- Wed, 23:45: RT @JChavez002: Families are living in tents from fear that their homes might collapse from ongoing tremors #MexicoEarthquake https://t.co/…
- Wed, 23:51: RT @JChavez002: In touch with doctors working as much as they can, the hospital collapsed ' & they are short on medical equipment. #MexicoE…
- Wed, 23:51: RT @WesSmith123: Millions are scared & suffering after being ravaged by Natural Disasters. Trump & Repubs trip over themselves to rush tax…
- Wed, 23:51: RT @we_dems: Trump BS again Hillary won all 3 debates and she won election by 3 mill votes. Russia will be proved2 have stolen election4 Tr…
- Wed, 23:51: RT @BarackObama: Michelle and I want the @ObamaFoundation to inspire and empower people to change the world. Here's how we're getting start…
- Wed, 23:52: RT @ACLU: Is this your official company policy, @Motel6? https://t.co/oO6obUGxX8
- Wed, 23:52: RT @SenSanders: Americans should not hesitate about going to a doctor because they do not have enough money. They should not be cutting the…
- Wed, 23:52: RT @laureldavilacpa: The way the GOP wants us to pay now is with junk ins premiums that jump each year- and denials of coverage when you ge…
- Wed, 23:52: RT @MattyIceUS: Attacking Susan Rice for legally unmasking, ignoring she was trying to stop Russia back channels to Trump, takes a special…
- Wed, 23:52: RT @RonWyden: We must call Trump & Pence’s sham voter “fraud” commission what it is – a voter suppression commission.
- Wed, 23:52: RT @SenSanders: I'm very proud to be introducing the Medicare for All Act today, which has 15 co-sponsors in the Senate, a record level of…
- Wed, 23:52: RT @climatetruth: The climate crisis is here. Harvey and Irma = climate disasters. It's time for media to connect the dots! #ClimateSilence
- Wed, 23:52: RT @TheDailyEdge: President Trump says he won’t commit to signing joint congressional resolution condemning white supremacists https://t.co…
- Wed, 23:53: RT @BernieSanders: Universal health care is a reality in dozens of countries around the world. It just makes sense for the U.S. to do the s…
- Wed, 23:53: RT @TruthTeamOne: Donald Trump: Grifter in Chief https://t.co/gR1Ad9YEhJ
- Wed, 23:53: RT @imfabulous13: There's no Teflon Don. There's an incompetent, corrupt orange sociopath installed as POTUS by Russia & being protected by…
- Wed, 23:53: RT @rcooley123: Article: This Labor Day, Remember That Martin Luther King's Last Campaign Was for Workers' Rights | OpEdNews https://t.co/0…
- Wed, 23:53: RT @TheDemocrats: RT if you agree: No matter how many times the GOP tries to bring ACA repeal back from the dead, we'll all be there to fig…
- Wed, 23:53: RT @WesSmith123: Don't worry-your supporters wouldn't know the truth if it slapped 'em in the head & the rest of us can see right thru to t…
- Wed, 23:53: RT @gabe_rottman: I'm sorry, but criticism of the powerful isn't an offense, fireable or not -- it's the job. https://t.co/uCNhmFzch0 via @…
- Wed, 23:53: RT @People4Bernie: Your donors #MedicareForAll https://t.co/WhG7aJCCaM
- Wed, 23:53: RT @KeithOlbermann: Free speech suppressor @sarahhuckabee says CALLING Trump a white supremacist is a "fireable offense." RT or SAY it!http…
- Wed, 23:54: RT @terri_georgia: Rachel Maddow Nails Trump By Laying Out The Scope Of The Russia Cover-Up via @politicususa https://t.co/y3RR2Aje6q
- Wed, 23:54: RT @ProgressOutlook: Steve Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary who's worth $300 million, requested a taxpayer-funded private jet for his Europe…
- Wed, 23:54: RT @mcspocky: Mike Pence: "Allowing Rape Victims To Have Abortions Will Lead To Women Trying To Get Raped" https://t.co/e7zzyGlleA https://…
- Wed, 23:54: RT @NBCNews: Hillary Clinton: "The more professionally successful a woman becomes, the less likable she is." https://t.co/bvnJgr0Te2
- Wed, 23:54: RT @funder: I'm sick & tired of Sarah Sanders attacking American citizens & spreading lies from the podium. It's time for Trump to #FireSar…
- Wed, 23:54: RT @SenSanders: Until we put patients over profits, our health care system will not work for ordinary Americans. #MedicareForAll
- Wed, 23:54: RT @laureldavilacpa: Who here is tired of people having to go into bankruptcy over cancer treatment? #MedicareForAll #ForwardNotBack
- Wed, 23:54: RT @Shareblue: Trump White House says criticism of Trump should be a "fireable offense" Yep. https://t.co/LQUiA0fMn0 By @owillis
- Wed, 23:54: RT @SethAbramson: Undisclosed Russia contacts so far: Cohen Flynn Gordon Kushner Manafort Page Papadopoulos Phares POTUS Prince Sater Sess…
- Wed, 23:54: RT @NoHolidayforGOP: And you are right 👇 #PutinsPuppet @realDonaldTrump as you said she @HillaryClinton had "no game" b/c u were elected ai…
- Wed, 23:55: RT @bennydiego: A cartoon is worth a thousand words. https://t.co/7wn3y464oz
- Wed, 23:55: RT @JumpTheRework: Espn shall we review why jemele hill was right ......this.... https://t.co/KzkO2xMsPP
- Wed, 23:55: RT @seacorc: If you like Eric Trump's new hairstyle just ask for the Tiki Torch Special at any barbershop specializing in douchebag haircut…
- Wed, 23:55: RT @DerekCressman: He's, like, really smart https://t.co/w2aViaU1bI
- Wed, 23:55: RT @wikileaks: Here are the 61 Senators who voted to give Trump the power to start new wars without consulting Congress and the 36 who oppo…
- Wed, 23:56: RT @Donkey_Feed: To all the fiscal conservatives out there, this qualifies as WASTE, FRAUD, and ABUSE of power. https://t.co/0IdkEmXFpg
- Wed, 23:56: RT @ABC: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin requested use of a government jet for his European honeymoon. https://t.co/Qj2PrI6gKF https://t.…
- Wed, 23:56: RT @gollum1419_g: We know you as Putin's success and the American system's failure. Hillary won by 3M votes. We will vote again. #Election2…
- Wed, 23:56: RT @BernieSanders: How can the United States stand to be the only major country on earth that doesn’t guarantee health care to all people?…
- Wed, 23:56: RT @People4Bernie: Here's @SenSanders on @CSPAN on Jan 20th, 1988 talking about the need for a national health care system #MedicareForAll…
- Wed, 23:56: RT @WesSmith123: 🤔 Shit's Unravelin' - Trump's in debt to #Russia cuz he's horrible at business. Turns out he & his Crime Family are horrib…
- Wed, 23:56: RT @laureldavilacpa: .@HillaryClinton I want you to know how proud I am of you for fighting so hard for universal healthcare when you were…
- Wed, 23:56: RT @MAHAMOSA: Healthcare for All is rooted in the Constitution, namely the Preamble's clause "to protect the general Welfare." #Medicare4Al…
- Wed, 23:56: RT @CACleanMoney: Thanks @KevinMcCartyCA for coauthoring #AB249 CA #DISCLOSEAct! #CALeg Assembly must #PassAB249 like Senate just did to s…
- Wed, 23:57: RT @JacloPac: Mr. @realDonaldTrump, there you have it. Mr. Hanks has said it all! #GOP https://t.co/jE2AhR602R
- Wed, 23:57: RT @MoveToAmend: Sign the petition to end the oligarchy! https://t.co/Yw5paDZkgX #GetMoneyOut #EndCorporatePersonhood #LegalizeDemocracy ht…
- Wed, 23:57: RT @ChelseaFC: A 👀 at our next three fixtures... https://t.co/qsDTntiopT
- Wed, 23:57: RT @politicususa: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Smears Obama While Telling An Unbelievable Lie About Trump via @politicususa https://t.co/sxhDMhFy…
- Wed, 23:57: RT @SocialPowerOne1: Unshackled Hillary Clinton Calls Donald Trump ‘Immature’ And ‘Unqualified’ To Be President https://t.co/0qkQtPGCPC
- Wed, 23:57: RT @CanProveIt: By Occupy Democrats on fb. https://t.co/GZRMKUSEi9
- Wed, 23:57: RT @Marc_Perrone: "None of us got where we are solely pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. ...somebody bent down & helped us pick up o…
- Wed, 23:57: RT @CFL: #CFL Emojis have landed! 🙌🙌 #GreyCup #BCLions #OneEmpire #GoStampsGo #RiderPride #ForTheW #HamiltonProud #ArgosFootball #RNation…
- Wed, 23:58: RT @howaboutafresca: The fact Jemele Hill tweeted out what she did shows you how confident and secure she was that there wouldn't be ramifi…
- Wed, 23:58: RT @mcspocky: Sir, the people of earth want you to leave! @realDonaldtRump #Resist #TheResistance #Indivisible #p2 #ctl #UniteBlue #GeeksR…
- Wed, 23:58: RT @NBCOlympics: It’s official: LA gets 2028 Olympics, Paris gets 2024: https://t.co/fxrvKOqmLk #LA2028 #FollowTheSun https://t.co/Au48mHk…
- Wed, 23:58: RT @unions4workers: Just some of the differences UNIONS make. #1u https://t.co/vRXFgliQVt
- Wed, 23:58: RT @UnKochCampus: Bozeman lawyer Jim Goetz nails it! #Koch method of buying favors at universities like @MontanaState: https://t.co/ahUL…
- Wed, 23:58: RT @TheDailyEdge: Want to know why Donald Trump's ratings suck? Because he's a criminal traitor who refuses to denounce Nazis. https://t.co…
- Wed, 23:58: RT @YesCalifornia: Like Catalonia isn't asking Madrid for permission, we're not going to ask Washington for freedom. Unilateral Declaration…
- Wed, 23:59: RT @BernieSanders: I've been criticized for saying this, so let me repeat it: Yes, health care is a right of all people.
- Wed, 23:59: RT @LiberalMmama: 1st- Jemele Hill was COMPLETELY correct 2nd-Sarah Huckabee Sanders lis COMPLETELY full if shit #JemeleWasRight #TrumpIsAW…
- Wed, 23:59: RT @GoodJobsNation: #DREAMers like Ana deserve our protection. Help us defend them by signing our petition: https://t.co/xmKrOCWYmM #Defend…
- Wed, 23:59: RT @SenSanders: What would it mean for your family to have #MedicareForAll?
- Wed, 23:59: RT @NoGOPNo: https://t.co/1fqTuTlkjw
- Thu, 00:00: RT @AnnetteMardis48: If Trump does #FireSarah, he'll just replace her with another sycophantic liar. #Resistance https://t.co/elrRPgxLL6
- Thu, 00:00: RT @funder: At the very least, @JemeleHill deserves a raise for calling Trump a white supremacist. #FireSarah cc: @ESPN
- Thu, 00:00: RT @guardian: Treasury chief Steven Mnuchin asked for a government jet for his honeymoon https://t.co/XzBWuxUidD
- Thu, 00:00: RT @CocaCola: Pineapple? Pepperoni? No matter how you slice it, 🍕 tastes better with a coke. #ServeWithACoke https://t.co/CfnmMsSJgN
- Thu, 10:56: I'm earning points with #CricketRewards https://t.co/D2s01HZNmW