Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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Whew,no threat of a Torino goose egg arriving at Narita Airport after all,thankfully...

Congratulations to Shizuka Arakawa for getting Japan on the Torino games medal board in a big way,becoming the first woman competing under the flag of an Asian country to win the gold in women's figure skating...

Speaking of Japan,happy birthday to Eclair Ryohko Nagata(who turns 31)and Mai Nakahara(who turns 25);and since it's already tomorrow(the 24th)in Japan,happy 34th birthday to Chisa Shinohara Tomoko Ishimura who seems to change her stage name every few years...

Hopefully,Vault(Coke's third attempt to compete against Mountain Deeewww)will eventually become available in multipacks(6-bottle packs and/or packs of 6,12,and/or 24 cans)...
Tags: anime, coca-cola, fancy lala, j-sports, olympics, seiyuu

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