Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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For all I care,gutter tabloids can disappear completely...

Being regularly subjected to blatantly slanderous headlines about celebrities while doing checkstand work,I'm surprised it took this long for a 'ethical journalistic scandal' to put one of the world's most sensationalistic dailies out of business after a century-and-a-half of publication.I'm surprised that few celebrities even have the guts to go after the likes of the National Enquirer and/or National Examiner,as they aren't any more ethical than News of the World was.I wouldn't miss such weeklies if they went away.As long as Japan doesn't have such equivalents...

While it's nice to see Nadeshiko Japan advance to the semifinal round of Germany 2011,I wonder how Pyeongchang's selection as 2018 Winter Olympics host will affect Tokyo's prospects of landing the 2020 Summer Olympics...

Having reached episode 40 in Gokinjo Monogatari,I wonder if Yuusuke and 'Body-ko' will stay together.At this point,I don't even think Tsutomu and Mikako are even threatened anymore,lapi...

Happy birthday to Yuuko Sumitomo(who turns 43),Miki Nagasawa(who turns 41),Yuuna Inamura(who turns 29),Nana Inoue(who turns 28),and Yuka Iguchi(who turns 28)...
Tags: anime, current events, j-sports, olympics, rl, seiyuu, soccer

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