Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Mon, 17:24: RT @SenBlumenthal: The #JanusvAFSCME case heard at the Supreme Court today is a direct and intolerable attack on workers’ ability to advanc…
  • Mon, 17:24: RT @RoKhanna: Unions have been defending the rights of American workers for generations. Now we must fight to defend unions. #JanusvAFSCME
  • Mon, 17:25: RT @RoKhanna: The Koch Brothers and their allies are pushing an agenda that will mean more inequality, lower wages, and less workplace prot…
  • Mon, 17:25: RT @RoKhanna: Today’s #JanusvAFSCME Supreme Court case is the result of a decade-long effort by billionaires, conservative thinktanks, and…
  • Mon, 17:25: RT @RoKhanna: These are the right-wing foundations and thinktanks behind the #JanusvAFSCME Supreme Court challenge. We must stand together…
  • Mon, 17:26: RT @AndyThorburnCA: The Koch backed establishment is attacking our unions under the slogan "Stand with Workers." Translation: Gut the unio…
  • Mon, 17:35: RT @RVAwonk: NEW: After a month-long delay, Hope Hicks is set to testify tomorrow before a closed-door meeting of the House Intelligence Co…
  • Mon, 17:35: RT @SarahBCalif: Hello? Yes, my name is Hope Hicks. I’m trying to reach Robert Mueller. Yes, I will hold. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/qV1WCR
  • Mon, 17:35: RT @EdKrassen: BREAKING: Hope Hicks will testify before House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday. Keep in mind that she had been Trump’s p…
  • Mon, 17:35: RT @adamcbest: Hope Hicks will give a closed-door testimony to the House Intelligence Committee tomorrow. She was just named the most pow…
  • Mon, 17:35: RT @nickiknowsnada: NEW: Hope Hicks had a month to study the phrases "I don't recall" "I don't know Don Jr." "What statement, what emails"…
  • Mon, 17:36: RT @PalmerReport: Donald Trump’s allies tip off that Hope Hicks may be cutting a deal with Robert Mueller https://t.co/ddTeWCrGRG
  • Mon, 17:42: RT @DearAuntCrabby: Okay, so let's think this through, shall we kiddies? The Lt. Governor of Georgia is THREATENING the state's largest em…
  • Mon, 17:42: RT @CA_Dem: "Marco Rubio didn't learn anything new from this school shooting. There was nothing new to learn. What he learned is that the p…
  • Mon, 17:43: RT @EdKrassen: Georgia Lieutenant Gov. @CaseyCagle has blackmailed Delta into reversing its decision to drop their partnership with a corru…
  • Mon, 17:44: RT @PrincessBravato: That's illegal. I am sure @Delta has great lawyers and you SIR may not blackmail companies to support or endorse the N…
  • Mon, 17:44: RT @krassenstein: I call for the IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION of Georgia Lieutenant Gov. @CaseyCagle for threatening Delta over their decision to…
  • Mon, 17:44: RT @DebraMessing: .@CaseyCagle You do understand that what you are promising to do is ILLEGAL, right? It is AGAINST THE LAW. Not a very go…
  • Mon, 17:45: RT @RedTRaccoon: Georgia Senate voted to block legislation that would have given Delta a $50 million sales tax exemption on jet fuel. https…
  • Mon, 17:45: RT @B52Malmet: So much happen daily. 1. SCOTUS rejects POTUS #DACA injunction. 2. Dopey Donnie declares diving into a school shooting unarm…
  • Tue, 10:32: RT @1Jedi_Rey: 🚨Join the Online Protest Tuesday February 27th! Websites, Internet users, &Online Communities are Coming Together to Harnes…
  • Tue, 10:33: RT @RepSwalwell: The @FCC’s recent rule would cripple our free and open Internet. I support @USRepMikeDoyle’s Congressional Review Act legi…
  • Tue, 10:33: RT @RepJoeKennedy: Internet inequality threatens economic equity in our classrooms and communities. We will not allow @FCC’s attack on #Net
  • Tue, 10:33: RT @ACLU: We’re almost there: We need just one more senator to restore #NetNeutrality. Call your senators today and push them for #OneMoreV
  • Tue, 10:33: RT @ACLU: Congress can overrule the Federal Communication Commission's reckless decision to end #NetNeutrality — they just need one more se…
  • Tue, 10:34: RT @SenateDems: If we don't save net neutrality, you'll get the internet one word at a time. #savethenet #savet
  • Tue, 10:34: RT @SabineResists: Join Me in Helping to #SaveTheInternet by contacting your MoCs Today! Stop ISPs like Comcast and Verizon from throttlin…
  • Tue, 10:34: RT @repjohnlewis: Never has there been a more important time to guarantee that each voice can freely speak up and speak out. We cannot allo…
  • Tue, 10:34: RT @RonWyden: Oregonians are fed up with Big Cable writing the rules. Americans want real #NetNeutrality. I’m joining my Senate colleagues…
  • Tue, 10:34: RT @girlsreallyrule: 👇🏻Do you know where your Senators stand on this? If they oppose it, have you called or contacted them to get that last…
Tags: #18for1, #ad08, #ad76, #bl, #ca, #california, #clueless, #compton, #crookedseven, #daca, #delta, #dreamers, #fbrparty, #gop, #goptaxbillscam, #governorofcalifornia, #hail, #itsaboutfreedom, #janus, #janusvafscme, #janusvsafscme, #jerrybrown, #latinaslead, #makeitfair, #makeitfairca, #march, #midterms2018, #net, #netneutrality, #neveragain, #onemorev, #onemorevote, #removenunes, #savet, #savetheinternet, #savethenet, #scotus, #sd04, #shitholepresident, #staceydash, #theresistance, #thingspeopleshouldknow, #trumpcolluded, #trumprussia, #union, #unions, #unrigthesystem, #us2018, #werise, #witchhunt, twitter

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