Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Fri, 18:38: RT @tedlieu: In my lifetime, I have seen relatively few acts of political courage. In the last 24 hours, America witnessed two such acts. T…
  • Fri, 18:38: RT @KamalaHarris: This should have been a search for the truth. The FBI should have been allowed to do their job. Instead, the White House…
  • Fri, 18:39: RT @kdeleon: The very least we can ask of our senior Senator is that she take the #StopKavanaugh fight straight to her Democratic colleague…
  • Fri, 18:39: RT @sactownroyalty: The game is in Seattle but the team is still Sacramento’s https://t.co/z3tLU5IBnZ
  • Fri, 18:39: RT @ChrisBiderman: #49ers Joe Staley is practicing. Looks like the entire starting O-line will be intact for Sunday’s game against the Card…
Tags: #49ers, #america2018, #catalonia, #fbi, #freecalifornia, #freethebear, #noprop6, #stopkavanaugh, #trump, #whatdoyouhavetolose, twitter

  • My tweets

    Thu, 12:41: RT @ MirannLolani: Okay it’s a new day, I’m back. KINGS IN 7. 👑 Thu, 12:41: RT @ thatl0calguy: Kings in 7. Thu, 12:44: RT…

  • My tweets

    Thu, 10:35: RT @ samwlodawski: Finally, the woman who’s lies led to the death of Emmett Till, died. Normally, I feel bad when people die I…

  • My tweets

    Tue, 12:28: RT @ Scott_Wiener: 🧵We’re rolling out our state budget ask to avoid the fiscal cliff for CA transit systems: $5B over 5 years.…

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