Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Mon, 01:02: RT @BernieSanders: This is completely false, and what a pathological liar and misogynist sounds like when he talks about abortion. Together…
  • Mon, 01:02: RT @robreiner: If AG refuses to testify before the House Judiciary Committee, we will be taking another huge step toward Autocracy. Like th…
  • Mon, 01:02: RT @soledadobrien: Oh Jesus Christ: he lied. It was terrible and he lied at a rally to encourage his base. Come on, @nytimes https://t.co/z
  • Mon, 01:02: RT @BrettPransky: Donald Trump has chosen not to give out this year's National Teacher of the Year Award, breaking a tradition that dates b…
  • Mon, 01:02: RT @BFriedmanDC: This year's National Teacher of the Year is a black man https://t.co/Dap3ZdHCrQ
  • Mon, 01:02: RT @PoliticusSarah: Dear Jack, I'm tired of being told references to raping journalists are not a vio. I am tired of being called a baby…
  • Mon, 01:02: RT @tedlieu: Dear @TheJusticeDept Barr: What are you afraid of? What are you trying to hide from the American people? Last term multiple m…
  • Mon, 01:02: RT @RepAdamSchiff: I was inspired to run for office by leaders like Richard Lugar whose work on nuclear nonproliferation made the world a s…
  • Mon, 01:02: RT @SaysHummingbird: Democrats can put Mnuchin in prison right now for hiding Trump’s taxes: ex-Watergate prosecutor. Who else would love…
  • Mon, 01:02: RT @krassenstein: RETWEET if you are a Democrat and don't believe in killing born babies, unlike what Fox News, Trump and Most Republicans…
  • Mon, 01:03: RT @pattonoswalt: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read this thread. Our POTUS is deranged and needs to be lawfully removed from office. #25thAmendment
  • Mon, 01:03: RT @RepJeffries: Black churches firebombed in Louisiana. Fifty murdered in two mosque attacks in New Zealand. Eleven killed at Tree of Li…
  • Mon, 01:03: RT @StopBigMoney: FACT: If it wasn’t for the Electoral College, Hillary Clinton would be President right now. So we’re collecting 25,OOO Si…
  • Mon, 01:03: RT @TeaPainUSA: We've got antisemitism drippin' from social media, shootings in synagogues, black church burnings and mosques bein' vandali…
  • Mon, 01:03: RT @IsaiahAProphet: Really??? Important because it's heights not because of what's taken place there? He wouldn't know it's importance from…
  • Mon, 01:03: RT @KamalaHarris: Anti-Semitism has no place in our country. https://t.co/sDunDXLjqy
  • Mon, 01:03: RT @AOC: The terrorist attack in Sri Lanka was horrifying. Saying ‘Easter worshippers’ matters bc Easter is the holiest day of the year for…
  • Mon, 01:03: RT @AOC: You are using this as an excuse to stoke suspicion around my Christianity + faith life, @KellyannePolls. The Sri Lanka massacre w…
  • Mon, 01:03: RT @GeorgeTakei: If candidates cannot win your vote without personally trashing other Democrats, they should not have your vote.
  • Mon, 01:04: RT @Augustus709: trump should be impeached for this statement alone. https://t.co/Wp7V1Px3AA
  • Mon, 01:04: RT @VotePulver: Thread: As a NICU nurse, I served on the “Bereavement Team.” We were a special team of Nurses tough enough to help new pare…
  • Mon, 01:05: RT @jemelehill: I’m just here for all of the people who will suddenly embrace athletes having political opinions because Nick Bosa is a Tru…
  • Mon, 01:05: RT @JuddLegum: ATTENTION AMERICA: This is a clip from last night of Donald Trump slandering women and doctors. He is accusing them of cons…
  • Mon, 01:06: RT @funder: Trump was beyond a Trump-level of disgusting last night. He said women give birth to babies. Then “they take care of the baby.…
  • Mon, 01:06: RT @RVAwonk: Holy hell. Trump just told the crowd at his Wisconsin rally that after women give birth, the baby is "wrapped in a blanket" an…
  • Mon, 01:06: RT @krassenstein: I pledge to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee ends up being. Whether it's Bernie, or Harris, or Beto, or Biden, or…
  • Mon, 01:07: RT @SethAbramson: He'll talk to a Republican-led committee in the Senate but not a Democratic-led committee in the House and we still prete…
  • Mon, 01:07: RT @ewarren: I was proud to take the #WeAreIndivisible pledge—now let's do the work we need to do to defeat Trump in 2020. https://t.co/PLB
  • Mon, 01:07: RT @ananavarro: Shorter: Trump lied https://t.co/T6WhNgx2BZ
  • Mon, 01:09: RT @BernieSanders: My anger and indignation are reserved for your lies to the working class of America. Remember when you said "we're going…
  • Mon, 01:17: RT @NWSSacramento: The Modis satellite 🛰 captured a clear view of California this morning. Visible are the snow capped mountains & marine s…
Tags: #1, #25thamendment, #dca, #gunreformsnow, #nationalsuperheroday, #sacramento, #weareindivisible, #whitesplaining, twitter

  • My tweets

    Thu, 12:41: RT @ MirannLolani: Okay it’s a new day, I’m back. KINGS IN 7. 👑 Thu, 12:41: RT @ thatl0calguy: Kings in 7. Thu, 12:44: RT…

  • My tweets

    Thu, 10:35: RT @ samwlodawski: Finally, the woman who’s lies led to the death of Emmett Till, died. Normally, I feel bad when people die I…

  • My tweets

    Tue, 12:28: RT @ Scott_Wiener: 🧵We’re rolling out our state budget ask to avoid the fiscal cliff for CA transit systems: $5B over 5 years.…

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