Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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I had to try editing several different pics,but...

I do now have an LJ-sized avatar of Fancy Lala's Tarou Yoshida-sama as tested in this post,coutesy of a pic on this Italian fansite...

Yesterday,I had a scare when logging into a Mail.com-hosted secondary e-mail addy now previously linked to my eBay and PayPal accounts:Once logging in,it loaded an page with a banner ad and few account links.When I clicked "check mail,"I got an error saying that my login session had expired;and it persisted when I tried multiple times,some up to an hour or more apart.Even though the glitch didn't occur today,I still changed the e-mail addy linked to my eBay account and added that same addy to my PayPal account which supplanted the Mail.com addy.Not to mention that McAfee's Site Advisor service warned that credible user feedback from multiple users report a lot of links to spyware download sites.I have 3 different addys hosted by Mail.com(all secondary),but all were hosted by different sites that were swallowed up by Mail.com...

After work today,I wound up getting my first taste of those giga-sized Wally-Marts that incorporate supermarket elements.Not really dizzying,but obviously nothing like the Wal-Marts I've previously been in at least once...

Happy 26th birthday to Millefeuille Natsuki Ikuhara Ryouko Shintani...

Just an advance warning:I will NOT be checking anything online due to the sensitive nature tomorrow,and not because I work haf the day(and night)tomorrow.No joke...
Tags: anime, april fool's day sucks, computing, ebay, fancy lala, lj, rl, seiyuu

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