Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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Last 'Bombcast' post,more likely than not...

In a few days,our Internet service will be switching to the not-as-expensive AT&T DSL.For the past couple years,I've been the only that's even bothered to watch cable to any extent,but it's gotten trickier since Comcast started requiring each TV having its own cable box;and the one TV in the house that's hooked up to a cable box is also hooked up to the Thai satellite TV that my mom craves.Even then,I'm not in a hurry to establish my own Comacst account anytime soon.Maybe if somehow I end up living alone somewhere down the road,but even then,I'm pretty sure digital converter boxes(for receiving DTV stations and subchannels)are still available for sale...

Last week,the 916 got national news notoriety when a homeless psychopath(who tried to check into a mental clinic but was turned down multiple times)literally lit up the area's largest mall;and the scary thing about this is that I may have potentially unknowingly crossed paths with the perpetrator several years back while routinely walking to the bus stop as I live just a slingshot away from the high school where he graduated from in 2005.I've never been in Galleria,mainly because the local transit options are a downgrade even from what RT offers.With one week until Election Day,a potential political scandal may be brewing in the aftermath.Hopefully,the thousands of displaced mall employees won't be out of work for long...

Congratulations to Kouhei Uchimura on winning the men's individual all-around gold medal in the 2010 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships...

Good thing my Giants are back in the Fall Classic,because the football teams aren't doing diddly squat...

Happy birthday to both Hiroko Konishi(who turns 35) and Mayuko Omimura(who either turns 31 or 34,depending on source)...
Tags: amefuto, baseball, computing, current events, j-sports, politics, rl, seiyuu

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