Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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Hopefully,I'm not running out of ideas...

Though this isn't necessarily the last post using Internet Explorer,I'm considering switching to Google Chrome at least for a short time:checking my G-mail is tricky due to the new interface being IE-unfriendly.In fact,lately it's been easier to check mail on my mobile devices than it has been on the comp.Speaking of which,now even Windows Media Player has been malfunction-prone,and the comp often runs slow when only one thing is running at a time.Sooner or later,I may need to have tech-squad experts at either Best Buy or Staples examine this,as hopefully it won't have to come to shelling out several hundred or more for a replacement...

Happy birthday to Mayumi Akado(who turns 47),Akiko Kimura(who turns 41 though some sources may errantly still say 42),and Suzuko Mimori(who turns 26)...
Tags: cell phones, computing, music, seiyuu

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