Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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First trip to Oto's since RT's 9/2012 schedule changes took effect...

Even now,it hasn't completely translated to improved punctuality:The first 25 bus I was on still managed to fall several minutes behind by time it arrived at its light rail station endpoint;and it was enough for me not only to near-miss a light rail transfer(and had to wait 15 minutes for the next Blue Line train),but also near miss a bus transfer upon exiting the next train that I did manage to ride on,which set me back another half hour(the 62 which runs in front of Oto's runs half-hourly on weekdays).Mercifilly,all it did was affect my ability to make side trips,and I still managed to make it home when I intended to.Even when using the 25(going the opposite way)to work the past week and a half,it sometimes falls as much as 5 minutes behind,but not nearly as bad as the occasional 15-20 minute setbacks previously...

BTW,while at Oto's,I did manage to get myself a New Super Mario Bros. stylus/screen cleaner set(for the DS family)in a gashapon.There was an actual gashapon vending machine there at one point,but nowadays such toys/novelties sold inside...

I just barely upgraded the Galaxy S II to Ice Cream Sandwich(Android 4.0),yet rumors are already swirling that Samsung will be releasing an upgrade to Jellybean(4.1)stateside later this fall.Hopefully,if it is true,the LJ app will be compatible with Jellybean instead of crashing like it does on ICS devices.Speaking of app upgrade fail,the recent update to the eBay app was 'recalled' and was downgraded to a prior version,and now it force-closes on me.What a relief for the straight mobile site...

Happy birthday to Hisao Egawa(who turns 50),Susumu Chiba,Yuki Matsuoka(the latter two whom both turn 42),Hiromi Konno(who turns 37),Ai Kayano(who turns 25),and Ayaka Ohhashi(who turns 18 and likely only the beginning of a new wave of seiyuu born in the mid 1990's)...
Tags: cell phones, computing, ebay, japanese snacks, lj, nintendo ds, seiyuu

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