Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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Thank goodness for being an otaku who only votes Democrat...

A New Hampshire Republican recently had a bout of foot-in-mouth disease in which he made comments on anime that were borderline racist.IMHO,it would have definitely been more appalling if a GOP-affiliated California politician made this remark.Good thing I vote only for Democrats on election day when I have such an option.Too bad I live in a California Assembly district where the GOP incumbent ran unopposed last fall...

BTW,now that RT will downsize service options by roughly 20% come June 20,car-free transitarians in the 916 like myself will have to re-learn the schedules nearly 3 months from now.Not nearly as bad as it could have been(at this time a month ago,there was talk of shutting down as early as 7PM weeknights and dumping weekends completely,which would have been the easy way out of their fiscal emergency but would have inconvenienced way too many riders),but the suburbs can't cut it for much longer if I had my way.BTW,the only reason I didn't link directly to official documents on the RT website was the hazard of a 404 once this post gets dated...

All of a sudden,I've suddenly begun the final core chapter of Dragon Quest V...

Happy 29th birthday to Ryouko Shintani...

Don't expect a post by yours truly tomorrow.No joke...

EDIT:The scambot connected with tiffanyforsale(dot)com that spammed every post I made over the last several months has just has his/her LJ operations shut down...
Tags: anime, april fool's day sucks, current events, dragon quest, lj, politics, rl, seiyuu

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