Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

My tweets

  • Wed, 23:45: RT @JChavez002: Families are living in tents from fear that their homes might collapse from ongoing tremors #MexicoEarthquake https://t.co/
  • Wed, 23:51: RT @JChavez002: In touch with doctors working as much as they can, the hospital collapsed ' & they are short on medical equipment. #MexicoE
  • Wed, 23:51: RT @WesSmith123: Millions are scared & suffering after being ravaged by Natural Disasters. Trump & Repubs trip over themselves to rush tax…
  • Wed, 23:51: RT @we_dems: Trump BS again Hillary won all 3 debates and she won election by 3 mill votes. Russia will be proved2 have stolen election4 Tr…
  • Wed, 23:51: RT @BarackObama: Michelle and I want the @ObamaFoundation to inspire and empower people to change the world. Here's how we're getting start…
  • Wed, 23:52: RT @ACLU: Is this your official company policy, @Motel6? https://t.co/oO6obUGxX8
  • Wed, 23:52: RT @SenSanders: Americans should not hesitate about going to a doctor because they do not have enough money. They should not be cutting the…
  • Wed, 23:52: RT @laureldavilacpa: The way the GOP wants us to pay now is with junk ins premiums that jump each year- and denials of coverage when you ge…
  • Wed, 23:52: RT @MattyIceUS: Attacking Susan Rice for legally unmasking, ignoring she was trying to stop Russia back channels to Trump, takes a special…
  • Wed, 23:52: RT @RonWyden: We must call Trump & Pence’s sham voter “fraud” commission what it is – a voter suppression commission.
Tags: #1u, #ab249, #argosfootball, #bclions, #caleg, #cfl, #climatesilence, #cricketrewards, #ctl, #defend, #discloseact, #dreamers, #election2, #endcorporatepersonhood, #firesar, #firesarah, #followthesun, #forthew, #forwardnotback, #geeksr, #getmoneyout, #gop, #gostampsgo, #greycup, #hamiltonproud, #indivisible, #jemelewasright, #koch, #la2028, #legalizedemocracy, #medicare4al, #medicareforall, #mexicoe, #mexicoearthquake, #oneempire, #p2, #passab249, #putinspuppet, #resist, #resistance, #riderpride, #rnation, #russia, #servewithacoke, #theresistance, #trumpisaw, #uniteblue, twitter

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