- Fri, 12:51: RT @Progress2day: #ScottWalker Campaign Releases Shocking Ad Featuring Rebecca Kleefisch http://t.co/bn7UOKbItr #wiunion #wiright #rightwi …
- Fri, 12:51: RT @thinkprogress: Lobbyist Richard Berman to oil and gas executives: Treat PR campaigns as an ‘endless war’ http://t.co/jyBwZuIZfB http://…
- Fri, 12:51: RT @dccc: On November 4th, help Stop Doug Ose. Confirm where you're voting: http://t.co/0jIy3VqoAw http://t.co/8ndpSsvXr7
- Fri, 12:52: RT @RWwatchMA: Will Baker keep college affordable? He said YES last Tuesday. He said this last month: http://t.co/R9G2iuA9Cn #mapoli #magov
- Fri, 12:52: RT @stophighercosts: SF Chronicle: Nancy Pelosi Makes the Case Against Prop 45. Learn more --> http://t.co/RbQ5QnQ9tY http://t.co/2kocIf7e3D
- Fri, 12:53: RT @ESPN1320: RT @hunterpence: Best fans in the world! http://t.co/cISEugwbuu
- Fri, 12:53: RT @GoodbyeKoch: Rep. Debbie Lesko, #Arizona #ALEC chair, tried to pass a law for women to get birth control approved by their boss. http:/…
- Fri, 12:53: RT @AFLCIO: Don’t let Creepy CEOs take over because you forgot to vote. Make a plan. http://t.co/HBo9yKXyfr #1uVote #Halloween http://t.co…
- Fri, 12:54: RT @EqualityRising_: After conservative freakout, #DitchMitch McConnell says he will fast-track #Obamacare repeal http://t.co/pQN2XR2gOU ht…
- Fri, 12:54: RT @GoLeftYoungMan: Hey #TCOT, the gridlock caused by the #GOP is like a bad case of constipation with no relief in sight. And it costs tax…
- Fri, 12:55: RT @LeftAction: Holy ****, Mitch McConnell has just confirmed that if the GOP wins the Senate, he will "fast-track" repeal of... http://t.c…
- Fri, 12:55: RT @thinkprogress: Here’s how oil industry members reacted when told to use ‘fear & anger’ to win fracking fight http://t.co/VJornTFHaf htt…
- Fri, 12:55: RT @LOLGOP: Low gas prices. An obvious Obama conspiracy to make you think gas prices aren't high.
- Fri, 12:55: RT @rcooley123: Will This Election Be a Referendum on Privatization ? | http://t.co/DAKy6JPPPF
- Fri, 12:55: RT @CA_Dem: Make your Election Day plan. Visit http://t.co/dDwXXGFy01 to find your polling place and personalized endorsements. http://t.co…
- Fri, 12:55: RT @RockTheVote: AWESOME video from Students at ShawU sharing why they plan to #TURNOUTFORWHAT Get out there and vote! http://t.co/JG4DQD9Z…
- Fri, 12:55: RT @AFSCME: Mitch McConnell digs a hole on Social Security, falls in http://t.co/sV9uW4hwb4 #1u #DitchMitch
- Fri, 12:55: RT @LOLGOP: "YOU NEED AN ID TO BUY SUDAFED OR TO APPLY FOR A JOB. EVER HEARD OF A JOB, PEEWEE? #TCOT" - Me teaching tricker treaters about…
- Fri, 12:56: RT @RepublicanSwine: How An Ayn Rand-Loving CEO Tanked Sears http://t.co/b3IUirrchB by @SusieMadrak ///<= Great post here ... & sadly.. all…
- Fri, 12:56: RT @LeftAction: Holy ****, Mitch McConnell has just confirmed that if the GOP wins the Senate, he will "fast-track" repeal of... http://t.c…
- Fri, 12:56: RT @ForRespect: We love green!! RT @ufcw_joeirving: A sea of green is sweeping the nation. Over 2000 stores! @ufcw401 @forrespect http://t.…
- Fri, 12:57: RT @MassDeception1: http://t.co/M5ngaPe1OC
- Fri, 12:57: RT @NinersNation: Tony Romo is questionable. Leaning more and more toward taking the Cardinals with a #SuperContest pic @OddsShark
- Fri, 12:57: RT @PopResistance: Why should Quebec suffer water & climate risks rest of Canada & US refuse to accept? #Pipeline http://t.co/tTwcAPqKhK ht…
- Fri, 12:58: RT @LiberalEffects: The War Is Not Meant To Be Won ~ George Orwell, 1984 http://t.co/3QmxdS3kTf
- Fri, 12:58: RT @StampStampede: A Dozen #Wisconsin Communities Challenge Corporate Personhood With Vote to Overturn #CitizensUnited: http://t.co/WgiQl0R…
- Fri, 12:58: RT @FOX40: Congratulations, Giants! Watch the victory parade now on FOX40 and http://t.co/w07lEreHmc #SFGParade http://t.co/UYSsTJhQfb
- Fri, 12:58: RT @TheUnionEdge: Let's get excited about this election!! #midterm #vote #vote
- Fri, 12:59: RT @civilrightsorg: Changes to voting laws may complicate key races this year: http://t.co/HSrfB8iRUr via @USATMoore
- Fri, 12:59: RT @AFLCIO: Voting is easy! Double check your polling place. Text POLL to 235246. #1uvote https://t.co/viTAQ2vs9E via @vine
- Fri, 12:59: RT @theGOPstoppers: If you are veteran in Texas and you try to use your government VA ID to vote, you will be told you do not have... http:…
- Fri, 12:59: RT @MLB: Multiple Pandas in attendance. #SFGTrilogy http://t.co/Z8R8zDBbAa
- Fri, 12:59: RT @AFSCME: Mitch McConnell’s sick new low: New mailers expose his shameless voter suppression tactics http://t.co/JYB2SWWmsb #1u #DitchMit…
- Fri, 12:59: RT @Metallica: #SFGiants #SFGParade http://t.co/dex638aL6T
- Fri, 12:59: RT @mccoveychron: ! http://t.co/xLEURMAvvK
- Fri, 12:59: RT @mccoveychron: http://t.co/TsovgiEwae
- Fri, 13:00: RT @mccoveychron: https://t.co/fjXuaeTJYH
- Fri, 13:00: RT @thinkprogress: Why America elects so few women compared to the rest of the world http://t.co/imCIP1bOrv http://t.co/sAxi1p1JC8
- Fri, 13:00: RT @bluerootswin: Vote & #StopTheGOP or we'll never see #immigration reform. Bring a friend with you! #TNTweeters #racism #latism http://…
- Fri, 13:00: RT @AFLCIO: Today is the last day of early voting in #Texas! Listen for #VoterID info & call 866-OURVOTE if you have questions http://t.co/…
- Fri, 13:00: RT @RockTheVote: RT @9to5Atlanta: @RocktheVote concert this Mon at 8! Feat@ YoungThug and @RichHomieQuan! #TurnOutForWhat @RockTheVote http…
- Fri, 13:00: RT @bluerootswin: Pres Obama stood for us—it's time we stand for him #SaveTheSenate #KeepCalmVoteDem #UniteBlue #TNTweeters #1u #p2 http:/…
- Fri, 13:00: RT @GoodbyeKoch: Our Global Warming Noose Is Cinched Tight With #Koch Brothers' Money http://t.co/jKzjkbyUmf
- Fri, 13:00: RT @RockTheVote: RT @CandyStax: I exercised my Right! I voted! Please get out there and VOTE!!! @RockTheVote http://t.co/wnFVN468gu
- Fri, 13:01: RT @MLBONFOX: The @SFGiants are CHAMPIONS AGAIN! #SFGiantsParade (GIF via @FOXADHD) http://t.co/rAeRWyLqeC
- Fri, 13:01: RT @Destroy_ALEC: Corp R breaking campaign spending records http://t.co/Tc7BT5TYAA Richmond, CA, corp $$ is smothering opposition voice htt…
- Fri, 13:01: RT @bluerootswin: #YesWeDid Obama addresses #climate w EPA, #solar jobs 4 #veterans & more! #KeepCalmVoteDem #environment #green #win…/t.c…
- Fri, 13:01: RT @RepublicanSwine: Mitch McConnell Resorts to Lying to Win, Claims ‘Nobody Wants to Privatize Social Security’ http://t.co/QpJ79B5YRA via…
- Fri, 13:01: RT @bluerootswin: #YesWeDid create 568,000 jobs in past 46 months! #1u #fem2 #climate #green #solar #TNTweeters #UniteBlue http://t.co/JeK…
- Fri, 13:01: RT @Destroy_ALEC: Chevron money rains down on Richmond http://t.co/jelcfKWyk5 Chevron funds brazen campaign to buy a city government http:…
- Fri, 13:01: RT @bluerootswin: #Obamacare saved 5.2million people on Medicare $3.1BILLION! #YesWeDid VOTE or lose it! #ACA #UniteBlue #p2 #pdmfnb http…
- Fri, 13:01: RT @bluerootswin: #YesWeDid add tax credit for cost of college! VOTE - or lose it! #UniteBlue #fem2 #BlackTwitter #racism #latism http://…
- Fri, 13:01: RT @LOLGOP: Sleaze Politics, Scott Walker Style https://t.co/KlZdblkY8w http://t.co/hvPrkFtsuj
- Fri, 13:02: RT @rcooley123: Tea Party Assault: How Extreme Candidates Put In Jeopardy All Our Rights | http://t.co/Ul9nSzRHYT
- Fri, 13:02: RT @bluerootswin: #YesWeDid fight to protect women. GOP thinks boss should make decisions. #WarOnWoman #fem2 #UniteBlue #LibCrib http://t…
- Fri, 13:02: RT @GoLeftYoungMan: Hey #TCOT, #GOP Senators blocked a bill that would limit tax breaks for companies that move overseas. How unAmerican is…
- Fri, 13:02: RT @bluerootswin: #YesWeDid—now it's time #YouDO. Don't look back 20 years & #WishYouDid. VOTE! #LGBT #veterans #TNTweeters http://t.co…
- Fri, 13:02: RT @mccoveychron: http://t.co/gOHeM4Wofr
- Fri, 13:02: RT @RightWingWatch: 7 Secretary of State races that could determine the future of voting rights in America http://t.co/F9245WojDu
- Fri, 13:03: RT @dscc: New Poll: Jeanne Shaheen leads Scott Brown 50-42 http://t.co/aEPcaPqXKS #nhsen
- Fri, 13:03: RT @RepublicanSwine: #DemocratHorrorMovies Red State Zombieland
- Fri, 13:03: RT @LOLGOP: "It's Obamacare for candy." - Paul Ryan on his objections to Halloween
- Fri, 13:03: RT @ExposingALEC: Rick Berman Exposed; Hear His Tactics against Environmentalists and Workers Rights http://t.co/AkgQSRO9cE via PR Watch @n…
- Fri, 13:03: RT @RepublicanSwine: #Tcot <= You're a Cult ..
- Fri, 13:03: RT @MLB: Spotted at #SFGParade: @Metallica. http://t.co/rzDE47x7Pq
- Fri, 13:03: RT @RockTheVote: #HappyHalloween everyone! Have fun, be safe, but don't forget to #GOVOTE on Tuesday! http://t.co/zn6bqLpPOj
- Fri, 13:03: RT @FOX40: .@HunterPence is all smiles at the #SFGParade happening now in SF! Watch it live on FOX40 and http://t.co/xaAzcUCdVn http://t.co…
- Fri, 13:03: RT @mccoveychron: http://t.co/xn9eaMNfaw
- Fri, 13:03: RT @MattyIceAZ: Only 35% of people making less than $50k a year support #Obamacare Good thing their guns and religion will save them from …
- Fri, 13:04: RT @RepublicanSwine: #DemocratHorrorMovies GOP House of Horrors
- Fri, 13:04: RT @MLBONFOX: This is awesome. @WWEDanielBryan gave @hunterpence a @WWE championship belt at the @SFGiants #WorldSeries Parade! https://t…
- Fri, 13:04: RT @msnbc: .@JoyAnnReid is voting...Are you? Tweet with #msnbcvote, and you could see your response here: http://t.co/rmcnzrUc1O http://t.c…
- Fri, 13:05: RT @texyellowdogdem: Good news from North Carolina >> 438,043 Democrats have voted early. 302,360 Republicans have voted via WNCN http://t.…
- Fri, 13:05: RT @AFLCIO: Election day will be a breeze. Make a plan to vote! http://t.co/iUf8W4eiWg #1uVote http://t.co/0QkElzgkB8
- Fri, 13:05: RT @CSNAuthentic: GALLERY: #SFGiants' World Series parade down Market Street http://t.co/OCb2XYquyx #MLB #WorldSeries #GiantsTalk http://t.…
- Fri, 13:05: RT @RWwatchMA: Back to the base. Coakley stands with working families. http://t.co/GSI2b9jOUC #magov #mapoli
- Fri, 13:06: RT @SFGiants: 16 years well worth the wait #SFGParade http://t.co/JTj9z961j5
- Fri, 13:06: RT @RockTheVote: DEFINITELY worth a watch! Love this piece from @EliteDaily on the importance of voting http://t.co/J2BmKR0Grd
- Fri, 13:06: RT @MassDeception1: http://t.co/2xoAKZFheo
- Fri, 13:06: RT @AFSCME: Truth Is No Obstacle for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker http://t.co/ZKeJCnPhvm #1u #WIunion http://t.co/wCtpvccbdD
- Fri, 13:06: RT @PopResistance: Her son is locked in a windowless cell 23 hrs a day, exercises alone, and never sees the sun. http://t.co/ZBUxaDmOKr htt…
- Fri, 17:24: I'm earning #mPOINTS Rewards in The Weather Channel. http://t.co/DEeMOrhcgm
- Sat, 00:40: RT @rcooley123: Ernst Lies, Gardner Won't Answer Questions, And Other Tales From Koch-fueled Election | Crooks and Liars http://t.co/EbPkz6…
- Sat, 00:40: RT @japantimes: Boko Haram says kidnapped schoolgirls 'married off' - http://t.co/xVJkQ3Sdac
- Sat, 00:40: RT @EndNRA: Mike Huckabee Cites Canadian Parliament Shooting While Criticizing Obama On Gun Control http://t.co/oMSbN7zWXN
- Sat, 00:41: RT @GoodbyeKoch: They are trying to take away your voice, take away theirs #BoycottKoch, do NOT buy: http://t.co/sAfBypRT93
- Sat, 00:41: RT @rcooley123: Boo! Republicans Have Been In The Halloween Spirit All Election Season — Scaring Voters | ThinkProgress http://t.co/jx4U4fU…
- Sat, 00:41: RT @rcooley123: The bottom 90 percent are poorer today than they were in 1987 - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont http://t.co/wzogn6lbec
- Sat, 00:41: RT @BlueNationRev: #JoniErnst Has Used Up Her 9 Lives #BNRNews @#IAsen #UniteBlue #KeepCalmVoteDem http://t.co/gAYoyETUWL
- Sat, 00:41: RT @JapanToday: Business › Wal-Mart's Japan unit Seiyu to close 30 stores: Wal-Mart says its Japanese unit Seiyu plans to clos... http://t.…
- Sat, 00:42: RT @GoodbyeKoch: Jindal, Legislature Protect Corporations with ALEC Legislation http://t.co/7qu0KvcTXK
- Sat, 00:42: RT @rcooley123: U.S. Headed Toward Becoming Third World Country - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont http://t.co/wWoVmiZTD3
- Sat, 00:42: RT @ABC: 12,000,000+ votes already cast as early voting sweeps across 33 states that offer the option: http://t.co/rEUs9kK7DC http://t.co/M…
- Sat, 00:43: RT @49ers: 12 #49ers players have had their jersey number retired. VIEW gallery: http://t.co/90fDV5GGK0 #49ersAlumniWeek http://t.co/u8Dg…
- Sat, 00:43: RT @GoodbyeKoch: #VoteNo2ALEC Legislators in Oregon http://t.co/CW5hfpcNTv
- Sat, 00:44: RT @Progress2day: TX GOP Candidate to Black Congresswoman’s Constituents: Go ‘Spend Your Food Stamp Money’ Instead of Voting http://t.co/OI…
- Sat, 00:44: RT @YourAnonGlobal: Police are looking for 2 suspects in a hit-and-run that killed 3 girls trick-or-treating in Santa Ana, Calif.: http://t…
- Sat, 00:44: RT @rcooley123: Denmark’s McDonald’s Workers Aren’t Demanding $15 an Hour—Because They’re Already Making $20 -Working In These Times http:/…
- Sat, 00:44: RT @EndNRA: Washington State School Shooter Invited Victims To Lunch, Then Shot Them At Table: Sheriff http://t.co/Av8emRyNqN
- Sat, 00:44: RT @Progress2day: Conservative ‘Christians’ Flip Out Over Pope Francis’ Support Of Evolution http://t.co/qaITUhhIS0 #Jesus #wiunion #twiste…
- Sat, 00:44: RT @rcooley123: Try Waging War on Poverty Instead of the Poor http://t.co/6QY7w8ISrb
- Sat, 00:45: RT @GoodbyeKoch: Charles and David #Koch's money helped Arkansas #Republicans gain legislative majority. http://t.co/tAq568ek4U
- Sat, 00:45: RT @sacbee_news: Kings get first win as Gay starts with hot hand http://t.co/x3NuIwDoFi
- Sat, 00:45: RT @sacbee_news: Giants’ Pablo Sandoval on free agency: ‘Going to go for what my heart tells me’ http://t.co/sR8IlKhpE1
- Sat, 00:45: RT @GMANewsOnline: NBA: Griffin gets 39 as Clippers keep Lakers winless http://t.co/I2zFhuxEbw
- Sat, 00:46: RT @SacramentoKings: View complete gallery from tonight's win over Portland - http://t.co/4xMGsK8HKC #SacramentoProud http://t.co/kn5MeqzHi3
- Sat, 00:46: RT @CBSSacramento: Auburn Family Displaced By Standoff At Home Eager To Move Back�In http://t.co/mSNJJx06KH
- Sat, 00:46: RT @rcooley123: With Election in a Dead Heat, Union-Busting Gov. Scott Walker Attacks the Unemployed - Working In These Times http://t.co/H…
- Sat, 00:46: RT @NoTeahadists: Via @nprnews: WATCH: On Sandy Anniversary, Gov. Chris Christie Faces Off With Heckler http://t.co/t9gQf2KDcK "Heckler" wh…
- Sat, 00:46: RT @Progress2day: Hey Republicans, Hate and Bigotry are not Values, They’re Character Flaws http://t.co/Cfzu6TBNc9 #wiunion #twisters #tcot…
- Sat, 00:46: RT @sactownroyalty: RT “@CarlLandry: Rudy Gay!!!! #GoKingsGo” RUDY!!!!
- Sat, 00:46: RT @AP: VIDEO: "This is a dynasty": Giants fans flood streets of San Francisco for parade honoring World Series champs: http://t.co/reMpY7U…
- Sat, 00:47: RT @NoTeahadists: It's Halloween; and I guess I wont be dressing http://t.co/5Te9on1mp6
- Sat, 00:47: RT @SacramentoKings: The Kings are now 5-0 at home on Halloween! 🎃 #SacramentoProud http://t.co/LkuQpsG7XR
- Sat, 00:47: RT @GMANewsOnline: Third victim of US school shooting dies – hospital http://t.co/7zxfWwNtKu
- Sat, 00:47: RT @kcranews: Video: Storm brings much-needed rain, snow to NorCal http://t.co/aeVwvXi0Op
- Sat, 00:47: RT @rcooley123: Get Partisan Politics Out of the Ebola�Crisis http://t.co/W1HVcPq6ec ||
- Sat, 00:47: RT @Progress2day: Three-Year-Old Boy Shot Dead By Drunk Man While Playing With A Gun http://t.co/a5Wz8ulxzd #wiunion #twisters #tcot #ccot …
- Sat, 00:47: RT @CSNAuthentic: Highlights: Rudy Gay scores 40 to lead #SacKings past #TrailBlazers http://t.co/7Safahen7M #KingsTalk #NBA
- Sat, 00:47: RT @dw_english: 25 years #FallOfTheWall. Dealing with the legacies of dictatorships. The Guilt of Others – Documentary on #DW. Today 22:15…
- Sat, 00:48: RT @CSNAuthentic: VIDEO: Rudy Gay identifies the reason behind #SacKings' win over #TrailBlazers http://t.co/9pxhA92woE #KingsTalk #NBA htt…
- Sat, 00:48: RT @EndNRA: Eric Frein Lookalike Stopped By Cops 20 Times In Search For Killer http://t.co/SpOY0uGo3c
- Sat, 00:48: RT @rcooley123: Will This Election Be a Referendum on Privatization�? http://t.co/R1bskMngUj ||
- Sat, 00:48: RT @RepubDirtyTrick: The Koch Brothers r nervous the peons r catching on that they're buying govt they're running ads on #TheDailyShow http…
- Sat, 00:48: RT @CSNAuthentic: VIDEO: #SacKings' Malone: 'Unbelievable effort for us against very good team' http://t.co/7iYAjoeQcr #KingsTalk #NBA http…
- Sat, 00:48: RT @rcooley123: Tea Party Assault: How Extreme Candidates Put In Jeopardy All Our Rights http://t.co/eOcF1pPfTQ ||
- Sat, 00:49: RT @abcnews: Third victim of US high school shooting in Marysville dies, hospital says http://t.co/nhsH7DF5ze
- Sat, 00:49: RT @japantimes: Split U.S. Senate would mean new role for Biden: tiebreaker - http://t.co/5aw0szPy0y
- Sat, 00:49: RT @GoodbyeKoch: Spread awareness of the massive influence the #Koch brothers purchased by funding the Tea Party: http://t.co/kZiPgZD8X6
- Sat, 00:49: RT @rcooley123: Corporate Tax Avoidance http://t.co/4skeNSWBRJ
- Sat, 00:49: RT @Progress2day: One Courageous Democrat Stands Up and Calls For an Investigation into #ALEC http://t.co/oSVmbuTWZN #wiunion #twisters #up…
- Sat, 00:50: RT @rcooley123: Ernst Lies, Gardner Won't Answer Questions, And Other Tales From Koch-fueled Election | Crooks and Liars http://t.co/EbPkz6…
- Sat, 00:51: RT @rcooley123: Free Speech or Legalized Libel? http://t.co/jPlxXrW6iF
- Sat, 00:55: RT @Team_LIBer8: #MitchMcConnell #KYSen #Alison4KY #Kentucky #TeaParty #GovtShutdown #RedStates #RapePublicans #WarOnWomen #UniteBlue http:…
- Sat, 00:55: RT @JapanToday: Business › Wal-Mart's Japan unit Seiyu to close 30 stores: Wal-Mart says its Japanese unit Seiyu plans to clos... http://t.…
- Sat, 00:55: RT @Team_LIBer8: #MitchMcConnell #KYSen #Alison4KY #Kentucky #TeaParty #GovtShutdown #RedStates #RapePublicans #WarOnWomen #UniteBlue http:…
- Sat, 00:58: RT @Team_LIBer8: #MitchMcConnell #KYSen #Alison4KY #Kentucky #TeaParty #GovtShutdown #RedStates #RapePublicans #WarOnWomen #UniteBlue http:…
- Sat, 11:22: I'm earning #mPOINTS Rewards in http://t.co/6DgqVGH7ft for Android. http://t.co/CHJbYBwCTh @dictionarycom