Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬) (ranma9037) wrote,
Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)

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Mistaken identity or prank call?I'd say hard call...

Tuesday on my wireless phone,I got a "missed call" and a text message from the same caller.I called that number back,the guy who answered denied sending me that text message.Seems a bit fishy(i.e.,a prankster),though it can't quite be proven.Fortunately,no anime or seiyuu-related text messages,yet...

I've also seen a couple KE-433 compatible Hello Kitty faceplates,but have held off so far since I may replace my rather basic(and now-discontinued) K7 Rave with a Vox 8610(the latter which is on special at Sam Goody for the sale price of $79 through at least the next Replay Weekend)...
Tags: anime, cell phones, seiyuu

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