluminous. Never in our nation’s history has there…
  • Sun, 00:06: RT @Strandjunker: She is not naive. She is not a child. She is not an innocent bystander. She is a liar. She is a complicit traitor. S…
  • Sun, 00:06: RT @stucam7771: Trump is a man in his 70’s with an unhealthy lifestyle - there are some who wish for his natural demise. I personally don…
  • Sun, 00:06: RT @kenolin1: I don’t know what is more infuriating; the fact that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, or the fact that he’s incapable…
  • Sun, 00:06: RT @NightlyPolitics: Michelle Obama Named 2019’s Most Admired Woman in the World https://t.co/M3BfjdGcBC
  • Sun, 00:06: RT @mmpadellan: Some of you may have noticed that I call out trump's BS on his tweets. It's tiring, but necessary. I REFUSE to allow his…
  • Sun, 00:06: RT @joncoopertweets: BREAKING: The House Judiciary Committee is prepared to vote on Wednesday on a resolution laying out the procedures for…
  • Sun, 00:06: RT @PalmerReport: Donald Trump’s day so far: - Impeachment inquiry vote coming this week - No wonder Trump has been crapping himself - Deu…
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @Jk67Joan: Fox News legal analyst says Trump violated Constitution's "separation of powers" three times in past week https://t.co/1EGovI
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @RepJeffries: 14 million private sector jobs created during Obama economy. Unemployment rate cut in half. Deficit reduced by a trillio…
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @RobAnderson2018: For a rich family, the Trumps seem to be interested in moving a lot of stuff from our pockets into theirs.
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @Amy_Siskind: Anyone who believes Trump will leave in 2020 if he loses: *the military is covering for him on Turnberry *the DOJ is going…
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @johnpavlovitz: I will passionately support any Dem candidate who wins the Nomination. Having said that, a good portion of Bernie suppo…
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @TeaPainUSA: Just wait till impeachment hearings start. https://t.co/6TfttzK3cg
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @TeaPainUSA: Do you ever get the impression Tulsi Gabbard is runnin’ to be Trump’s Vice President? https://t.co/K6RS7b0hmJ
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @FosteSherman: Trump allows Russians to take root in America but blocked service members families from citizenship. Isn't that quaint? h…
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @tonyschwartz: I’m liking Warren a lot. I do believe she can beat Trump — and change the trajectory of a country and a government that h…
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @UROCKlive1: Who'd have thought the man who campaigned on draining the swamp would turn out to be the biggest grifter the presidency had…
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @joncoopertweets: NEW: The House Judiciary Committee just announced that they’re planning to reveal an impeachment roadmap and a key cha…
  • Sun, 00:07: RT @funder: Boom: House Judiciary Committee just announced they’re planning to reveal an impeachment roadmap with the intent of holding Wat…
  • Sun, 00:08: RT @joncoopertweets: Coming as absolutely no surprise to anybody, Russian stooge ⁦@TulsiGabbard⁩ says she strongly opposes the impeachment…
  • Sun, 00:09: RT @girlsreallyrule: Trump admits to a secret meeting with the Taliban and Afghan president at Camp David, then says he canceled after the…
  • Sun, 00:09: RT @RepSwalwell: You brought the Taliban to the United States the week of September 11? https://t.co/oxXYweNAOi
  • Sun, 00:09: RT @davidcicilline: If @BarackObama ever invited the Taliban to Camp David during the week of 9/11... My point is that Republicans are hyp…
  • Sun, 00:09: RT @tedlieu: Dear @NOAA Leadership: You all took one oath. And that was to the Constitution, not to @realDonaldTrump. Stop embarrassing you…
  • Sun, 00:19: RT @NickBoles: At what point do Matt Hancock and Nicky Morgan suddenly discover that they too have backbones? Or are they now nailed on as…
  • Sun, 00:19: RT @LibFozzy: It’s a bit weird to have to update this page QUITE as often as this, but here we go, let’s add number 17! https://t.co/z3uHDo
  • Sun, 00:19: RT @PaulBrandITV: Amber Rudd’s resignation surely puts huge pressure on other cabinet members who’ve expressed private concern about the ‘p…
  • Sun, 00:19: RT @sarahwollaston: No place for MPs with moderate views in the Conservative Party, only for the right wing & narrow minded nationalists. G…
  • Sun, 00:19: RT @DavidLammy: The remain alliance must put party interest to one side, unite and work together to fight this Faustian pact. A country tha…
  • Sun, 00:19: RT @remain_central: Ken Clarke: ‘I may protest and vote Lib Dem’ Thousands have joined the #StopBrexit Lib Dems in the last week. Join th…
  • Sun, 00:19: RT @LibDemMEPs: Welcome to the @LibDems @angelasmithmp! Our pro-European movement is growing rapidly, you can be part of it here: https://…
  • Sun, 00:19: RT @peterjukes: So @AmberRuddHR has not just resigned from Cabinet. She’s surrendered the whip and joined the 21 Independent Tory Party reb…
  • Sun, 00:19: RT @JolyonMaugham: He might be bound only "in theory" but in practice he'll either see the extension delivered or he'll go to prison. https…
  • Sun, 00:19: RT @LibDems: 🎉🎉Welcome to our newest MP @angelasmithmp! 🎉🎉 The Liberal Democrats are surging - we're the biggest anti Brexit party and we…
Tags: #beatla, #clawsup, #defendourdemocracy, #fbp, #libdems, #libdemsurge, #marchforchange, #peoplesvote, #remain, #remainal, #rev, #sfgiants, #shutout, #stopbrex, #stopbrexit, #stopthecoup, #unitetoremain, twitter

  • My tweets

    Thu, 12:41: RT @ MirannLolani: Okay it’s a new day, I’m back. KINGS IN 7. 👑 Thu, 12:41: RT @ thatl0calguy: Kings in 7. Thu, 12:44: RT…

  • My tweets

    Thu, 10:35: RT @ samwlodawski: Finally, the woman who’s lies led to the death of Emmett Till, died. Normally, I feel bad when people die I…

  • My tweets

    Tue, 12:28: RT @ Scott_Wiener: 🧵We’re rolling out our state budget ask to avoid the fiscal cliff for CA transit systems: $5B over 5 years.…

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