- Thu, 17:12: I'm earning #mPOINTS in http://t.co/6DgqVGYInx for Android. http://t.co/aFhEu7ha91 @dictionarycom
- Thu, 22:26: RT @GoodbyeKoch: The National Bloggers Club was funded by @FosterFreiss, and even #TeamRomney was connected to the unapproved 501c. http://…
- Thu, 22:26: RT @mcspocky: Deport 12 Million Republicans #p2 #UniteBlue #LibCrib #TopProg #PoliticsNation #GOP #TNTweeters http://t.co/F8tKDJ2TtE
- Thu, 22:27: RT @mcspocky: Impact of the President's actions on #immigration #TNTweeters #p2 #UniteBlue #LibCrib #TopProg #PoliticsNation http://t.co/iE…
- Thu, 22:27: RT @ReutersUS: U.S. corporations winning fight over human rights lawsuits http://t.co/C515qi2CPZ
- Thu, 22:27: RT @TPM: Senate staffer tries to remove reference to "torture" from Wikipedia. http://t.co/K5jd9zl1w7
- Thu, 22:28: RT @MassDeception1: http://t.co/wcRSanHLNK
- Thu, 22:28: RT @mcspocky: How ‘Extreme Racist’ Ronald #Reagan Re-Enslaved Blacks http://t.co/SY1zAtCJKG #p2 #UniteBlue #LibCrib #PoliticsNation http://…
- Thu, 22:28: RT @ReutersUS: U.S. corporations winning fight over human rights lawsuits http://t.co/28ZNOyYSGQ
- Thu, 22:28: RT @japantimes: Powerful storm knocks out power, disrupts flights in California http://t.co/zX7dU10j9B
- Thu, 22:29: RT @BlueNationRev: The Supreme Court Says Unanimously Your Boss Can Make You Work For Free #BNRNews #UniteBlue #1u @gardengn0me http://t.co…
- Thu, 22:29: RT @MassDeception1: http://t.co/pPAYejNsGv
- Thu, 22:30: RT @GoodbyeKoch: Progressive Turncoats: "Pro-#Labor" Politician from East #LA Fronts For #Koch Brothers, Wall Street & Wal-Mart … http://t.…
- Thu, 22:30: RT @NoGOPNo: I'd bet most Americans don't even realize this bill to fund the government handed the banks the ability to crash the economy a…
- Thu, 22:30: RT @rcooley123: Economic Inequality Needs to Be Alleviated http://t.co/hxiwmScBWA
- Thu, 22:30: RT @milesjreed: http://t.co/t0EJ01Sl7A
- Thu, 22:31: RT @milesjreed: http://t.co/4UIxJ5WH22
- Thu, 22:31: RT @milesjreed: http://t.co/IIkp1WoMgn
- Thu, 22:31: RT @japantimes: "Catastrophic" Bangladesh oil spill threatens rare dolphins http://t.co/lhu5uRR8W0
- Thu, 22:31: RT @milesjreed: http://t.co/wAGpbZKsEG
- Thu, 22:31: RT @milesjreed: http://t.co/OLQHcebvpe
- Thu, 22:32: RT @ABC: Convicted sex offender wins $3,000,000 lottery jackpot in Florida: http://t.co/B0aDjMzNOJ
- Thu, 22:32: RT @GOPMeme: #MemeGOP #UniteBlue Thanks to Joe Heller http://t.co/0NlqEv923L
- Thu, 22:32: RT @CBSNews: Two years after the Sandy Hook school shooting, some mental health problems are just surfacing http://t.co/sJCQaItTM6 http://t…
- Thu, 22:32: RT @rcooley123: What Do Conservatives Seek to Preserve? http://t.co/zxvgTo3UW8 | Oligarchy
- Thu, 22:33: RT @ABSCBNNews: Sony chief apologizes for 'insensitive' emails about Obama http://t.co/FztIxYLeZC
- Thu, 22:34: RT @GoodbyeKoch: How the #Koch Brothers Organized the Federal #shutdown http://t.co/wIxYcbOa13
- Thu, 22:35: RT @ToConservatives: U.S. Politics Explained #TweetTruth #GOPKochAddicts #CitizensUnited #UniteBlue http://t.co/MSJLVmlasQ
- Thu, 22:36: RT @EndNRA: 'She was in a trap': Woman slain in triple homicide tried to escape domestic a http://t.co/sqChGo7dfP #UniteBlue #GunSense #E…
- Thu, 22:36: RT @LiberalsAreCool: "Conservatives justify the disproportionate targeting of blacks because of higher per-capita crime..." http://t.co/X2B…
- Thu, 22:37: RT @cecimor339: GOP's should learn to use their brains before using their mouths!
- Thu, 22:37: RT @rcooley123: TPP Trade Talks Resume With Almost No Media Coverage Of Protests | Crooks and Liars http://t.co/TfCNom8Ile
- Thu, 22:37: RT @EndNRA: Black Officers Torn Between Duty And Race http://t.co/bfRtqwxbYJ #UniteBlue #GunSense #ENDTHENRA
- Thu, 22:37: RT @CSNAuthentic: #Lakers must tank more aggressively to teach Kobe lesson -- The Miserablist (via @RattoCSN) http://t.co/Oen8ba7spX
- Thu, 22:38: RT @Watchdogsniffer: Rewind 2013: Jack Lew had major role at Citigroup when it nearly imploded - The Washington Post http://t.co/eUUT0XxVvi
- Thu, 22:38: RT @Watchdogsniffer: Citigroup Wrote the Wall Street Giveaway Congress Just Snuck Into a Must-Pass Spending Bill | Mother Jones http://t.co…
- Thu, 22:39: RT @GoodbyeKoch: #ALEC: The billionaires bankrolling the tea party http://t.co/7ifpB59Cpg These are the people that would restore us to s…
- Thu, 22:40: RT @HereWeRide: How will the proposed @SacDWNTWNPlaza Tower @CrownDowntown in the future? We have the pictures to break it all down. http:/…
- Thu, 22:40: RT @TheDailyEdge: People used to believe a heart transplant made someone nicer. We don't anymore. #MillenialHistory @midnight http://t.co/…
- Thu, 22:40: RT @msnbc: Ferguson protesters win injunction to stop cops from using tear gas: http://t.co/YXA6hYNv4c (Scott Olson/Getty) http://t.co/5Owh…
- Thu, 22:41: RT @HereWeRide: We are excited to promote public transit to .@DowntownSac while making a pledge to .@CrownDowntown. #Voices4Transit http://…
- Thu, 22:41: RT @TheDailyEdge: Black, Hispanic & Asian Pacific American Congressional staffers walk out to protest #MikeBrown & #EricGarner verdicts htt…
- Thu, 22:41: RT @NoGOPNo: Sent my boyfriend, Ted Cruz, out to pick me some flowers. They make the whole house smell lovely! @GetWisdomDude http://t.co/…
- Thu, 22:42: RT @howaboutafresca: Cardinals reality: 1) Bruce Arians is the runaway Coach of the Year. 2) If Drew Stanton is hurt, tonight is their last…
- Thu, 22:43: RT @CF_America: �En nuestra casa Vamos #JuntosPorLa12! #DaleAm�rica http://t.co/6dKqFiFjeN
- Thu, 22:43: RT @STcom: Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala intends to return to #Pakistan next year http://t.co/kv06hKoGxx http://t.co/7oR82KWev4
- Thu, 22:44: RT @mcspocky: Right Wing Voter Suppression Laws #p2 #UniteBlue #LibCrib #TopProg #PoliticsNation http://t.co/BYG7Q9Sm3U
- Thu, 22:44: RT @laughingliberal: ACT NOW: Stand with Nigeria and stop water privatization in Lagos now: http://t.co/oPu0dj8S8k via @StopCorpAbuse
- Thu, 22:46: RT @NoGOPNo: Remember your 401K going away? Remember that we fixed it so the banks couldn't crash the economy again? As of tonight its UN …