- Sun, 22:09: RT @TheSWPrincess: #Maryland if you're not registered to vote, DO IT NOW! Deadlines are below. You can register to vote & find out wher…
- Sun, 22:09: RT @KamalaHarris: This is a major win for students everywhere. https://t.co/mscpzud5Ah
- Sun, 22:09: RT @NEIndependence: It's time for independence! #FreeNewEngland #FreeThebear #FreeCatalonia #FreeScotland #FreeWales #ViscaCatalunya #Solid…
- Sun, 22:09: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: I have four children. Their father is a judge. Their mother was a federal prosecutor. None of them could have “represe…
- Sun, 22:09: RT @TheLoyalO: Assume nothing. Every #vote matters. Make time. Our democracy, our individual rights, common decency and our quality of li…
- Sun, 22:09: RT @tedlieu: Good numbers for Democrats less than four weeks before a national election. But victory only happens if people actually vote.…
- Sun, 22:09: RT @JanzforCongress: Great disguise Devin. I bet none of your constituents were able to bother you in the VIP section. When are you going t…
- Sun, 22:09: RT @TrinityResists: 8/28/1963: 14 yo Emmett Till was accused of cat-calling a white woman at a corner store. He was kidnapped, brutally bea…
- Sun, 22:10: RT @B52Malmet: #TrumpsConcentrationCamps are normalized. They shouldn’t be. “But four months after its opening, the shelter 30 miles outsid…
- Sun, 22:10: RT @jeremy_e1: @Vote_CNP I love California too. https://t.co/ktn02Awba1
- Sun, 22:10: RT @DHStokyo: Victor Hugo said, "Perserverance, secret of all triumphs." Midterms are in 23 days and it will be hard to not let the avalan…
- Sun, 22:10: RT @ryanstruyk: The first @CNN numbers for 2020 Democratic presidential nomination just released this morning: Biden 33% Sanders 13% Harri…
- Sun, 22:10: RT @SenJeffMerkley: We must save the treasured, wild Tongass National Forest from unprecedented development that would harm this special pl…
- Sun, 22:10: RT @StormResist: PSA: there’s a new type of bot in town. They will have a avatar similar to this one and have NPC in their name. They a…
- Sun, 22:17: RT @krassenstein: US National Guard chief: “The climate is changing. I don’t know why.” I'll tell you why... Carbon emissions are causi…
- Sun, 22:18: RT @Vote_CNP: Meanwhile in #Catalonia... #FreeCatalonia https://t.co/fo2Qb5oWLy
- Sun, 22:18: RT @Vote_CNP: Vote! https://t.co/afjKNC8xle
- Sun, 22:18: RT @theansweristru: I want a hat that says "Make California Independent Again"
- Sun, 22:18: RT @Vote_CNP: So say we all! #FreeTheBear https://t.co/hodVEKWgaP
- Sun, 22:18: RT @Vote_CNP: Are you proud to be an American? #FreeCalifornia https://t.co/xxIRDI8u4m
- Sun, 22:18: RT @Vote_CNP: Are you proud to be an America? #FreeCalifornia https://t.co/fG8MsorHge
- Sun, 22:19: RT @Vote_CNP: Are you proud to be an American? #FreeCalifornia https://t.co/UQfZdjO7nJ
- Sun, 22:19: RT @Vote_CNP: A global yearning to be free! #FreeNewEngland #FreeThebear #FreeCatalonia #FreeScotland #FreeWales #ViscaCatalunya #Solidari…
- Sun, 22:19: RT @theSNP: ❤️ Hope is possible. A better future is within our grasp. And together we are going to make it happen. 👏 Thanks to all delegat…
- Sun, 22:19: RT @miquelcles: Can you spare a minute to help Miquel Clua Espino? https://t.co/sp6r3wiDVA
- Sun, 22:19: RT @Vote_CNP: Unacceptable! Had enough? #FreeTheBear https://t.co/sdi7hIoSSo
- Sun, 22:19: RT @CnpMenlo: We're proud to unveil our first event: we will be hosting a beach cleanup at Half-Moon Bay! This event includes snacks and wi…
- Sun, 22:19: RT @GavinNewsom: Great to join my friend, @LibbySchaaf today! Oakland has such an amazing leader in her — one who will always stand up for…
- Sun, 22:19: RT @jheil: T minus a little less than 3 hours until our new episode of @SHO_TheCircus —CALIFORNIA DREAMING. With @GavinNewsom @GOPLeader @J…
- Sun, 22:20: RT @NoProp6: If Prop 6 passes, construction for transportation safety projects across CA will come to a grinding halt, wasting money and ma…
- Sun, 22:20: RT @NoProp6: The @mercnews and @EastBayTimes agree Prop 6 is flawed and "misses the mark" #NoProp6 https://t.co/hNVbFwncB6 https://t.co/4Nl…
- Sun, 22:21: RT @SenJeffMerkley: When it comes to harming children, Trump operates from a dark place. He now wants parents to choose between traumati…
- Sun, 22:21: RT @RepSwalwell: Leaders are measured by where they stood on questions of morality. General Lee sided with slavery. Lincoln sided with free…
- Sun, 22:21: RT @SenatorHeitkamp: Every day, I come to work in the U.S. Senate fighting for North Dakota. My parents taught me that we could disagree, b…
- Sun, 22:21: RT @RepDonBeyer: Climate will not “change back again.” We don’t have to lose “millions and millions of jobs.” Trump is risking millions…
- Sun, 22:21: RT @KamalaHarris: This moment in time will pass. But when we get through it, it will be because of the people who knocked on doors, made ph…
- Sun, 22:21: RT @JimmyGomezCA: Road trip to help flip the house w/ reps @Nanette4CA & @RubenGallego ... first stop @katieporteroc . . .#ca45 #BlueWave20…
- Sun, 22:22: RT @NWSSacramento: Some 24 hour peak wind gusts from around interior NorCal. #CAwx https://t.co/Mq7YjaYj18
- Sun, 22:23: RT @GeorgeTakei: If you are turned away at the polls because your name is not on the register, don’t walk away. Say this: I REQUEST A PROVI…
- Sun, 22:23: RT @Alyssa_Milano: Georgia Voters: Here’s How to Legally Vote Even if You’re on Brian Kemp’s Can’t-Vote List https://t.co/uNZvG3a5fe
- Sun, 22:23: RT @DebraMessing: It’s called A bribe @senatorCollins. We see you https://t.co/dnPuacwaFW
- Sun, 22:23: RT @SamuelLJackson: Met the amazing Stacey Abrams, gubernatorial candidate for Georgia!! She’s the truth!! Georgians, Start Voting Now, don…
- Sun, 22:24: RT @RideSacRT: Our love letter to you: Lower fares + better service on buses and light rail.
- Sun, 22:37: RT @SenBlumenthal: Business leaders shunning the Saudis deserve support. Other corporations should look to their courage & backbone for mor…
- Sun, 22:37: RT @SenGillibrand: The NRA, giant corporations and the prison-industrial complex all derive influence from the same place: the ability to b…
- Sun, 22:37: RT @SenBillNelson: Meeting with officials and surveying the damage in Bay, Jackson and Gadsden Counties today in an effort to get necessary…
- Sun, 22:37: RT @tedlieu: What does a whiff of fraud smell like? I don't know because fraud has no smell. But if it did, it probably smells like the bel…
- Sun, 22:37: RT @NWSSacramento: A Red Flag Warning is in effect for much of #NorCal due to gusty winds & dry conditions through Monday evening. Please u…
- Sun, 22:40: RT @JRehling: Sears is facing bankruptcy, which is a good time to note that its CEO, Eddie Lampert, is an avid follower of Ayn Rand and has…
- Sun, 22:40: RT @AP: BREAKING: Swan song for an American icon? Sears files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
- Sun, 22:41: RT @latimes: Sears files for bankruptcy, will further shrink operations https://t.co/hq7dpouoKP https://t.co/G3ck74ZKOu
- Sun, 22:41: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Sears filed for bankruptcy. It was the Amazon of its era, but didn’t keep up with changes in how Americans shop…
- Sun, 22:41: RT @cnnbrk: Sears, the once-dominant retail chain that changed how Americans shopped and lived, has filed for bankruptcy https://t.co/ccToi…
- Sun, 22:41: RT @washingtonpost: Sears files for bankruptcy after years of turmoil. The former titan of American retail struggled to compete with e-comm…
- Sun, 22:42: RT @ABC7: #BREAKING Sears files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy amid losses, massive debt https://t.co/XMC53tVwMp https://t.co/VXJQOOsAo5
- Sun, 22:42: RT @HuffPost: Can Sears survive in the internet age? https://t.co/jpDwdzg2ap
- Sun, 22:42: RT @AP: Sears files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, buckling under its massive debt load and staggering losses. https://t.co/rhEV4grm…
- Sun, 22:42: RT @Reuters: U.S. retailer Sears files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy https://t.co/SuwifXQNxv
- Sun, 22:43: RT @NoFascistLies: A Sears bankruptcy would cause one of the largest pension defaults in the history of the US. So much for Donald Trump br…
- Sun, 22:52: RT @SenBillNelson: Michael caused the worst destruction the Panhandle has seen in my lifetime. Floridians are hurting and they will for a l…
- Sun, 22:52: RT @jontester: “When first elected, Tester made U.S. Senate history by posting his daily work schedule online. Since then he has sponsored…
- Sun, 22:52: RT @SenGillibrand: We’ve got to do a better job of supporting working families in this country. That means establishing a minimum wage that…
- Sun, 22:52: RT @KamalaHarris: Lynching is a crime of violence motivated by racism. And it isn’t a federal crime. My bill with Senators Booker and Scot…
- Sun, 22:52: RT @tedlieu: At #hball2018 to support the Pediatric Therapy Network, an amazing organization (@PTN4Kids). My wife Betty is dressed as a cow…
- Sun, 22:52: RT @JimmyGomezCA: We believe in @KatieHill4CA! Let’s flip the 25th! https://t.co/33SVZ0Vz1K
- Sun, 22:52: RT @AlexPadilla4CA: The @49ers now have the best record in the @NFL — in voter registration among their players! Next play is to vote on El…
- Sun, 22:52: RT @sacbee_news: Actor Alec Baldwin followed up his latest parody portrayal of President Trump with a serious call for voters to use the No…
- Sun, 22:52: RT @NinersNation: Frank Gore continues his climb through the NFL record book. On Sunday, he moved past 18,000 career yards from scrimmage!…
- Sun, 22:53: RT @SarahKSilverman: United States 2018 https://t.co/NGYlq29WTW
- Sun, 22:53: RT @PattyArquette: The true “Welfare State” is when the Ultra Wealthy like the Trump and now Kushner Families Avoid paying taxes. They scre…
- Sun, 22:53: RT @JuddApatow: Oh Lachlan Murdoch and James Murdoch must love money so much to not mind spreading hate, ignorance m, racism and hypocrisy…
- Sun, 22:56: RT @CBSNews: Sears, the once dominant retailer that's fallen on very hard times, has filed for bankruptcy https://t.co/C0xL9SZtq0 https://t…
- Sun, 23:04: RT @jilevin: Sears reportedly preparing to file for chapter 11 protection https://t.co/ocAReGBLjV
- Sun, 23:05: RT @NBCNews: NEW: Sears has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. https://t.co/hViwcrUhGB
- Sun, 23:05: RT @abc7newsbayarea: #BREAKING Sears files for Chapter 11 amid plunging sales, massive debt https://t.co/cfvISMiXup https://t.co/N7OlspTrKx
- Sun, 23:05: RT @Reuters: Iconic U.S. retailer Sears files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy https://t.co/vXB9tx1n3w
- Sun, 23:07: RT @SenatorCantwell: I’m pleased this bill delivers on an 80-year-old promise by the Army Corps to complete Tribal village development for…
- Sun, 23:07: RT @RepMarkTakano: This is an important victory for students! We must continue to oppose @BetsyDeVosED’s anti-student agenda. #DefendStuden…
- Sun, 23:08: RT @SenGillibrand: Change comes when Americans from all walks of life raise their voices to demand it. You have the power to transform this…
- Sun, 23:08: RT @KamalaHarris: The Trump Administration is trying to pack the courts for years to come. We will fight this. https://t.co/d1bOOVDtMJ
- Sun, 23:08: RT @tedlieu: Wealthy folk like Jared Kushner get to take massive tax breaks. Everyone else actually pays taxes. What did the #GOP tax law…
- Sun, 23:08: RT @JimmyGomezCA: Katie Porter is going to Flip #CA45! Let’s do this! #bluewave https://t.co/VJY3yHXa9Q
- Sun, 23:09: RT @CBSSacramento: BREAKING: Sears has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, buckling under its massive debt load and staggering loss…
- Sun, 23:09: RT @CBSSacramento: Got Your Mail-In Ballot? Drop Box Locations Now Open In Sacramento County https://t.co/Jubscp2On5
- Sun, 23:09: RT @FOX40: Baldwin Urges ‘Overthrow’ of Trump Government via Voting https://t.co/PdskPUTUh1
- Sun, 23:17: RT @krassenstein: If anyone questions whether Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen has flipped on Trump, take note that he just said the…
- Sun, 23:17: RT @joncoopertweets: Iowa’s largest newspaper, The Des Moines Register, announced its endorsements, and their advice was consistent: Vote D…
- Sun, 23:18: RT @MichaelAvenatti: We can no longer afford to allow corrupt politicians to rig the system to prevent voting. The future of our republic i…
- Sun, 23:18: RT @NancyPelosi: "For 2019 we have an agenda. What are Democrats for? We are #ForThePeople. Lower health care costs, reducing the price of…
- Sun, 23:18: RT @adamcbest: Donald Trump refused to pledge not to shut down the Mueller probe. That’s because after the election he’s going to try to do…
- Sun, 23:18: RT @TeamPelosi: Please register to vote. We have to #TakeItBack. https://t.co/hnW558qaZU
- Sun, 23:18: RT @joefaz: At least 18 people, from Florida to Virginia, have been found dead as a result of the hurricane. The death toll is expected to…
- Sun, 23:18: RT @politicususa: These Are The Moments That Made Trump’s Mental Decline Clear During His 60 Minutes Interview https://t.co/mOpPj1sPid via…