Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Sun, 22:23: RT @DebraMessing: It’s called A bribe @senatorCollins. We see you https://t.co/dnPuacwaFW
  • Sun, 22:23: RT @SamuelLJackson: Met the amazing Stacey Abrams, gubernatorial candidate for Georgia!! She’s the truth!! Georgians, Start Voting Now, don…
  • Sun, 22:24: RT @RideSacRT: Our love letter to you: Lower fares + better service on buses and light rail.
  • Sun, 22:37: RT @SenBlumenthal: Business leaders shunning the Saudis deserve support. Other corporations should look to their courage & backbone for mor…
  • Sun, 22:37: RT @SenGillibrand: The NRA, giant corporations and the prison-industrial complex all derive influence from the same place: the ability to b…
  • Sun, 22:37: RT @SenBillNelson: Meeting with officials and surveying the damage in Bay, Jackson and Gadsden Counties today in an effort to get necessary…
  • Sun, 22:37: RT @tedlieu: What does a whiff of fraud smell like? I don't know because fraud has no smell. But if it did, it probably smells like the bel…
  • Sun, 22:37: RT @NWSSacramento: A Red Flag Warning is in effect for much of #NorCal due to gusty winds & dry conditions through Monday evening. Please u…
  • Sun, 22:40: RT @JRehling: Sears is facing bankruptcy, which is a good time to note that its CEO, Eddie Lampert, is an avid follower of Ayn Rand and has…
  • Sun, 22:40: RT @AP: BREAKING: Swan song for an American icon? Sears files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
Tags: #bluewave, #bluewave20, #breaking, #ca45, #catalonia, #cawx, #defendstuden, #forthepeople, #freecalifornia, #freecatalonia, #freenewengland, #freescotland, #freethebear, #freewales, #gop, #hball2018, #maryland, #noprop6, #norcal, #solid, #solidari, #takeitback, #trumpsconcentrationcamps, #viscacatalunya, #vote, twitter

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