Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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Hopefully,I won't get off guard this time...

Supposedly,there's gonna be a permanent account sale next month.Last time it happened 2 years ago,I didn't know until after the fact.Then again,at the time,I was exploratory stages of considering a computer purchase which has already happened obviously...

Some encouraging news from precure:mysteryperson_x's Splash Star translation project is alive and well,and more episodes will be available as soon as his web access permits.Once that happens,I'll begin downloading episodes beyond episode 7...

While there's still time,happy 37th birthday to Satsuki Yukino,one of many seiyuu guests at this year's Animazement...

Speaking of seiyuu appearances at anicons,though Kappei-sama has yet to make one stateside,why am I rather hoping it's solo than with other seiyuu?
Tags: computing, lj, rl, seiyuu, splash star

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