Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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It took a wild-goose chase to a full-sized Borders,but...

I finally managed to find the first domestic volume of Nosatsu Junkie.It has been running in Hana to Yume for years and I'd been wanting to start from the beginning(I also grabbed 2 and 3 while I was there;as well as The Art of Kiki's Delivery Service.)...

Don't know how many episodes Da Capo II will run(episode 3 is subbed already);but in terms of Kappei-ness,it and Futari wa Purikyua Splash Star have been the sure keepers among series actively being fansubbed...

Happy birthday to both Masako Nozawa(who turns 71)and Ayahi Takagaki(who turns 22)...
Tags: anime, manga, rl, splash star

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