Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Sun, 15:11: RT @YesCalifornia: Join us in Sacramento on Valentine's Day at noon at the State Capitol to rally for California Independence and then marc…
  • Sun, 15:11: RT @YesCalifornia: Great news! https://t.co/NvKDfxrMgs
  • Sun, 15:11: RT @YesCalifornia: So we can see the leader of Canada and the potential future head of state of the California Republic, and their respecti…
  • Sun, 15:11: RT @YesCalifornia: Virginia pop. 1780: 538,000 Delaware pop. 1780: 45,000 12:1 ratio between most/least populous states then. California p…
  • Sun, 15:11: RT @CA_Waterkeepers: “The coast is not Republican or Democrat. It is Californian. And it belongs to all of us.” @senricardolara speaks out…
  • Sun, 15:11: RT @YesCalifornia: Join us in Sacramento at the Capitol on Valentine's Day at noon, where we will have a California Declaration of Independ…
  • Sun, 15:11: RT @YesCalifornia: Or whether it be making California an independent country... register with the California National Party to get involved…
  • Sun, 15:11: RT @CalFootballFed: @ProSoccerSF Please rate our uniform tops for an independent California WC team. Since USA crashed out and since we ca…
  • Sun, 15:12: RT @AlexPadilla4CA: Trump’s efforts to sabotage our 2020 census are deliberate, intentional, and are consistent with how this Administratio…
  • Sun, 15:12: RT @YesCalifornia: California as an independent country: no obsolete second amendment, we can pass the sensible gun control legislation the…
  • Sun, 22:53: RT @SusResister: I will post this EVERYDAY till Trump is gone - He is NOT my President and i will give him the same respect he gave @Barack
  • Sun, 22:53: RT @DevilisRepublcn: Republicans are worried that Trump will commit perjury under questioning by Mueller because he lies so much. You would…
  • Sun, 22:53: RT @RepAdamSchiff: The hypocrisy of President Trump’s decision to block release of the Democratic memo reaches out and grabs you by the thr…
  • Sun, 22:53: RT @Shareblue: 17 state attorneys general blast Trump admin’s scheme to steal tips from workers https://t.co/MVwdBYDSWp
  • Sun, 22:53: RT @4HealthyCA: #sb562 means no more insurance middleman between you and your helathcare provider. Stop greedy insurance denials! https://t…
  • Sun, 22:53: RT @krassenstein: The last time I checked, leading a crowd of 1000's of people in a chant of "lock her up" when Clinton was never charged w…
  • Sun, 22:54: RT @EdKrassen: Stop imagining how great it will be when the House of Representatives turn BLUE. Instead, make sure you are registered to vo…
  • Sun, 22:54: RT @krassenstein: Twitter released Russian Bot Stats (Sept 1 - Nov 15, 2016: - Trump's tweets retweeted 470,000 times by Russian-linked Bo…
  • Sun, 22:54: RT @Shareblue: Kellyanne Conway desperately tried to defend Trump’s sexual misconduct by attacking senator he sexually harassed https://t.c…
  • Sun, 22:54: RT @TeamPelosi: We have military families barely making ends meet to put food on the table and Donnie wants to spend millions on a futile p…
  • Mon, 11:24: RT @Vote_CNP: What living in a police state looks like. #US2018 https://t.co/Qf2pc2T0NZ
  • Mon, 11:24: RT @Vote_CNP: #US2018 This is also part of the Trump method on everything. Say outrageous things to dominate each media cycle and suck up…
  • Mon, 11:24: RT @Vote_CNP: To build an egalitarian society we must create change such that having a child doesn't utterly torpedo a woman's earning capa…
  • Mon, 11:24: RT @Vote_CNP: We do know how it will end. The Dems will cave & throw the #DACA folks under the bus. Is there any value the Democratic par…
  • Mon, 11:25: RT @Vote_CNP: #US2018 Ignorant beliefs & false information are being forced down the throats of women across the US. https://t.co/X14e12oK
  • Mon, 11:25: RT @Vote_CNP: True, but sadly the US has been stealing land from Native Americans since 1776 so we really need to look at systemic solution…
  • Mon, 11:25: RT @Vote_CNP: #US2018 This is how fascism rises to power. Anyone who hopes things will get better & isn't working to make them better is…
  • Mon, 11:25: RT @Vote_CNP: #US2018 The #US has been captured & is completely under the control of huge corporations including both major parties. Ther…
  • Mon, 11:26: RT @Vote_CNP: It is terrifying how comfortably a Nazi fits into the #GOP in 2018. We must vote the #CAGOP into a peaceful & democratic exti…
  • Mon, 11:27: RT @ResistanceZone: Don't be distracted by the Donald Trump Jr. anthrax scare! Everybody is safe and sound. Not a big deal. It's just to d…
  • Mon, 11:31: RT @SilverAdie: I miss the Obamas. I miss the peace of mind that came from knowing there was a compassionate wise soul in the White House.…
  • Mon, 11:31: RT @Analisa_Swan: Listening to the Obamas & artists speak this morning at the National Portrait Gallery lifted my spirits! I miss the digni…
  • Mon, 11:32: RT @rmasher2: Kehinde Wiley's official portrait of President Obama is stunning. Simply stunning. Love the floral leafy background, the humb…
  • Mon, 11:33: RT @rmasher2: Love love love that Michelle Obama is wearing a sleeveless gown in that beautiful White House portrait revealed today. Lovely…
  • Mon, 11:33: RT @Tristanshouts: "How 'bout that? That's pretty sharp." @BarackObama I love the Obamas, full stop. #ObamaPortraits https://t.co/W1b9eN
  • Mon, 11:34: RT @1IronMan2018: Watching The Obamas attend the Smithsonian unveiling is like a spotting a long-off speck of light from the bottom of a gi…
  • Mon, 11:34: RT @brycetache: The new Obama portraits are beautiful. Even more beautiful? The Obamas themselves. God, I miss them. #MondayMotivation http…
  • Mon, 11:35: RT @brandon_r_horan: Watching the Obamas on TV is like gazing at a prize winning, elegant cake through a bake shop window, when all you got…
  • Mon, 11:35: RT @JamilSmith: The iconography of the Obamas has always been one of the most fascinating things about their public lives. Their deliberate…
  • Mon, 11:35: RT @DisavowTrump16: For eight years, we had a President and First Lady who led with kindness, empathy, and true leadership. RETWEET if you…
  • Mon, 11:39: RT @AHamiltonSpirit: So I was just asking Abraham Lincoln if there was anything he'd like to say to America on his birthday? He said.. "Ha…
  • Mon, 11:39: RT @JohnFugelsang: If you're a fan of both Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate Flag it might be time to pick one and secede from the other.
  • Mon, 11:39: RT @kazweida: Happy Birthday to Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President. He'd be heartbroken to see what his party and this country…
  • Mon, 11:40: RT @AsmCervantes: Today, we celebrate the life of a great American: Abraham Lincoln. Our 16th President saved the Union through his leaders…
  • Mon, 11:40: RT @HouseDemocrats: “Let us at all times remember that all American citizens are brothers of a common country, and should dwell together in…
  • Mon, 11:40: RT @SenatorDurbin: Abraham Lincoln was born 209 years ago today. He may have been a Kentucky native, but the wisdom, courage, and resolve t…
  • Mon, 11:41: RT @GlblCtzn: Today is the 209th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth – and the American president's fight for increased civil and human…
  • Mon, 11:41: RT @sfpelosi: "I may walk slowly but I never walk backward." -President Abraham Lincoln (b. Feb 12, 1809) #LincolnsBirthday #44Ever #Monda
  • Mon, 11:43: RT @RedTRaccoon: Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth. Abraham Lincoln February 12, 1…
  • Mon, 11:44: RT @JeffreyGuterman: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (@NAACP) was founded on this date February 12 in 1909,…
Tags: #2, #44ever, #abrahamlincoln, #cagop, #calexit, #caproud, #criticalthinking, #daca, #darwin, #darwinday, #gop, #jonstanard, #la, #lincolnsbirthday, #monda, #mondaymotivation, #mueller, #nobannowall, #obamaportraits, #sb562, #singlepayer, #survivalofthefittest, #survivor, #us, #us2018, #utah, #water, twitter

  • My tweets

    Thu, 12:41: RT @ MirannLolani: Okay it’s a new day, I’m back. KINGS IN 7. 👑 Thu, 12:41: RT @ thatl0calguy: Kings in 7. Thu, 12:44: RT…

  • My tweets

    Thu, 10:35: RT @ samwlodawski: Finally, the woman who’s lies led to the death of Emmett Till, died. Normally, I feel bad when people die I…

  • My tweets

    Tue, 12:28: RT @ Scott_Wiener: 🧵We’re rolling out our state budget ask to avoid the fiscal cliff for CA transit systems: $5B over 5 years.…

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