Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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From the Y!Finance boards:One reason why there should never be "guilt by association..."

Just because my company is a corporate sponsor of the team giving Ron Mexico a second chance in the NFL,it doesn't mean it's OK for extremist animal-rights activists to call for en masse boycotts of team sponsors just because of 'guilt by association'.I don't condone any type of animal cruelty,and I still think the 'Sack Vick,the Philadelphia Eagles,and their sponsors' campaign is going way too far.I don't want to see any animal-rights protesters in front of any local Rite Aids anytime soon.On the flip side,at least Poopsi is also an Eagles sponsor...

Happy 50th birthday to Chika Sakamoto...
Tags: amefuto, current events, rl, seiyuu

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