- Thu, 17:32: I'm earning #mPOINTS in The Weather Channel. http://t.co/65PWSnCznX
- Thu, 17:35: I'm earning #mPOINTS in http://t.co/6DgqVGH7ft for Android. http://t.co/RuZ2AZ3Cfa @dictionarycom
- Thu, 17:42: RT @drumbeats4peace: No justice every night in America. #SandraBland doesn't signal a lane change. Now dead. Whites, imagine it's you. htt…
- Thu, 17:42: RT @VoteOutGOPn2016: 4Marines shot in TN, #SandraBland mysteriously ends up dead in TX after traffic Violation, Dumbasses fly flag in OK h…
- Thu, 17:43: RT @TheDailyEdge: Smith was elected as Republican chief of Waller County Sheriff's Office less than year after his firing #SandraBland http…
- Thu, 17:43: RT @Bipartisanism: It is beyond disturbing that black people actually have to say this. #SandraBland http://t.co/T21ffQ5pPB
- Thu, 17:43: RT @OccupyWallStNYC: Texas sheriff involved in the death of #SandraBland fired from previous post for racism http://t.co/PghLYGSuM3 http://…
- Thu, 17:45: RT @georgebkk: Crying refugee girl puts German chancellor Merkel on the spot http://t.co/Sml4TZEAfq
- Thu, 17:45: RT @crooksandliars: Chattanooga Gunman Was UCT Graduate, DUI Arrest In April http://t.co/7g2iwkUv8O
- Thu, 17:45: RT @keelyjord: No, Planned Parenthood Is NOT Selling Fetus Organs On The Black Market http://t.co/bH7TxMSEf1
- Thu, 17:45: RT @Love_Sacramento: Sacramento and West Sacramento partner on arts-based community development opportunity http://t.co/d9FRilH6E3 … http:/…
- Thu, 17:45: RT @mcspocky: #GOP lies about supporting our troops! #UniteBlue #Veterans #LibCrib #TopProg #p2 http://t.co/YjT6PNnxF3
- Thu, 17:46: RT @ClimateChangRR: Hillary Clinton Calls For Banning Fracking On Public Lands, With Some Conditions http://t.co/ghhzECoUEl http://t.co/cxK…
- Thu, 17:46: RT @Bipartisanism: #DylannRoof murders nine people and gets taken to Burger King. #SandraBland forgets her turn signal and is dead. 🇺🇸 http…
- Thu, 17:46: RT @LiberalMmama: So all 1.5 billion Muslims are guilty but actual white racists are fine after Charleston? RWNJs blow my mind. #UniteBlue …
- Thu, 17:46: RT @Bipartisanism: #DylannRoof murders nine people and gets taken to Burger King. #SandraBland forgets her turn signal and is dead. 🇺🇸 http…
- Thu, 17:46: RT @LiberalPhenom: Why should I block you? Everyone should be allowed to witness your insanity. I am a PROUD liberal and a PROUD Obot. htt…
- Thu, 17:46: RT @HuffingtonPost: Sweatshops remain abundant. Ironically, major brands aren’t the biggest violators http://t.co/QDWCK04HJG http://t.co/qE…
- Thu, 17:46: RT @sacbee_news: Lawmakers revive measures to hike tobacco age, regulate e-cigarettes http://t.co/Wa2yXthC9N
- Thu, 17:46: RT @FreakOutNation: Thanks Obama! http://t.co/1KBGMw4IpB
- Thu, 17:47: RT @bostonpovertyc: #Womensrights disproportionately impact whether they+kids live in poverty #Religion has a direct role in the equation h…
- Thu, 17:47: RT @CorpAction: Agree it's time to end poverty level wages? Retweet this image. #1u #RaiseTheWage #FightFor15 http://t.co/nwoAhxrDVJ
- Thu, 17:47: RT @Politics_PR: Americans Own Nearly Half of the Privately Owned Guns on Earth: http://t.co/EkjCabh8z9 #Chattanooga http://t.co/prH0aMTmPR
- Thu, 17:47: RT @FOX40: Stockton Police Chief Reflects on 1 Year Anniversary of Deadly Bank�Robbery http://t.co/fkaCKQJttB
- Thu, 17:48: RT @LiberalWarriors: Alberta pipeline leak spills 5 million litres http://t.co/jpEJYoCaWL
- Thu, 17:48: RT @EndNRA: Jimmy Carter: Confederate Flag's Symbolism Is Like A 'Cancer' In People's Minds http://t.co/uHWf7xaxBj #UniteBlue #GunSense #E…
- Thu, 17:48: RT @HuffingtonPost: When Disneyland opened 60 years ago, entry was $1 http://t.co/BkMeFpeSa9 http://t.co/THxGUfgfnJ
- Thu, 17:48: RT @CBSNews: One year after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 downed in Ukraine, families still wait for answers http://t.co/Kpa49y98eU http://t.…
- Thu, 17:48: RT @rcooley123: Stop Pushing Austerity - http://t.co/iMYijK2qp4
- Thu, 17:48: RT @NFL: With @GamecockFB: 22 career TD With @49ers: Special teamer? This rookie RB just wants to play http://t.co/jj2WuDqfRo http://t.co/…
- Thu, 17:49: RT @PoliceMiscondct: #PINAC: Texas Sheriff Tried Confiscating Camera During Violent Arrest of Sandra Bland, 48 Hours Later She Died http://…
- Thu, 17:49: RT @sacbee_news: Old Greyhound depot, other blighted downtown sites may get makeovers http://t.co/Q802f4bCON
- Thu, 17:49: RT @Cheezburger: Watch this brave firefighter take on an armed robber and OWN him. http://t.co/W1RLNyqJs2 http://t.co/YELZdnlrWE
- Thu, 17:49: RT @voteunion: Contributed Tweets for @voteunion are delivered by @RoundTeam https://t.co/brGsJuGD9u
- Thu, 17:49: RT @AFSCME: #NN15, if you're talking economy & not talking unions, you're doing it wrong - 7/17, 9am: http://t.co/VDNSyK5soI #1u http://t.c…
- Thu, 17:49: RT @AFSCME: Walker Begins His 2016 Run https://t.co/yhLdZBm8YO - learn more at http://t.co/xr3Q3TfWsb #1u #WIunion http://t.co/Y6Lj73BVzH
- Thu, 17:50: RT @HlLLARY: Today in New Hampshire, Hillary had to set the record straight with one guest who asked a question. http://t.co/TZo8ME683Z
- Thu, 17:50: RT @Global_Montreal: WATCH: German chancellor #AngelaMerkel comments on asylum bring refugee girl to tears http://t.co/7Iibmuxzna http://t.…
- Thu, 17:50: RT @CBSSacramento: NAACP threatens boycott over Kevin Johnson Sacramento News & Review cover http://t.co/MEn8DZl62i
- Thu, 17:50: RT @ZaibatsuNews: Ask yourself why? @WG_Burton http://t.co/TCNPnsepnF
- Thu, 17:51: RT @MotherJones: Meet the comic book king running Bernie Sanders' campaign http://t.co/449tXNVOro http://t.co/1lzNXjVNd3
- Thu, 17:51: RT @japantimes: Jury finds Aurora cinema massacre gunman guilty of multiple counts of first-degree murder http://t.co/FKlqzkCLa4 http://t.…
- Thu, 17:51: RT @democracynow: As protests erupt following Greek Parliament's approval of austerity, we go to Greece for an update from @TebeoTeo http:/…
- Thu, 17:51: RT @MattyIceAZ: Lets be honest, every single Democrat will be watching the GOP debates on August 6th just to see @realDonaldTrump rip every…
- Thu, 17:51: RT @TPM: Rick Perry: "Trump-ism" involves "a toxic mix of demagoguery and nonsense" http://t.co/6x2R5WYZqU http://t.co/blUKQJCJy8
- Thu, 17:51: RT @BernieSanders: No single financial institution should be so large that its failure would cause catastrophic risk to millions of America…
- Thu, 17:51: RT @rcooley123: These Loans ‘Should Most Definitely Be Illegal’ - http://t.co/86FL9eLnvO
- Thu, 17:52: RT @LiberalWarriors: Nexen pipeline spills 5 million litres of emulsion near Fort McMurray http://t.co/JBXiC10ZER
- Thu, 17:53: RT @dwnews: The perils of being a penguin in the modern age http://t.co/gMVtQG1Kjp http://t.co/HW6xuRm0B9
- Thu, 17:53: RT @mmfa: Bill O'Reilly links ISIS tweet to Chattanooga shooting even as he admits it may not be true: http://t.co/TqxWy7Uf3h (It's not)
- Thu, 17:54: RT @NoHolidayforGOP: The #GOPProblemWithLatinos goes #MuchDeeper than #DonaldTrump'sRhetoric #TNTweeters AINF http://t.co/GWNhAq07g2 http:/…
- Thu, 17:54: RT @MamaTree79: Join me in urging @LorettaLynch to investigate and prosecute Waller PD and @TxDPS #JusticeForSandy http://t.co/TL9mCleuAW #…
- Thu, 17:54: RT @bostonpovertyc: Rhiannon Giddens' Stunning Charleston Response http://t.co/r0zq5GpjE9 via @nprmusic
- Thu, 17:55: RT @japantimes: Several dead in apparent Boko Haram blasts at Nigeria market http://t.co/GsPnyC95rG
- Thu, 17:55: RT @rcooley123: Smashing the Austerity Idols - http://t.co/90aBcbFqHs
- Thu, 17:55: RT @CuestionMarque: People will always lie, cheat & steal. Govt is charged w/curbing that natural human tendency. Woe be to the society wit…
- Thu, 17:55: RT @CBSNLive: NOW: "This is a tragic day for our city," Chattanooga Mayor @AndyBerke says: http://t.co/zMhgZtleGk http://t.co/a8IK9Rm5fS
- Thu, 17:56: RT @MartinOMalley: Full house in Ottumwa, IA ready to talk immigration & new leadership! #OMalley2016 http://t.co/6mPgChAS8w
- Thu, 17:56: RT @ResistGOP: Climate Science Denial Group CFACT Praises Australia's War on Renewables http://t.co/PoMJcsKc92
- Thu, 17:56: RT @GoodbyeKoch: Climate Science Denial Group CFACT Praises Australia's War on Renewables http://t.co/WbkmUg8zO4
- Thu, 17:56: RT @ResistGOP: Chattanooga Gunman Was UCT Graduate, DUI Arrest In April http://t.co/TDsNO7uf2v
- Thu, 17:56: RT @GoodbyeKoch: Chattanooga Gunman Was UCT Graduate, DUI Arrest In April http://t.co/FMM5jj1SS8
- Thu, 17:57: RT @CuestionMarque: We know GOP "projects" their manyFlaws onto others. When they say WeThePeople are lazy & live on welfare, who are they …
- Thu, 17:57: RT @politicususa: Online Petition Targets Websites Promoting Trump’s Hotels http://t.co/ZxPJCBoRRL via @politicususa #p2 #p2b #ctl
- Thu, 17:57: RT @msnbc: Pres. Obama: Getting a teenager a job for the summer costs a fraction of what it costs to lock him up for 15 years: http://t.co/…
- Thu, 17:58: RT @GuardianUS: Bernie Sanders criticizes Clinton's policy stances – but don't call them enemies http://t.co/PEPOaVGtup
- Thu, 17:58: RT @LiberalMmama: Good grief, RWNJs/tcot are as gullible as they are bat shit crazy! #PlannedParenthood #UniteBlue http://t.co/jotvDf0pgY
- Thu, 17:58: RT @BarackObama: "In 1980, there were 500,000 people behind bars in America ... Today, there are 2.2 million." —President Obama
- Thu, 17:58: RT @thinkprogress: NYPD union boss calls settlement for Eric Garner’s death "obscene" http://t.co/p079LTZOkB
- Thu, 17:58: RT @SkyNews: GUARDIAN FRONT PAGE: 'Tories launch biggest crackdown on trade unions for 30 years' #skypapers http://t.co/UnrBK9mqEq
- Thu, 17:58: RT @Team_LIBer8: GOOGLE WHITE PEOPLE RIOTING, thugs #FreddieGray #PoliceState #WhiteSupremacy #PlannedParenthood #Evil=#GOP=#Liars http://…
- Thu, 17:58: RT @LiberalsAreCool: Photo: Ronald Reagan sold weapons to Iran. Dick Cheney as Halliburton CEO did illegal business with Iran.... http://t.…
- Thu, 17:58: RT @msnbc: Pres. Obama: The best time to stop crime is before it starts: http://t.co/D2CP9hP6CY
- Thu, 17:59: RT @Team_LIBer8: Police State Attack Dogs of the 1% #FreddieGray #PoliceState #WhiteSupremacy #PlannedParenthood #Evil=#GOP=#Liars http://…
- Thu, 17:59: RT @Team_LIBer8: Police State Attack Dogs of the 1% #TBT But not. #BaltimoreRiots #PlannedParenthood #Evil=#GOP=#Liars http://t.co/IDu8SfAF…
- Thu, 17:59: RT @rcooley123: Modern slavery must be STOPPED – not accommodated to keep Malaysia in #TPP. Tell your reps to take action: http://t.co/UDuA…
- Thu, 17:59: RT @Team_LIBer8: More concerned about shattered windows than shattered spines? You are problem #PlannedParenthood #Evil=#GOP=#Liars http:/…
- Thu, 17:59: RT @Team_LIBer8: #NYPD Attack Dogs of the Wealthy Master Racists #ICantBreathe #Ferguson #Justice #PlannedParenthood #Evil=#GOP=#Liars http…
- Thu, 17:59: RT @TheDemocrats: Learn more about the historic #IranDeal:�http://t.co/8XSGB3ABM6 http://t.co/6v1CQ2nyus
- Thu, 18:00: RT @Team_LIBer8: Attack Dogs of the Wealthy Master Racists #CantBreathe #Ferguson #Justice #NYPD #PlannedParenthood #Evil=#GOP=#Liars http…
- Thu, 18:00: RT @SFGiants: Your #SFGiants are definitely well-represented in Cincinnati! #ASG http://t.co/iOhLJp4I2g
- Thu, 18:00: RT @jwjnational: A story of unionbusting, as told by #OITNB via @ESMiller59 #1u http://t.co/EoVQsFPnNu http://t.co/mZnkFsdnLq
- Thu, 18:00: RT @splcenter: "Mass incarceration makes our country worse off, and we need to do something out it,"—@POTUS #cjreform #smartjustice
- Thu, 18:01: RT @Demos_Org: The hyper-rich gave over 40% of campaign contributions in 2012. http://t.co/7Wp8dGOUoj http://t.co/3jjAgud7nR
- Thu, 18:01: RT @AFSCME: #NN15, if you're talking economy & not talking unions, you're doing it wrong - 7/17, 9am: http://t.co/VDNSyK5soI #1u http://t.c…
- Thu, 18:01: RT @ACLU: .@POTUS: Criminal justice reform is a bipartisan issue http://t.co/NEM8gQdFWB #cjreform #smartjustice
- Thu, 18:01: RT @GuardianUS: Obama: 1 million fathers are behind bars. What is that doing to our communities? #NAACP106 http://t.co/BJNnHW7TPH http://t.…
- Thu, 18:01: RT @SayNoToGOP: Media Refs Should Call Foul on Bogus Arguments Against Iran Deal - http://t.co/Ub9x8AQcgZ
- Thu, 18:01: RT @crooksandliars: Just One Of Them Miracle Things http://t.co/ZWGz9KTiIO
- Thu, 18:02: RT @civilrightsorg: "Mass incarceration makes our country worse off, and we need to do something out it," says @POTUS at #NAACP106
- Thu, 18:02: RT @AssemblyDems: AB 35 by @DavidChiu & @toniatkins just got enough votes to clear the Senate Transportation & Housing Committee.
- Thu, 18:02: RT @AssemblyDems: AB 35 increases low-income housing tax credit by $300 million and will leverage much more federal & private $ to create a…
- Thu, 18:02: RT @SayNoToGOP: Education: The Next Corporate Frontier - http://t.co/9xeZu1QcCp
- Thu, 18:02: RT @texyellowdogdem: The Surge Is Real >>> Second National Poll Puts Trump Atop The GOP Field http://t.co/dW5l0anTJn
- Thu, 18:02: RT @SayNoToGOP: Black Children Almost 4 Times More Likely to Grow Up Poor Than Whites - http://t.co/cbdLdfUNtq