Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Sat, 12:17: RT @tedlieu: Statement of Andrew McCabe & the public reporting suggest the issue was that McCabe allegedly gave info to press that damaged…
  • Sat, 12:17: RT @funder: Trump’s attorney John Dowd just said Rosenstein should end the Mueller probe. Dowd committed treason by saying it & he should b…
  • Sat, 12:18: RT @krassenstein: Well, it has begun. John Dowd Spoke for the President this morning, and his words can not be minced. He expects Rosenst…
  • Sat, 12:18: RT @funder: Trump & John Dowd committed treason by calling for end of Mueller’s probe. Two things: 1. Don’t act like Trump wasn’t involved…
  • Sat, 12:18: RT @JoyAnnReid: Well which is it, Mr. Dowd??? https://t.co/eDoP3A13LK
  • Sat, 12:18: RT @krassenstein: "Speaking on behalf of the President," attorney, John Dowd, just stated: “I pray Rosenstein will follow the example of th…
  • Sat, 12:18: RT @funder: .@realDonaldTrump-Every single one of us is ready to march, if you try to fire Rosenstein or Mueller. Even on #StPatricksDay. Y…
  • Sat, 12:18: RT @DrDenaGrayson: 🔥WHOA🔥 Trump’s personal lawyer, John Dowd, said he “was speaking on behalf of the president” and hopes DepAG Rod Rosens…
  • Sat, 12:19: RT @EdKrassen: BREAKING: Andrew McCabe, like James Comey, wrote memos detailing his communication and interactions with President Trump.…
  • Sat, 12:19: RT @amjoyshow: .@JILLWINEBANKS: John Dowd is always speaking for the president because he’s the president’s lawyer... It is hairsplitting a…
  • Sat, 12:19: RT @CyrusToulabi: #REDFLAG: TRUMP LAWYER SAYS IT’S TIME TO END MUELLER PROBE. “Trump’s personal lawyer, John Dowd, told The Daily Beast on…
  • Sat, 12:19: RT @funder: One minute after I posted this John Dowd said he’s speaking for himself, not Trump. Um, it doesn’t work that way. You’re not Tr…
  • Sat, 12:19: RT @Nysteveo2AOLcom: Trump attorney John Dowd just said the "brilliant" firing of McCabe means Rosenstein should consider shutting down the…
  • Sat, 12:19: RT @SenSchumer: Mr. Dowd's comments are yet another indication that the first instinct of @realDonaldTrump and his legal team is not to coo…
  • Sat, 12:20: RT @AynRandPaulRyan: John Dowd now says he was speaking in his "personal capacity". That's a nice attempt at a walk back, but we know what…
  • Sat, 12:20: RT @RawStory: Trump's attorney may have made Mueller's obstruction case stronger: https://t.co/Qndbifiokk
  • Sat, 12:20: RT @Amy_Siskind: This is where Trump is going with his firing spree. Be woke! “Trump’s personal lawyer, John Dowd, told The Daily Beast on…
  • Sat, 12:20: RT @stopthenutjob: Trump's lawyer, John Dowd specifically told the Daily Beast that he was: "speaking on BEHALF of the president, in HIS CA…
  • Sat, 12:20: RT @MikeDoak4: Donald Trump is a criminal and John Dowd is a criminal.
  • Sat, 12:20: RT @EdKrassen: If Trump was really innocent, his attorney, John Dowd wouldn’t pressure Rod Rosenstein into shutting down the investigation.…
  • Sun, 11:55: RT @funder: Jared Kushner’s company filed 80 fraudulent documents with the city of New York while he was CEO. Can someone please tell me wh…
  • Sun, 11:56: RT @adamcbest: This Kushner Cos. report about false documents and nefarious practices further reveals that Jared Kushner is just like his d…
  • Sun, 11:56: RT @CyrusToulabi: #FLAG: KUSHNER CO'S ROUTINELY FILED FALSE PAPERWORK declaring it had ZERO RENT-REGULATED TENANTS in dozens of buildings i…
  • Sun, 11:56: RT @stopthenutjob: Kushner cos were NOT JUST falsifying docs but intentionally using construction noise like drilling, hammering, dust, wat…
  • Sun, 11:56: RT @CREWcrew: Trump Hotels is looking to expand beyond its regular business to managing lodging properties under brands other than its own.…
  • Sun, 11:56: RT @AidenWolfe: Kushner Cos: unleashed rat infestations on low-income tenants to drive them from their housing. In a perfect world, o'l swe…
  • Sun, 11:56: RT @snflktaskforce: People are digging into the Trump & Kushner family and finding unethical, illegal behavior. They have zero morals & ben…
  • Sun, 11:57: RT @BradReason: Kushner repeatedly kicked out tenants illegally by filing false NYC housing paperwork https://t.co/jgyOURhLzp Kushner rou…
  • Sun, 11:57: RT @ErinLCarmichael: #Mueller is coming for #Kushner & Kushner Cos whom are knee deep in fraud & money laundering! If @realDonaldTrump is t…
  • Sun, 11:57: RT @TrumpResign: If you think the crimes committed by Kushner Cos are atrocious, just wait until proof of crimes committed by @realdonaldtr
  • Sun, 11:58: RT @sjredmond: Kushner Cos filed false documents claiming it had no regulated rent tenants. Jared, you might be moving to new rent regulat…
  • Sun, 11:58: RT @drhug: Kushner Cos" weaponized construction to torture rent controlled tenants into leaving. Why isn’t trump calling for the death pena…
  • Sun, 11:58: RT @4RealLeft: AP Exclusive: Kushner Cos. filed false NYC housing paperwork #sruhle #VelshiRuhle #inners #lawrence These R very dirty ppl…
  • Sun, 11:58: RT @sherrishavon: "Kushner Cos" Eric's wife and Melania better take the lead of Don Jr.'s wife and get out of there. The Trump's are crooks…
Tags: #amjoy, #arborday, #bluewave2018, #breaking, #cnnsotu, #demandthetruth, #facebook, #fakebook, #firekushner, #flag, #fortherecord, #gop, #ifsocialmediadisappeared, #inners, #kansasjayhawks, #kushner, #lawrence, #marchmadness2018, #mccabe, #mccabefired, #moronsaregoverningamerica, #mueller, #muellerinvestigation, #muellertime, #pro, #prot, #protectmueller, #protectrosenstein, #redflag, #resist, #rextillerson, #samsunggalaxynote7, #samsunggalaxys, #saturdaymorning, #sbcounty, #socialmedia, #sruhle, #stpatricksday, #sundaymorning, #ther, #theresistance, #trumpisnotabovethelaw, #trumprussia, #twitter, #us2018, #velshiruhle, #virginiacavaliers, twitter

  • My tweets

    Thu, 12:41: RT @ MirannLolani: Okay it’s a new day, I’m back. KINGS IN 7. 👑 Thu, 12:41: RT @ thatl0calguy: Kings in 7. Thu, 12:44: RT…

  • My tweets

    Thu, 10:35: RT @ samwlodawski: Finally, the woman who’s lies led to the death of Emmett Till, died. Normally, I feel bad when people die I…

  • My tweets

    Tue, 12:28: RT @ Scott_Wiener: 🧵We’re rolling out our state budget ask to avoid the fiscal cliff for CA transit systems: $5B over 5 years.…

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