- Tue, 12:31: RT @Vote_CNP: #US2018 https://t.co/3ype4uIGQN
- Tue, 12:32: RT @MikeHudema: "Remember It's Not An Investment If It's Destroying the Planet" ~Vandana Shiva. @JustinTrudeau #Climate #Energy #cdnpoli…
- Tue, 12:35: RT @JohnChiangCA: #JanusvAFSCME is a dangerous attack on 40 years of established law protecting the ability of unions to represent public e…
- Tue, 12:37: RT @Vote_CNP: Early harsh effects of #ClimateChange will begin / have begun. We must prepare, adapt, & mitigate impacts going forward. Many…
- Tue, 12:42: RT @Vote_CNP: Unacceptable. We must get the ICE Federal Gestapo agents of the broken, racist, xenophobic, & corrupt #DC oligarchy ASAP & t…
- Tue, 12:49: RT @_A__Dub: George W. Bush: Putin wants to make the USSR great again, 'clear evidence that the Russians meddled' https://t.co/2kI16Z3HyK
- Tue, 12:51: RT @_NotFakeNews_: BREAKING: Trump filed for “Make America Great Again” in 2012. Starting his bid for his candidacy for POTUS. Read my new…
- Tue, 12:57: RT @justicedems: Midterm elections are won by whichever party can turn out their base. If the @dccc want to take back Congress, they have t…
- Tue, 13:11: RT @TheSWPrincess: Do you want to see this for several minutes (yes, MINUTES) next time you try to check social media, watch a funny YouTub…
- Tue, 13:12: RT @funder: We need #OneMoreVote in the Senate in favor of #NetNeutrality or you might get blocked from seeing awesome images like this cat…
- Tue, 13:12: RT @funder: Join our fight to #SaveTheInternet. Tweet out your support for #NetNeutrality
- Tue, 13:12: RT @EdKrassen: We just need #OneMoreVote from a Republican Senator in order to #SaveTheInternet as we know it and to preserve #NetNeutralit…
- Tue, 13:50: RT @Vote_CNP: Unacceptable aka #US2018 https://t.co/cSKFCwiHAA
- Tue, 13:50: RT @Vote_CNP: #CAProud https://t.co/chdaasbRuf
- Tue, 13:54: RT @FreeCARadio: No money for state and local income tax deduction, but federal dollars for bums who want to play Army Man? Why should #Ca…
- Tue, 13:58: Being an urban constituent of #SD04,I would love to see a challenger to incumbent Jim Nielsen come forward and file… https://t.co/vO6UV6tIDE
- Tue, 13:59: RT @1Jedi_Rey: Finally! Jared Kushner Lost Access to his Top-secret/SCI Level Security Clearance &has been Downgraded to Secret Level This…
- Tue, 13:59: RT @funder: NEW: Jared Kushner has had his security clearance downgraded - a move that will prevent him from viewing many of the sensitive…
- Tue, 13:59: RT @tedlieu: Now we get to ask a new question: Why does Jared Kushner still have a downgraded security clearance? Also, why hasn't #Kushne…
- Tue, 13:59: RT @funder: I think Trump just turned on Jared Kushner. And I bet Kushner lied to Mueller & he’s gonna get indicted for it. Soon. #FireKush…
- Tue, 13:59: RT @funder: If Jared Kushner weren’t Trump’s son-in-law he would’ve been fired or forced to resign already. This is why anti-nepotism laws…
- Tue, 14:00: RT @RedTRaccoon: Jared Kushner has had his security clearance downgraded. This will prevent him from viewing Top Secret/SCI-level document…
- Tue, 14:00: RT @ProudResister: Jared Kushner’s security clearance was just downgraded from *top-secret* to *secret* but let’s be honest. Anybody who is…
- Tue, 14:01: RT @DrDenaGrayson: 🔥Josh Raffel, communications director for Kush and Kremlin🇷🇺Barbie, is RESIGNING‼️ Raffel helped Javanka to plan their…
- Tue, 14:01: RT @EdKrassen: BREAKING: Jared Kushner's security clearance has been downgrading, limiting the classified and sensitive documents which he…
- Tue, 14:01: RT @ProudResister: BREAKING: Jared Kushner’s security clearance downgraded from *top-secret* to *secret.* TRANSLATION: Now Kushner can onl…
- Tue, 14:01: RT @RVAwonk: Per @politico, all WH aides (not just Jared Kushner) working on the highest-level interim clearances (Top Secret/SCI-level) we…
- Tue, 14:01: RT @EdKrassen: BREAKING: Josh Raffel, a Senior White House communications official who has worked closely with Trumps son-in-law Jared Kush…
- Tue, 14:01: RT @jacksnowknows: Remember when news like this caused a political firestorm? After OVER A YEAR, this is finally being addressed. And yet…
- Tue, 14:01: RT @funder: BREAKING: Jared Kushner has had his security clearance downgraded #FireKushner https://t.co/hi23tKpQST
- Tue, 14:01: RT @RVAwonk: NEW: Jared Kushner has had his security clearance downgraded — a move that will prevent him from viewing many of the sensitive…
- Tue, 14:02: RT @NatashaBertrand: Jared Kushner "was Parscale's patron," a source told me last year. "Jared got [Brad] hired, despite the fact that a nu…
- Tue, 14:02: RT @CREWcrew: Jared Kushner appears to be in violation of the Hatch Act. Our lawyers are currently reviewing potential legal action. https:…
- Tue, 14:02: RT @CREWcrew: The Justice Department, IRS, SEC and Robert Mueller are all looking into financial activities by Jared Kushner’s family busin…
- Tue, 14:02: RT @MattAsherS: Trump had the power to veto John Kelly's decision to downgrade Jared Kushner's security clearance, but chose not to. I won…
- Tue, 14:02: RT @TheRickyDavila: But, but, but, how ever will Jared Kushner deliver peace to the Middle Ea.....oh right, it was never about that. https:…
- Tue, 14:02: RT @CREWcrew: At least five business dealings by Jared Kushner’s family business have come under scrutiny by federal authorities. https://t…
- Tue, 14:02: RT @CREWcrew: Failure to at least downgrade Jared Kushner’s temporary clearance would have set a dangerous precedent by signaling a willing…
- Tue, 14:03: RT @WilDonnelly: Jared Kushner has reportedly had his interim security clearance downgraded from TOP SECRET to SECRET, meaning he will no l…
- Tue, 14:03: RT @BBCBreaking: President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's White House security clearance downgraded - unnamed officials https://t.co/sq…
- Tue, 14:12: RT @Amy_Siskind: Just another day in the America our kids know: just got a call from our school system that all area schools are having a…
- Tue, 14:23: RT @AltUSPressSec: Under media cover of the shooting this week, Paul Ryan quietly moved to replace the non-partisan widely-praised head of…
- Tue, 14:23: RT @Shareblue: Georgia Republicans resort to extortion to bully Delta into supporting the NRA https://t.co/5xsKqzG2oP
- Tue, 15:21: RT @SanDiegoCNP: "We don't care about Boumediene v. Bush or Yick Wo v. Hopkins, you don't get no 6th Amendment rights" -Roberts #SCOTUS ht…
- Tue, 15:22: RT @CA_DWR: Here's a look at California major reservoir conditions via our our interactive map. #CAWater https://t.co/iV2AhlOo8x https://t.…
- Tue, 15:22: RT @HuffPost: Steve Wynn accused of rape in new police filings: report https://t.co/0gz0yZyt5N
- Tue, 15:22: RT @KaivanShroff: Steve Wynn was the Republican Party’s finance chair until just recently. https://t.co/9vQO1qOc7j
- Tue, 15:23: RT @TrumpsTaxes: Now a woman has come forward and accused Steve Wynn of raping her. Hey @GOPChairwoman, is THAT enough to get the @GOP to…
- Tue, 15:23: RT @EdanClay: Steve Wynn is that guy we all knows who sexually assaults every woman he comes into contact with. https://t.co/V4Svd3BNTW
- Tue, 15:23: RT @Dope45Show: Will the @gop give back all the babies Steve Wynn has fathered illegitimately? https://t.co/OwMW2yFP9x
- Tue, 15:23: RT @jonathanjewel: .@mittromney niece - @GOPChairwoman - REFUSES to return rapist Steve Wynn's money Utah - would Jesus approve of you vot…
- Tue, 15:39: RT @Vote_CNP: #US2018 https://t.co/pqFRxbuHal
- Tue, 15:39: RT @SteveWestly: Kushner finally has his security clearance downgraded! It's interesting Trump is stepping in to grant it, which he can, an…
- Tue, 15:39: RT @PalmerReport: Why does the mainstream media misreport on this every time it happens? I don’t know. But it’s why Palmer Report has to ex…
- Tue, 15:39: RT @PalmerReport: Whenever Trump thinks someone is flipping, he has House Intel (Nunes) haul them in to try to find out what they’re going…
- Tue, 15:39: RT @jimstinnett: Ben Carson’s HUD, Planning Cuts, Spends $31,000 on Dining Set for His Office - The New York Times https://t.co/t3NOMAXVB5…
- Tue, 15:42: RT @JohnAvlon: This is the biggest story in the world that we’re not paying enough attention to https://t.co/nJmZ4KF0QT
- Tue, 15:58: I grew up in an era where it was more common for something to be made in Taiwan rather than the PRC,and this new de… https://t.co/JFXJhublke
- Tue, 16:28: RT @TheSWPrincess: The current dialogue about #DACA affects everyone in the US. How? #Racism & #scapegoating & affect all minorities. Dep…
- Tue, 16:29: RT @UFWF: Supreme Court Ruling Means #Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely https://t.co/l3nWVCxrWV #HereToStay #SCOTUS
- Tue, 16:30: RT @NILC_org: Mr. President, take some notes: California values the vital contributions of #immigrants and it's home to one of the largest…
- Tue, 16:30: RT @TheSWPrincess: By repeating these lies, Trump has effectively established #immigrants as an “other”, or “out-group” of bad and dangerou…
- Tue, 16:54: RT @EdKrassen: Trump who claims that he's brave enough to take on a mass shooter without being armed, is too cowardly to: 1) Go to Vietnam…
- Tue, 16:54: RT @The_UnSilent_: She warned us that @realDonaldTrump was a Russian puppet. ✅ She warned us that @realDonaldTrump would put guns in our c…
- Tue, 16:55: RT @krassenstein: The people who we actually KNOW would have run into the School without a gun: Anthony Borges, 15, who used his body as a…
- Tue, 16:55: RT @politicususa: Younger Viewers Flock To Rachel Maddow Over Fox In Huge Numbers via @politicususa https://t.co/OLT89lWioQ #Maddow #FoxNews
- Tue, 16:55: RT @Emolclause: #BREAKING:Turns out Russia DID BREACH VOTER REGISTRATION SYSTEMS of not one, not two....BUT 7 STATES including the ALL IMPO…
- Tue, 16:55: RT @co_rapunzel4: No, @SpeakerRyan, you enormous NRA shill, blame for the #Parkland tragedy cannot be foisted upon parents, the FBI, school…
- Tue, 16:56: RT @RanttMedia: Trump reportedly told the Pentagon he wants his military parade to be held on Veterans Day. It could cost between $10—$30…
- Tue, 17:10: RT @StormResist: Look at that face. When will America love their children more than their guns? I’m a parent. I’ve given up plenty so my c…
- Tue, 17:10: RT @wesley_jordan: Kushner's downgraded security clearance may indicate that the battle between Trump’s kids & the Chief of Staff has becom…
- Tue, 17:11: RT @altNOAA: .@realDonaldTrump You need help. I'm not joking. https://t.co/lp29wgdOMA
- Tue, 17:11: RT @TPM: A Pennsylvania Democrat raises an imposing $3.2 million in his bid for a heavily GOP House seat https://t.co/JrbH7X0M66 https://t.…
- Tue, 17:11: RT @ALT_uscis: This is one reason why. Both companies donated heavily to trump and a former @ICEgov boss switched to geo group. They need b…
- Tue, 17:11: RT @AdamParkhomenko: With news that Democrat @philspagnuolonh has won his special election this evening for the New Hampshire House, flippe…
- Tue, 17:12: RT @krassenstein: Imagine if instead of FDR, Trump was the President in December of 1941... Pearl Harbor has just been attacked ... Trump…
- Tue, 17:12: RT @SenWarren: Every American has a right to drink clean water and breathe clean air – and that means we must do more to protect our enviro…
- Tue, 17:12: RT @RVAwonk: HUD Secretary Ben Carson spent $31,000 on a new dining room set for his office in late 2017 — just as HUD was planning to slas…
- Tue, 17:12: RT @Shareblue: Trump brags about Boeing deal that costs taxpayers extra $700 million https://t.co/O7TVAqsEUd
- Tue, 17:12: RT @Amy_Siskind: Interesting that both Kelly (security clearance) and McMaster (unreported contacts) spoke out against Kushner in media/act…
- Tue, 17:13: RT @FreeCARadio: #Minnesota would love to have @Delta *cough* Northwest Airlines, *cough* move its HQ to #Minneapolis. #BoycottNRA #NRABoy…
- Tue, 17:14: RT @DemWrite: 🇺🇸 Democrats Flip One! 🇺🇸 Congrats to Phil Spagnuolo for picking up a state legislative seat in today’s NH Special Election…
- Tue, 17:14: RT @TheDLCC: BREAKING: @philspagnuolonh has won the special election in Belknap 3 for the New Hampshire House, flipping the seat from red t…
- Tue, 17:14: RT @TrumpsTaxes: 🚨WE HAVE A NEW HAMPSHIRE SPECIAL ELECTION FLIP🚨 Democrat Philip Spagnuolo WINS #HDBelknap3! Spagnuolo - 53.50% Cartier -…
- Tue, 17:15: RT @SabineResists: 🗳#SpecialElection Kentucky🗳 👉Tuesday Feb 27th #GOTV for▶️@KellySmithKY Kelly Cares about the People of #HD89 For mo…
- Tue, 17:15: RT @1IronMan2018: #SpecialElection New Hampshire's #Belknap3 district has flipped blue! Final: 53.5% to 46.5% - big swing of 20% toward D…
- Tue, 17:15: RT @AynRandPaulRyan: "Just a week before Tuesday’s special election, Montenegro — a married minister who touts himself as a “leader of virt…
- Tue, 17:20: RT @SocialPowerOne1: Democrats just scored a huge victory in New Hampshire special election https://t.co/ALQnoFa7Z7
- Tue, 17:21: RT @FreeCARadio: Top White House aide linked to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner is leaving - https://t.co/KPM2q5VMks
- Tue, 19:13: RT @Vote_CNP: Agreed! #FreeCalifornia #FreeCA #FreeTheBear https://t.co/RRqcpe4uwF
- Tue, 19:13: RT @TamikaDMallory: For the love of immigrants, for the love of black people, we will not back down from the fight to pass a clean #DreamAc…
- Tue, 19:13: RT @Vote_CNP: https://t.co/vLh2HxeHJH
- Tue, 19:13: RT @UFWupdates: #UFW: ICE stops & arrests striking fear among farm workers across CA's major farming regions are just wrong! UFW organizers…
- Tue, 20:16: RT @Vote_CNP: ICE destroys #California families & harms our economy. We need them out of #CA ASAP. https://t.co/6who6RqLrc
- Tue, 20:17: RT @Vote_CNP: #CAProud https://t.co/dB6F9RdlBX
- Tue, 21:04: RT @Vote_CNP: #ClimateChange https://t.co/p2uCp8fTDT
- Tue, 21:04: RT @Vote_CNP: #US2018 https://t.co/XCvAz8eMVn
- Tue, 21:04: RT @Vote_CNP: https://t.co/gCArwqnBIF
- Tue, 21:04: RT @Vote_CNP: #California deserves better. https://t.co/9hnLAROBTT
- Tue, 21:04: RT @scottsantens: A lot of people have been working a lot of years without receiving their hard-earned share of our productivity gains. Tha…
- Tue, 21:24: RT @funder: Here’s a video I found of Jared Kushner at the White House with his fake progressive brother (who was in Russia when the campai…
- Tue, 21:25: RT @Quadrant4change: So much news today, it's just sinking in that #Mueller has promised to wrap up #JaredKushner full report in a MONTH!…
- Tue, 21:25: RT @krassenstein: What's the better use of $31,000? a) Feed 17 homeless veterans for an entire year. Or b) Buy a dining room table set…
- Tue, 21:25: RT @Random_Chick__: @realDonaldTrump Hey stupid, not only did HRC win the pop vote, she won the economic vote->carrying 64% of economic out…
- Tue, 21:25: RT @ProudResister: ROBERT MUELLER: Following the Money.💰 DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Following the Blue Wave.🌊 DONALD TRUMP: Following the Path to…
- Tue, 21:25: RT @FreeCARadio: It would be funny to set off a string of firecrackers around these @Oathkeepers bums and video them as they cr*p themselve…
- Tue, 21:25: RT @Q13FOX: BREAKING: Washington state Senate passes bump stock ban https://t.co/9058M2hrpB https://t.co/HofI0PqAcG
- Tue, 21:26: RT @jilevin: Anti-Semitic incidents soared in 2017, marking nation's largest single-year increase, report finds https://t.co/htNY8B9T1s
- Tue, 21:26: RT @robreiner: The most corrupt WH in US history. A president who lies every time he opens his mouth. A president who abuses women, spews r…
- Tue, 21:26: RT @FreeCARadio: #BREAKING!! @Emma4Change #Retweet Now! TYVM! #BoycottFedEx #BoycottNRA #NRABoycott #GunControl #GunControlNow #GunReformN…
- Tue, 21:27: RT @TomMillze: Please report the anti-government group, Oath Keepers, to the FBI. Report them and maybe this time, we can prevent another m…
- Tue, 21:27: RT @StratfordStar: It's a final in #Stratford. Democrat Phil Young wins the 120th District state representative race over Republican Bill C…
- Tue, 21:28: RT @EdKrassen: Trump says that he would run into a school shooting unarmed, yet he is too afraid to stand up to Putin, while armed with the…
- Tue, 21:28: RT @FreeCARadio: CONFIDENTIAL CORPORATE #MEMO EXPOSES TRUTH: FedEx is the Official US #Gun Shipper! @FedEx saves gun-makers huge amounts of…
- Tue, 21:29: RT @TheOfficialPORP: #BlueWaveIsComing 🌊 🗳 https://t.co/B7TSkI6NeQ
- Tue, 21:29: RT @FreeCARadio: #Elections2018 should not be about #impeachment , but to promise #Voters that all the lies and concealment by the #WhiteHo…
- Tue, 21:29: RT @FreeCARadio: 😮 Brian is right! @BillPalmer @PalmerReport https://t.co/Urm9Xebdrs
- Tue, 21:29: RT @Shareblue: Voting rights champion flips 5th New Hampshire seat blue https://t.co/trgKwHppxn by @fawfulfan
- Tue, 21:30: RT @exoticgamora: #BoycottNRA Damn, NRA is tax exempt! NRA is allowed to engage in political lobbying and advocacy, but this can't be it…
- Tue, 21:30: RT @Amy_Siskind: Today we learned the UAE was one of four countries trying to manipulate Kusher. In Week 21: A UAE crown prince also had a…
- Tue, 21:30: RT @Everytown: .@Emma4change is speaking up, and we should all listen. https://t.co/OCGlUM0w0r
- Tue, 21:30: RT @Shareblue: Watch Sen. McCaskill shred Trump NSA chief for failure to act on Russia https://t.co/ibM3HCpO9Y
- Tue, 21:31: RT @CREWcrew: Our emoluments litigation wouldn't be necessary if Congress did its job—held hearings, required full disclosure of Trump’s ta…
- Tue, 21:31: RT @RVAwonk: Roger Stone's defenders seem to have mysteriously disappeared from Twitter, with a few notable exceptions. In other news, Tw…
- Tue, 21:32: RT @TheDLCC: BREAKING: @philyoungct has won the special election in HD120 for the Connecticut House, flipping the seat from red to blue. Co…
- Tue, 21:32: RT @DemWrite: 🇺🇸 ANOTHER Flipped Seat! 🇺🇸 Congrats to @PhilYoungCT for taking #CY120! The GOP lost two of three Special Elections tonigh…
- Tue, 21:32: RT @flippable_org: Make that a two flip night! First Phil Spagnuolo in NH, now Phil Young in CT, the 38th and 39th state seats to flip blue…
- Tue, 21:32: RT @AgentCarter_SSR: Another #BlueWave2018 #SpecialElection WIN! Congratulations @PhilYoungCT Great job #CT120 https://t.co/YKT4Qo7zXz
- Tue, 21:32: RT @SallyDeal4: .@PhilYoungCT 🎉🎉🎉 CONGRATULATIONS, HOUSE REP PHIL YOUNG! 🎉🎉🎉 GREAT WIN FOR YOU & #STRATFORD, CT, DIST. 120 https://t.co/1W…
- Tue, 21:33: RT @RedTRaccoon: Congratulations to Phil Young for flipping #CT120 blue. @PhilYoungCT https://t.co/3XO7arOMhq
- Tue, 21:33: RT @SabineResists: Tonight in #SpecialElection Results‼️ Dems Flipped 2 out of 3 Races! Congrats to: @PhilYoungCT #CT120 🎉 @PhilSpagnu…
- Tue, 21:33: RT @1IronMan2018: @AgentCarter_SSR @PhilYoungCT R district that had gone slightly for Clinton. That's now D:39 R: 4 #BlueWave2018 #FlipIt…
- Tue, 21:49: RT @PalmerReport: Donald Trump’s unraveling family cult: https://t.co/eQLOMxzFbq
- Tue, 21:49: RT @joncoopertweets: For those of you who are keeping track, Robert Mueller has thus far secured more than 100 indictments or guilty pleas…
- Tue, 21:50: RT @guardian: Papua New Guinea: at least 16 dead after strongest ever earthquake hits https://t.co/xm2bnZETeg
- Tue, 21:51: RT @usblm: This is your daily reminder that the NRA is under FBI investigation for funneling $30 million from Russia to the Trump campaign.…
- Tue, 21:57: RT @wesley_jordan: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) made it clear during his weekly press conference that fixing the federal background check system w…
- Tue, 21:57: RT @TeaPainUSA: Pence needs a steady supply of kids to sacrifice on his 2nd Amendment altar. https://t.co/voOBTg19aV
- Tue, 22:00: RT @DemResistance: LMAO @ the pro lifers & #RWNJ who believe abortions are wrong but being murdered in your classroom by deranged white, ri…
- Tue, 22:01: RT @funder: Jared Kushner's security clearance being downgraded isn't enough. He lied about 100+ foreign contacts during his background che…
- Tue, 22:01: RT @TomthunkitsMind: 'Beautiful soul after soul is lost, this cannot be our country's cost.' — This Parkland shooting survivor wrote a poem…
- Tue, 22:02: RT @FreeCARadio: #FreeCalifornia #Calexit #Cascadia #CascadiaNow #Pacifica https://t.co/r7aFrpuHxs
- Tue, 22:03: RT @KaivanShroff: Ben Carson supported Trump cutting over $6 billion in HUD funding, while he used taxpayer money to buy a $31,000 table fo…
- Tue, 22:03: RT @SafetyPinDaily: When the likes of Delta Airlines and Hertz turn against the NRA there is finally hope for change || By: David Usborne h…
- Tue, 22:47: RT @KaivanShroff: Many don’t know this, but Jared Kushner’s father, Charles Kushner, pleaded guilty to 18 felony counts — tax fraud, electi…
- Tue, 22:47: RT @Shareblue: Marco Rubio has an "A+" rating from the NRA — and his worst rating ever from the American people. https://t.co/J2WfS1INTl
- Tue, 22:48: RT @JanzforCongress: Is it possible to be “pro-life” while also being anti-children’s health? https://t.co/EekRIS3hkB
- Tue, 22:48: RT @PalmerReport: Donald Trump’s ALL CAPS meltdown gives away that he thinks the gig is up: https://t.co/dcJGO7uKQu
- Tue, 22:48: RT @JoyAnnReid: We could soon be a nation where blue states ban assault weapons and red states encourage their proliferation everywhere (ca…
- Tue, 22:48: RT @KaivanShroff: How the Trump Administration is spending OUR money: HHS Sec. Scott Price spent over $300k flying private. HUD Sec. Ben…
- Tue, 22:48: RT @SafetyPinDaily: Scott Pruitt Thinks Limited Government Is Divine || By: Ed Kilgore https://t.co/edZfLiKmuS
- Tue, 22:48: RT @RealDonalDrumpf: Jared Kushner is merely a low-level intern & coffee boy who has fathered three of my grandchildren with a woman I hard…
- Tue, 22:49: RT @RefuseFascism: Catholic groups including the Sisters of Mercy stood with Immigrants Today. Some were escorted away by Capitol Police.…
- Tue, 22:49: RT @ProudResister: BREAKING NEWS: We have reached the portion of the “Witch Hunt” where Trump’s Russian business dealings are being investi…
- Tue, 22:49: RT @funder: Jared Kushner would've never had clearance if he weren't Trump's son-in-law. Jared Kushner would've never had a WH job if he we…
- Wed, 10:42: RT @Vote_CNP: *will For how long must we live under the tyranny of over taxation and under representation from a #DC culture that is on th…
- Wed, 10:42: RT @Vote_CNP: IKR! https://t.co/9e8QFU7Fyn
- Wed, 10:42: RT @Vote_CNP: #US2018 Not only are #US children now required to regularly dodge bullets at school, but if they survive, they must also fac…
- Wed, 10:42: RT @Vote_CNP: So say we all! #FreeCalifornia #FreeCA #FreeTheBear https://t.co/RRqcpdMTF7
- Wed, 10:42: RT @Vote_CNP: #US2018 Your Federal tax dollars at "work". https://t.co/l1Wg1NhNtU
- Wed, 10:42: RT @billybragg: 70 years ago today, a plane carrying Mexican farm workers crashed in Los Gatos Canyon killing all on board. When the radio…
- Wed, 10:43: RT @Vote_CNP: Shame! https://t.co/QUhWu2GN4i
- Wed, 10:43: RT @CalNurses: Yes....#MedicareForAll is the answer. https://t.co/6qS49Yg734
- Wed, 10:43: RT @EndChildPovCA: (1/2) “I know many people who cannot afford rent increases due to underemployment and ridiculous rent prices. Some home…
- Wed, 10:43: RT @Vote_CNP: Eventually this will create an ocean in which shell fish can't grow shells. https://t.co/oCZSqJ6401
- Wed, 10:43: RT @Vote_CNP: We should make this every city in #California ASAP. Let's lead the way #CA! https://t.co/a44Dzf2wQ6
- Wed, 10:43: RT @Vote_CNP: #US2018 https://t.co/UTAmJHtn2C
- Wed, 10:43: RT @Vote_CNP: Good. We need all the snow we can get. https://t.co/GHPpFpLiQC
- Wed, 10:43: RT @EUPARTYEFA: Today is #DiadeAndalucia. For @EFA_Youth members @andalucistas , it is mostly an occasion to highlight their fight for a mo…
- Wed, 10:43: RT @SugarJones: Well, there goes THAT ridiculous idea... https://t.co/UFWNlEysIC
- Wed, 10:44: RT @Vote_CNP: But he will try... https://t.co/j2rLnOCUFJ
- Wed, 10:45: RT @Vote_CNP: It is time to peacefully & democratically get ICE Fed Agents out of California. All they are doing is destroying CA families…
- Wed, 10:53: RT @ananavarro: Jeff Sessions has become Trump’s human piñata. Just whacks at him with a stick every time he wants a little candy....and so…
- Wed, 10:54: RT @politicususa: Trump Is Looking To Fire Jeff Sessions And Appoint A New Attorney General To Kill The Russia Investigation - Trump launch…
- Wed, 10:54: RT @AdamParkhomenko: Per Politico, Sessions hits back at Trump saying he'll do his job with 'integrity and honor' after Trump criticism”
- Wed, 10:55: RT @adamcbest: Trump is trying to humiliate Sessions into quitting so he can appoint someone who will shut down Mueller. Trump doesn’t un…
- Wed, 11:26: RT @krassenstein: BREAKING: Police say a TEACHER has been taken into custody after a security incident at Dalton High School in Dalton, Geo…
- Wed, 11:26: RT @wokeluisa: Armed teacher who works at Dalton High School was just arrested for a shooting incident. Do you still want to arm our tea…
- Wed, 11:26: RT @EdKrassen: BREAKING: According to initial reports at Dalton High School in Georgia, a teacher was barricaded into a classroom with a g…
- Wed, 11:26: RT @EdKrassen: BREAKING: Teacher in custody after 'shots fired' reported at Dalton High School. Do you still think teachers should carry g…
- Wed, 11:27: RT @krassenstein: Thank god no one was injured when a teacher barricaded himself in a room with a gun at Dalton High School. You literall…
- Wed, 11:27: RT @shannonrwatts: Donald Trump to say the Dalton High School teacher wasn't "gun adept" in 3... 2... 1... https://t.co/uoj0zszJ2O
- Wed, 11:27: RT @AynRandPaulRyan: Yeah, definitely need to arm the teachers. That'll fix everything. Or maybe...hear me out...maybe it's the guns? Dal…
- Wed, 11:27: RT @EdanClay: The first day of @realDonaldTrump's ARM TEACHERS roll-out began today at Dalton High School in Dalton, Georgia with mixed res…
- Wed, 11:57: RT @Amy_Siskind: Another sign Trump’s tight grasp on power is loosening: first, the generals turned on him to take down Kushner (and proba…
- Wed, 11:57: RT @tedlieu: We are now starting to see high level officials stand up to the bullying and recklessness of @realDonaldTrump. This is a rem…